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State of Rhode Island, Department of Education ,

RI Next Generation Science Assessments

In May, 2018, Rhode Island administered a new science assessment aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

This new assessment, the Rhode Island Next Generation Science Assessment (NGSA), replaced the NECAP science assessments. The NGSA was administered in grades 5, 8 & 11 as a census field test from May 14 - June 1, 2018.

For information relating to NGSA test administration, please select one of the following topical links:

For all other information about the NGSA, visit the RI NGSA Portal or select from the following options.

RI NGSA Technical Skills for Students (pdf) lists the technical skills students should have prior to testing so students are comfortable with the test platform.

NGSA Item Review Committees

The Office of Instruction, Assessment and Curriculum is offering an opportunity for classroom teachers and other educators to participate in the development of the RI State Science Assessment for grades 5, 8, and 11. We believe that teacher committees are essential to the work of creating a valid and reliable assessment system. Educators who have participated in test development committees in the past have also found the experience to be a valuable professional learning opportunity. Below are descriptions of the Item Review Committee and the Bias & Sensitivity Review Committee as well as important information about the committee meetings, requirements for participation, and the application process.


As part of preparing assessment items for field-testing, each year all NGSA test items are reviewed to ensure that they are free from language or content that may negatively impact the performance of a specific group of students. This work is done by a team of six educators. These educators represent a specific subgroup (e.g., racial, ethnic, or religious groups, rural or urban interests, individuals with disabilities, recent immigrants, multi-lingual learners, etc.) and have direct experience working with students from one or more of these student groups. Members will be trained in what to look for during their review and then they will be asked to read and identify any issues that may impact the performance of students in a particular subgroup.  

To qualify, educators should meet the following criteria: 

  • have current and direct experience teaching or working with students in one or more of the subgroups listed above, 
  • offer a unique perspective on one or more specific student subgroups, 
  • be willing to work intensively with a team of educators for two consecutive days, and 
  • have some experience with the Next Generation Science Standards.


As part of preparing assessment items for field-testing, each year NGSA science items are reviewed for alignment to the appropriate grade span of the Next Generation Science Standards, targeted level of difficulty, and instructional relevance. This work is done by three content area teams (one each for elementary, middle, and high school) comprising of six teachers each. The high school team will include two educators from each of the domains of Earth and Space, Physical, and Life Science.  

To qualify, educators should meet the following criteria: 

  • have advanced knowledge and experience with the Next Generation Science Standards, 
  • have experience teaching at the relevant grade span, and 
  • be willing to work intensively on a team for two consecutive days. 

Requirements for Participation

Committee members must be prepared to fulfill the following commitments as a member of Rhode Island’s Item Review Committee or Bias & Sensitivity Review Committee:

  • To be present from 8 am to 4 pm on the day that their committee is scheduled to meet.
  • To notify RIDE immediately if they are unable to participate on their designated review committee for part or all of the scheduled dates and times.
  • To comply with the review process as instructed by the committee facilitators.

2024 RI State Next Generation Science Assessment Review Committees 

A call for Science Educators, Special Educators, and Multi-lingual educators to participate in the Next Generation Science Assessment development process! The Office of Instruction, Assessment, and Curriculum is offering an opportunity for educators to participate in the development of items for the Rhode Island State Science Assessment.  

Participation in the assessment review process is a valuable professional learning opportunity for participants and districts. The application is currently open to K-12 teachers who are knowledgeable about the Next Generation Science Standards, and/or educators who offer a unique perspective on one or more student-specific subgroups are encouraged to apply.  

There will be two item review opportunities.

  1. An in-person RI Item Review and Bias & Sensitivity Review Committee will be held August 6, 7, and 8 location TBD.
  2. An opportunity to be part of the Multi-State virtual Item review; summer dates and times TBD.

Additional details can be found in the application, due by May 15, 2024

For questions regarding the RI State Science Assessment Review Committees, please contact Erin Escher at or Heather Heineke at .

To continue to support LEAs in the 2023-24 school year, RIDE will fund a third year of student licenses for LEA use of the NGSS three-dimensional Interim Assessments for grade bands 3-5, 6-8, and 9-11. Each 15-20 minute assessment is intended to measure student progress toward learning specific Performance Expectations throughout the year and inform instructional planning by identifying where students need additional support.

If your LEA is interested in participating, please view the RI NGSS Interim Assessment Overview or watch the recording [MP4] before completing the online applicationPlease register by August 1, 2023.

Contact Erin Escher, RI State Science Specialist ( or 401-222-8168) with any questions.