Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Department of Education ,

Assessment Results

This page provides links to the results of Rhode Island's statewide assessments. Below you will find results from past and current assessments and score interpretation materials.

Assessment data and interactive reports can be found on the following sites:


Public Access

An open link to aggregate data dashboard visualizations and downloads that provide an in-depth presentation of assessment results data by school year at the state, district and school levels, including by grade and/or student subgroups for all Rhode Island state assessments.
Download the RIADP User Guide.

Download the ADP Item Analysis Guide


Educator Access Only

Districts, school administrators, and teachers can access student assessment data through the "Student Data Portal" app within the RIDE Portal.

The performance level descriptors provide information on the knowledge and skills students are most likely to know and be able to do at a given achievement or performance level. These can be helpful in developing instructional plans and discussing student performance with families.

ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS

Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessments

Next Generation Science Assessments

PSAT 10 and SAT

Rhode Island Common Assessment System (RICAS)

2023-24 State Assessment Results

2023-24 ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Score Report Interpretation Materials

Use the resources listed below to explain and communicate student scores.

  • ACCESS for ELLs Parent Letters: These parent letters are available in the same 47 languages as the ACCESS Individual Student Report (ISR) and provide general information about the ACCESS assessment and are meant to be provided to parents or guardians alongside the ISR. The letters are available in Word format so they can be customized at the local level with local test administration information and state or district policy.
  • ACCESS for ELLs Interpretive Guide for Score Reports (posted 3.2024) will help you better understand the score reports and discuss those results with families. In addition to providing an overview of the various types of score reports, these documents explain how scores are calculated, and how you can use proficiency level and scale scores to support your students' language growth.
  • The ACCESS for ELLs: Understanding Your Child's Scores flyer, available in 13 languages, helps explain ACCESS scores and the ISR to families. 
  • Find sample score reports and additional information about ACCESS scores on the ACCESS for ELLs Scores and Reports page.
  • The WIDA Alternate ACCESS Interpretive Guide for Score Reports will be released after the WIDA Alternate ACCESS standard setting, which will take place this summer. To learn more about the redesigned Alternate ACCESS, please go to the WIDA Alternate ACCESS Updates webpage.

2023-24 DLM Score Report Interpretation Materials

Parent Interpretive Guide to score reports:

For Educators:

Directions for accessing your district's or school's student score reports can be found beginning in the Educator Portal User Guide. You must have an active account in Kite Educator Portal to be able to download and view student score reports.

Sample Individual Student Score Reports:

Student score reports for the 2024 DLM administration will be available in the Kite Educator Portal in late summer. Use the resources below to understand the student score reports, how scores are calculated, and how to use them to inform instruction.

2023-24 NGSA Score Report Interpretation Materials

Individual Student Score Reports

Sample score reports for the 2024 NGSA administration will be posted below. The reports are printed in English, but the report shells for each grade are available in the languages below:


2023-24 PSAT 10 and SAT School Day Score Report Interpretation Materials

Student Score Reports

Beginning with the 2024 PSAT 10 and SAT reports, there will be one score report instead of two.  These score reports are produced by College Board and:

  • can be used for college and university applications.
  • can be accessed through the College Board Reporting Portal.
  • provides information about student performance on state standards in English language arts and mathematics.
  • includes the achievement levels the student attained.
  • must be distributed to families by the student's school district.

Samples of the new ISRs are in the chart below.


Assessment Results from 2005-06 to 2022-23

All data from the state assessment administrations beginning with 2017-18 are available to the public through the Rhode Island Assessment Data Portal or to educators (for student-level data) through the RIDE Portal. Posted in each tab below are the presentations on the assessment results, student score report interpretation materials, and other materials used in the release of assessment results.

Assessment results prior to the 2017-18 school year are posted by year in tabs below. They are not included in the RIDE Portal or the RI Assessment Data Portal.

2022-23 Rhode Island State Assessment Results

ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Score Report Interpretation Materials

Use the resources listed below to explain and communicate student scores.

DLM Score Report Interpretation Materials

Parent Interpretive Guide to score reports:
For Educators:

Directions for accessing your district's or school's student score reports can be found beginning on page 91 of the Educator Portal User Guide [PDF]. You must have an active account in Kite Educator Portal to be able to download and view student score reports.

Sample Individual Student Score Reports:

Student score reports for the 2023 DLM administration will be available in the Kite Educator Portal. Use the resources below to understand the new student score report, how scores are calculated, and how to use them to inform instruction.

NGSA Score Report Interpretation Materials

Individual Student Score Reports

Sample score reports for the 2023 NGSA administration are available below. The reports are printed in English, but the report shells for each grade are available in the languages below:


PSAT 10 and SAT School Day Score Report Interpretation Materials

There are two types of individual student score reports for the SAT and PSAT 10: those produced by College Board and those produced by RIDE to meet the federal state assessment reporting requirements. The score report examples posted here are created by RIDE and meet federal reporting requirements.

The College Board score report:

  • can be used for college and university applications.
  • can be accessed through the College Board Reporting Portal.
  • does not include the achievement level the student attained.
  • Understanding Scores: This College Board web page contains information on interpreting overall SAT scores and options for next steps in improving skills and sending scores to colleges.

The State Assessment Individual Student Report:

  • provides information about student performance on state standards in English language arts and mathematics.
  • cannot be used for admissions purposes.
  • distributed to families by the student's school district.
  • Samples of the RIDE-produced ISRs are below. Spanish and Portuguese translations will be available soon.

RICAS Score Report Interpretation Materials

Individual Student Report (ISR) Shells

Individual Student Reports (ISRs) are printed in English and sent to districts to distribute to families. Sample ISR shells are also provided below in the following languages:

RICAS Student Report Video Information

In addition to printed copies of the individual student reports for RICAS, videos that families were able to watch that explained their child's RICAS scores were also released. Below are links to a recorded webinar that explained what the videos were and how LEAs could distribute them to families. Sample videos in English and Spanish were also posted.

2021-22 Assessment Release Materials

ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Assessment Release Materials

The resources below explain student scores.

Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Assessment Results Release Materials

Parent Interpretive Guide to score reports:

For Educators:

Directions for accessing your district's or school's student score reports can be found beginning on page 91 of the Educator Portal User Guide [PDF]. You must have an active account in Kite Educator Portal to be able to download and view student score reports.

Sample Individual Student Score Reports:

Student score reports for the 2022 DLM administration will be available in the Kite Educator Portal. Use the resources below to understand the new student score report, how scores are calculated, and how to use them to inform instruction.

Next Generation Science Assessment (NGSA) Results Release Materials

Individual Student Score Reports

Sample score reports for the 2022 NGSA administration are available below. The reports are printed in English, but the report shells for each grade are available in the languages below:



PSAT 10 and SAT School Day Assessment Results Release Materials

PSAT 10 and SAT School Day Student Score Reports

There are two types of individual student score reports for the SAT and PSAT 10: those produced by College Board and those produced by RIDE to meet the federal state assessment reporting requirements. The score report examples posted here are created by RIDE and meet federal reporting requirements.

The College Board score report:

  • can be used for college and university applications.
  • can be accessed through the College Board Reporting Portal.
  • does not include the achievement level the student attained.
  • Understanding Scores: This College Board web page contains information on interpreting overall SAT scores, subscores, and options for next steps in improving skills and sending scores to colleges.

The State Assessment Individual Student Report:

  • provides information about student performance on state standards in English language arts and mathematics.
  • cannot be used for admissions purposes.
  • distributed to families by the student's school district.
  • Samples of the RIDE-produced ISRs are below. They are available in Spanish and Portuguese in addition to English.


Rhode Island Comprehensive Assessment System (RICAS) Assessment Results Release Materials

Individual Student Report (ISR) Shells

Individual Student Reports (ISRs) are printed in English and sent to districts to distribute to families.  Sample ISRs are also provided below in the following languages:


2020-21 ELA and Mathematics Assessment Presentation

  • English Language Arts and Mathematics Assessment Results [PDF]. This presentation provides an overview of the impact of COVID on teaching and learning during the 2020-21 school year as well as the results of the 2021 RICAS, SAT, PSAT 10, and DLM administrations, including multi-year trends in participation and achievement. This presentation also contains district and school profiles that focus on changes in proficiency over multiple years, subgroup performance, and changes in growth from 2019 to 2021.

2020-21 ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs

Please see the RI Assessment Data Portal or the RIDE Portal for results for ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs results.

2020-21 DLM Student Score Reports

Student score reports for the 2020-21 DLM administration are now available in the Kite Educator Portal. Use the resources below to understand  how scores are calculated and how to use them to inform instruction.

2020-21 NGSA Supporting Materials

Student Score Reports

The 2021 NGSA individual student score report content and layout are similar to last year's report. Reports are printed in English, but the report shells for each grade are available in the following languages:


2020-21 PSAT 10 and SAT School Day Student Score Reports

There are two types of student score reports for the SAT and PSAT 10: those produced by College Board and those produced by RIDE to meet the federal state assessment reporting requirements. The score report examples posted here are created by RIDE and meet federal reporting requirements.


  • can be used for college and university applications.
  • can be accessed through the College Board Reporting Portal.
  • does not include the achievement level the student attained.
  • SAT: Understanding Scores [PDF]: This College Board document contains information on interpreting overall SAT scores, subscores, and options for next steps in improving skills and sending scores to colleges.


  • provides information about student performance on state standards in English language arts and mathematics.
  • cannot be used for admissions purposes.
  • distributed to families by the student's school district.

2020-21 RICAS Supporting Materials

Individual Student Report (ISR) Shells

The 2021 RICAS individual student score report content and layout are similar to last year's report. Reports are printed in English, but families can view the report shell in the following languages:

Information about Student Growth

ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs: data for these state assessments can be found in the Rhode Island Assessment Data Portal.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the spring 2020 administrations of DLM, NGSA, PSAT 10, RICAS, and SAT state assessments did not take place.

Data for the assessments below was released through the Rhode Island Assessment Data Portal. Links to the ADP are posted at the beginning of this web page.

ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs

Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Alternate Assessments

Next Generation Science Assessment (NGSA)

RI SAT and PSAT 10

Rhode Island Comprehensive Assessment System (RICAS)

Information About Student Growth

Multi-State Alternate Assessment (MSAA)

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) Science

Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)

Multi-State Alternate Assessment (MSAA) / Rhode Island Alternate Assessment (RIAA)

New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) Science

Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC)

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC) / Rhode Island Alternate Assessment (RIAA)

New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) Science

Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)

New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) Science

New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) Reading, Writing, & Mathematics

Rhode Island Alternate Assessment (RIAA)

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) Science

New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) Reading, Writing, & Mathematics

Rhode Island Alternate Assessment (RIAA)

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) Science

New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) Reading, Writing, & Mathematics

Rhode Island Alternate Assessment (RIAA)

New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) Science

New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) Reading, Writing, & Mathematics

Rhode Island Alternate Assessment (RIAA)

New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) Science

New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) Reading, Writing, & Mathematics

Rhode Island Alternate Assessment (RIAA)

New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) Science

New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) Reading, Writing, & Mathematics



Rhode Island Alternate Assessment (RIAA)