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State of Rhode Island, Department of Education ,

Federal Programs

Welcome to RIDE's Federal Programs Team Webpage!

The Federal Programs Team administers programs and distributes funds under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), most recently reauthorized as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), and the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Program.

RIDE's Federal Programs Team provides technical assistance, supports and resources to local educational agencies (LEAs) and other programs, and conducts program monitoring, to ensure that all students have an opportunity to obtain a ​high-quality education and to achieve proficiency on the state's high academic achievement standards.​​​

Federal Programs Team RI

ESEA is the longstanding federal law focused on K-12 education that helps ensure equitable opportunities for all students. ESEA's most recent reauthorization, ESSA, emphasizes:

  1. Opportunities for historically underserved students
  2. Local control and flexibility based on local context
  3. Access to high academic standards and effective educators
  4. Assessments that measure student progress
    towards meeting high academic standards
  5. Federal accountability and actions for results
  6. Preparation for student success in college and careers
  7. Investment in high-quality preschools
  8. Leverage of evidence-based practices

Title I-A-Improving Academic Achievement

Title I-A

Title I, Part A is a federal program under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) that provides financial assistance to school districts to support the academic achievement of students identified as failing or most at risk of failing to meet state standards and assessments. Title I programs provide students with extra instructional support beyond the regular classroom.

How Schools Receive Title I Funds

School districts are eligible to receive Title I funds based on federal poverty census information. The amount of funds that a school receives is determined by the number of children from low-income families that live in the school’s attendance area.

How Students Receive Title I Supports

Title I schools identify students that are most in need of educational assistance and provide them with additional academic support. Students do NOT need to be from low-income families in order to receive Title I services.

Private school students who live in the attendance area of a Title I eligible school and who have academic need may be eligible to receive equitable Title I services. School districts offer this participation through timely and meaningful consultation with appropriate private school officials.

Services Offered in Title I Programs

Title I programs are designed to provide services that supplement and support the regular classroom program. Examples of services that may be offered using Title I funds include:

  • Extra instructional time and supports for students;
  • Additional teachers or teacher aides;
  • Specialized instructional methods and teaching materials that supplement the student’s regular classroom instruction;
  • After-school and summer programs that extend and reinforce the school’s regular curriculum.



For additional information on specific Title I program elements, see Title I: Improving Academic Achievement.

Title I-D-Neglected and Delinquent

What is Title I, Part D?

The Title I, Part D, program (also called The Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent or At Risk) was most recently reauthorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended in 2015. The Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 State agency N or D program was first authorized with P.L. 89-750, the Elementary and Secondary Amendments of 1966. The Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 local educational agency program came into being in its present form with the Improving America Schools Act of 1994.

Title I, Part D, is administered by the Office of School Support and Accountability (OSSA), under the federal Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE). Jeffery Buehler, Felicia Goss, Elizabeth Witt, and Heather Denny are the Federal Program Officers for the Title I, Part D, Neglected, Delinquent or At-Risk Program.

The goals of Title I, Part D, are to

  1. Improve educational services for these children so they have the opportunity to meet challenging State academic content and achievement standards;
  2. Provide them with services to successfully transition from institutionalization to further schooling or employment; and
  3. Prevent youth who are at-risk from dropping out of school, and to provide dropouts and children and youth returning from correctional facilities with a support system to ensure their continued education.

Subpart 1

Under SEA programs (Title I, Part D, Subpart 1), States receive formula funds based on the number of children in State-operated institutions and per-pupil educational expenditures. Each State's allocation is generated by child counts in State juvenile institutions that provide at least 20 hours of instruction from nonfederal funds and adult correctional institutions that provide 15 hours of instruction a week. The SEA then makes subgrants to State agencies based on their proportional share of the State's adjusted enrollment count of neglected or delinquent children and youth.

Subpart 2

Under local agency programs (Title I, Part D, Subpart 2), the SEA awards subgrants to districts with high numbers or percentages of children and youth in locally operated juvenile correctional facilities, including facilities involved in community day programs. NOTE: RIDE does not fund Subpart 2 programs in Rhode Island.

Related Requirements

With Title I, Part D, funds come certain requirements and responsibilities on behalf of the State agencies and districts that receive the funds. State agencies and districts that conduct a program under Title I for children and youth who are N or D are required to

  • Meet the educational needs of neglected, delinquent, and at-risk children and youth, and assist in the transition of these students from correctional facilities to locally operated programs,
  • Ensure that these students have the same opportunities to achieve as if they were in local schools in the State, and
  • Evaluate the program and disaggregate data on participation by gender, race/ethnicity, age, disability and Limited English Proficiency (LEP) status not less than once every 3 years


Additional Resources

The Title I, Part D, Statute can be found under Section 1401 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, amended in 2015 (ESEA) and provides the program authorization, purposes, grantee eligibility and application requirements, appropriate uses of funds, reporting requirements, and other program details. 




Title II-A-Supporting Effective Instruction

Title II, Part A of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act provides supplemental funding to help LEAs support effective instruction. The U.S. Department of Education awards Title II, Part A funds to state educational agencies (SEAs) which then subgrants funds to LEAs. 

The purpose of Title II, Part A is to: 

  1. Increase student achievement consistent with the challenging State academic standards; 
  2. Improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders; 
  3. Increase the number of teachers, principals, and other school leaders who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools; and 
  4. Provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders. 


Title II, Part A activities must always be: 

  1. Consistent with the purpose of Title II 
  2. Reasonable, necessary and allocable 
  3. Sustainable 
  4. Address the learning needs of ALL students 


The Title II, Part A program is designed, among other things, to provide students from low-income families and minority students with greater access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders. LEAs MUST describe how they will use Title II funds to address equity gaps: 

  • Address how minority and low-income students are provided access to effective teachers, administrators and other school leaders 
  • Submit annually within the CRP (LEA Part I) 
  • SEA may deny Title II funding, if description is not submitted 


All materials needed to apply for FY2024 Title II-A funds are posted within Accelegrants and the document library. Some of these resources are also available below. 

Additional Resources 

Non-Regulatory Guidance for Title II, Part A 

Title II-A Allowable Use of Funds 

Evidence-Based Resource Guide 

Evidence-Based Research Training Deck 2023 

Title IV-A-Student Support and Academic Enrichment

Authorized in December 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) introduced a new formula grant under Title IV, Part A with a wide range of allowable uses. Title IV, Part A, Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) grants are intended to improve students' academic achievement by increasing the capacity of States, LEAs, schools, and local communities to:

  1. provide all students with access to a well-rounded education,
  2. improve school conditions for student learning, and
  3. improve the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students. ESEA section 4101

Title IV, Part A funds may be used to provide supplemental activities in one or more of the following content areas:

Well-Rounded Educational Opportunities

To ensure that every student has access to a well-rounded education, LEAs must work to develop activities that foster connections amongst students’ studies, curiosities, passions, and skills needed to become critical thinkers and productive members of society. In addition, funds should be used to promote a diverse set of learning experiences that engages students across a wide variety of courses, activities, and programs.

One goal of Title IV, Part A is to ensure that each LEA that receives an allocation under section 4105 (a) will use a portion of the funds to develop and implement programs and activities that support access to a well-rounded education and educational experiences for all students. Additionally, consistent with section 4106(e)(2)(C) of the ESEA, any LEA that has received a SSAE program grant of at least $30,000 must use at least 20 percent of SSAE program funds for activities to support well-rounded educational opportunities under Section 4107. (ESEA sections 4105(a),4106(e)(2)(C)and 4107(a)).

To guarantee the safety and well-being of every student, LEAs must develop programs or activities that foster safe, healthy, supportive and drug-free environments, including direct student services and professional development and training for school staff. Consistent with section 4106(e)(2)(D) of the ESEA, any LEA that has received a SSAE grant of at least $30,000 must use at least 20 percent of SSAE program funds for activities to support safe and healthy initiatives for students under section 4108.

To increase access to personalized, rigorous learning experiences supported by technology, LEAs must develop programs or activities that improve the technology to improve the academic achievement, academic growth, and digital literacy of all students. Consistent with section 4106(e)(2)(E) of the ESEA, any LEA that has received a SSAE grant of at least $30,000 must use at a portion of the SSAE program funds for activities that support the effective use of technology for students under section 4109.


It is also important to note that any LEA, or consortium of such agencies, receiving funds under the Student Support and Academic Enrichment program, shall not use more than 15 percent of funds for purchasing technology infrastructure which shall include technology infrastructure purchased for carrying out blended learning projects. (ESEA sections 4106(e)(2)(E) and 4109(b)).

How are Student Support and Academic Enrichment funds allocated to Local Education Agencies (LEAs)?

Title IV, Part A (Title IV-A) allocations for LEAs are calculated by formula and are based on an LEA's prior year’s Title I, Part A allocation. State Education Agencies (SEAs) are required to ensure no LEA receives an allocation less than $10,000 (minus any required Maintenance of Effort reductions), and must ratably reduce LEAs accordingly to ensure the minimum amount requirement is met. 

To be eligible to receive an allocation under the Title IV-A Student Support and Academic Enrichment grant program, an LEA must have received a new Title I, Part A allocation in the prior school year.

States allocate funds to LEAs in proportion to their prior-year Title I, Part A allocations. If approved, LEAs receive a minimum of $10,000. LEAs receiving more than $30,000 must conduct a comprehensive needs assessment and use the results to justify spending requests in all three program areas in the following way: at least 20 percent for Well-Rounded Education (WRE), at least 20 percent for Safe and Healthy Schools (SHS), and some portion for Effective Use of Technology (EUT). LEAs may spend no more than 15 percent of EUT funds on technology infrastructure purchases.

LEAs may apply for Title IV, Part A funds as a single applicant, as a member of a consortium, or as the lead member of a consortium.

LEAs and consortiums with allocations of $30,000 and greater must use a minimum of 20% of their total allocation to support Well-Rounded Educational Opportunities.

Transferability is an option under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) that permits local educational agencies (LEAs) to transfer some or all of the funding they receive under certain ESEA programs to other ESEA programs.

Keep in mind:

1. LEAs must conduct a needs assessment and begin private school consultation before making any decisions about transfers

2. Some or all funds may be transferred, depending on needs for improving student achievement

3. Transferred funds must meet new program requirements, including equitable services


LEAs may transfer up to 100% of funds from:

● Title II, Part A, Supporting Effective Instruction, and

● Title IV, Part A, Student Support and Academic Enrichment.


LEAs may transfer these funds to:

● Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs;

● Title I, Part C, Migrant Education;

● Title I, Part D, Neglected and Delinquent;

● Title II, Part A, Supporting Effective Instruction;

● Title III, Part A, English Language Acquisition;

● Title IV, Part A, Student Support and Academic Enrichment; and/or

● Title V, Part B, Rural Education.

Transferability is authorized by Section 5103 of ESEA (refer to Appendix A of this guidance for Section 5103 language).

Title IV-A Resources

The Rhode Island Department of Education solicited applications for the FY21 Title IV, Part A (Title IV-A) Personalized Learning Grants. Selected LEAs received a Title IV-A allocation for the 2020-2021 school year of up to $50,000 to design, expand and/or implement strategies that increase student access to personalized, rigorous learning experiences for K-12 students in one of the Title IV-A content areas: well-rounded education, safe and healthy students and effective use of technology. Funds were intended to focus on supplemental programs and activities that expand student access to personalized learning experiences. 

The Rhode Island Department of Education is pleased to announce the winners of the FY21 Title IV, Part A Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants: 

  • Central Falls Public Schools
  • Charette Charter School
  • Newport Public Schools
  • The Learning Community Charter School
  • Warwick Public Schools
  • West Warwick Public Schools

Access the following US Department of Education resources to learn more about the Title IV-A federal program requirements and allowable uses of funds:

RI Department of Education's Accelegrants Document Library

Visit the document library for State resources including the Title IV-A Annual Funding Application resources and the Rhode Island Department of Education Title IV-A FAQs.

The data below reflects the information that the Rhode Island Department of Education has collected from local educational agencies (LEAs) for the Federal Fiscal Year 19 grant award, which began on July 1, 2019 and ended on September 30, 2022.


Expenditure Information

TIVA Expenditure Report


Goal Attainment Reports

SY-19-20 Goal Attainment

SY-20-21 Goal Attainment

SY-21-22 Goal Attainment

FY22 Title IV-A State Grant Recipients

The Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) is pleased to announce the recipients of the FY22 Title IV, Part A Student Support and Academic Enrichment Competitive State Grants: 

  • Beacon Charter School
  • Central Falls School District
  • Chariho Regional School District
  • Cranston Public Schools
  • Greene Charter School
  • Newport Public Schools
  • Pawtucket School Department
  • Scituate School Department
  • Smithfield Public Schools
  • Warwick Public Schools
  • West Warwick Public Schools
  • Woonsocket School Department 

LEAs are using their funds to maximize the school day or provide summer programming that supports one or more of the following goals in the RI State ESSA Plan: increasing reading proficiency, increasing math proficiency, increasing STEM proficiency, increasing graduation rates or closing opportunity gaps. Programs include: an arts acceleration program; math, literacy and STEM camps; credit recovery programs; high dosage tutoring; and social emotional learning supports. 

This year's applications far exceeded the total amount of funds available, with four times as many LEAs applying this year. RIDE would like to thank all those who applied and congratulate this year's recipients.

Title IV-B-21st Century Community Learning Center Grants

The Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLCs) grants provide federal funding (Title IV, Part B) for high quality after-school and summer learning programs. These programs provide academic support, enrichment, and family engagement services to students, particularly students who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools.

The program are designed to complement and support learning that happens during the school day.

More information on the 21st CCLCs can be found here.

Title III-Language Instruction for English Language Learners

Title III is a federal formula grant program that makes supplemental funds available to local school districts based on the number of MLL students enrolled in the district and in Private Schools located in the district.  The purpose of the program is to ensure that these students are prepared to meet the English language proficiency standards as well as the same challenging state academic content and grade level performance standards expected of all other students. 

Stronger Connections Grant

The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), signed into law on June 25, 2022, authorized $1 billion in funding to support states for safer communities and healthier outcomes through activities that are allowable under the safe and healthy students section of Title IV, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Educations Act (ESEA).  

The Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) received $4.8 million in funding for a three-year performance period. RIDE must distribute at least 95% of these funds to high-needs LEAs through a competitive grant process through a competitive grant process. 4% of funds will be used to design and implement statewide supports, with the remaining 1 % available for administration of the grant.  

RIDE anticipates awarding between 9 and 23 grants, with awards up to $500,000. 

Allowable Activities 

Activities must align to one or more of the BSCA strategies and be allowable under Title IV, Part A Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant, Section 4108 of ESEA. Applicants may also refer to the US Department of Education’s BSCA Stronger Connections Grant Program Frequently Asked Questions (2023) for additional guidance, including question B-9. 

Period of Performance 

The grant period is July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026. Grants will be awarded by the summer of 2023 for fiscal years FY24, FY25, FY26.  If selected for an award, LEAs will be required to upload their annual budget into AcceleGrants and provide quarterly expenditure reports and reimbursement requests.  

Subgrantees must spend all funds by June 30, 2026. 

Application Deadline 

Completed applications are due to the RI Department of Education by June 4, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. 

Email completed applications to  


Date (subject to change)  Activity/Action 
Informational/Technical Session  May 4, 2023 
Proposal Due Date  June 4, 2023   at 4:00 PM 
Announcement of Awards  Week of June 19th  
Year Two Activities and Budget Due  May 15, 2024 
Year Three Activities and Budget Due  May 15, 2025 
October 30, 2023  Deadline for all Programmatic and Fiscal Reports 

Stronger Connections Grant Resources 

The following guidance has been created to assist LEAs with the proposal submission process. 

Stronger Connections Grant - RFP (includes overview, application checklist, application templates and sample score sheet) 

Stronger Connections Grant – Year One Budget Template 

Stronger Connections Grant - Info Session Slides 

Stronger Connections Grant - Info Session Recording [MP4, 86MB]

Stronger Connections Grant - US Department of Education NRGs 

Stronger Connections Grant FAQ Update 5.23.23


This is a competitive grant. Staff will not be able to address individual questions, to ensure that no one has an undue advantage.  

LEAs were given the opportunity to ask questions during the May 4, 2023 information session. A recording of the session is posted on the RIDE website with the grant materials.   

Questions may be sent to Responses will be sent to superintendents in eligible LEAs, and posted in updated FAQs.

McKinney-Vento Homeless Education

Federal Program Resources

The Education Accountability Act of 2019 (EAA) requires all LEAs to submit a strategic plan at least once in a three-year period to RIDE. The LEA strategic plan serves as the roadmap for LEAs to systematically work to improve student outcomes and schools. All LEA strategic plans, including single-school LEAs (July 1) and school improvement plans (June 1) are submitted using the Strategic Planning System (SPS). 

Additional Resources 

LEA Strategic Planning FAQs 

SPS LEA UserGuide 

SPS Metric Wizard Overview 

Resource Allocation Tool 

RI 2030 Goals 

LEA Report Card Organizer (Blank) 

LEA Plan Revision Message Sept 2023 

LEA Plan Review FAQs 

Accelegrants is Rhode Island’s online grant management system for the Federal Consolidated Resource Plan (CRP) grants including Title I-A, Title I-D, Title II, Title III, and Title IV-A.

Resources for the development and submission of your CRP can be found here.




The RI Department of Education (RIDE) has the responsibility to monitor the local education agencies’ (LEA) compliance with and implementation of the requirements for each federal program as a condition of administering these grants[1] 

When part of a comprehensive system of support, monitoring provides LEAs and schools with the information and support needed to meet federal requirements and improve student outcomes, including:   

  • Knowledge of what is required and what flexibility is available to meet each federal requirement. 
  • Documentation of compliance with federal program requirements. 
  • Promotion of a cyclical process of continuous program improvement that aligns with the LEA’s strategic plan and the schools’ improvement plans; and   
  • Identification of the areas needing corrective action and improvement and providing the support necessary to achieve compliance and continuous improvement so LEAs can increase outcomes for all students, especially those most at-risk.  

The Federal Grant Program Monitoring (FY23 during FY24) ensures that LEAs operate according to statutory and regulatory requirements. This approach pairs monitoring with professional learning and technical assistance. The goal is to reinforce the obligation for LEAs to be compliant with Federal requirements while providing the support LEAs need to reach compliance and implement best practices. This year we are implementing a tiered approach that will be agile enough to pair with potential BEP and EAA monitoring requirements going forward.  

Details related to RIDE's federal monitoring process and timeline can be found here.

Information and resources related to McKinney-Vento EHCY Monitoring can be found here.

[1]Please see eCFR : 2 CFR 200.329 -- Monitoring and reporting program performance for additional information. 

The purpose of Parent and Family Engagement is to provide support to schools, family, and the community in the development of partnerships and building relationships.  Parent and Family Engagement focuses on increasing active participation, communication, and collaboration between all stakeholders, reaching beyond barriers of culture, language, disabilities, and poverty to improve education and other important outcomes for children, youth and adults

Title I, Part A, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires that local educational agencies (LEAs), conduct outreach to all parents and family members and implement programs, activities, and procedures for the involvement of parents and family members. Such programs, activities, and procedures shall be planned and implemented with meaningful consultation with parents of participating children (ESSA Section 1116[a][1]).

LEAs and schools receiving Title I, Part A funds are required to do the following:

  1. The LEA must develop a Parent and Family Engagement Policy as outlined in ESSA Section 1116(a).
  2. The LEA must reserve funds to assist schools with Parent and Family Engagement requirements as outlined in ESSA Section 1116(a).
  3. The School(s) must develop a Parent and Family Engagement Policy as outlined in ESSA Section 1116(b).
  4. The School(s) must adhere to the Parent Involvement Requirements as outlined in ESSA Section 1116(c).
  5. The School(s) must develop a shared responsibility for a School-Parent Compact as outlined in ESSA Section 1116(d).
  6. The LEA and School(s) must build capacity for involvement as outlined in ESSA Section 1116(e).
  7. The LEA and School(s) must provide accessibility to parents and family member opportunities to participate as outlined in ESSA Section 1116(f).

Additional Resources

Parent and Family Engagement Guidance and Resources can be found here.

SEDL Dual Capacity Framework-Family and School Partnerships

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is a new federal education law (replacing No Child Left Behind) that provides states with a great deal of flexibility in a number of key areas, including academic standards, accountability, support for school improvement, student and educator support, and use of federal education funds.

ESSA Guidance can be found here.


RI Specific ESSA Information

New! Open for Public Comment: Amended ESSA State Plan

The U.S. Department of Education permits states to update their ESSA State Plans through an amendment process. As part of this process, RIDE must post the draft amendment for public comment for a thirty (30) day period. You may view the Amended ESSA State Plan below. Public comment on the draft amendment, as linked below, may be submitted by email to and will be accepted through Sunday, November 6th.

Amended ESSA State Plan - FULL TEXT, Posted October 6, 2023. 

2021-22 ESSA State Plan Addendum 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Department of Education waived certain assessment, accountability, and school identification requirements for states for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years. Accordingly, 2022 will be Rhode Island’s first year back to its statewide accountability system, including Star Ratings and school identifications. 

In 2022, Rhode Island aims to keep school accountability as consistent as possible with previous years. However, some one-year adjustments will be necessary due to waiving accountability in previous years and other effects of the pandemic. 

To implement those one-year changes, Rhode Island intends to seek an addendum to the state’s ESSA State Plan for the 2021-22 school year. Public comment on the draft addendum, as linked below, may be submitted by email to and will be accepted through Wednesday, July 6th.

Rhode Island's Return to School Star Ratings – Overview of the Addendum

Draft ESSA State Plan Addendum for 2022 – FULL TEXT, Posted June 6, 2022

USED Approves RI's ESSA State Plan

The USED submitted feedback on Rhode Island's ESSA state plan earlier this year. RIDE responded to the feedback requests and has updated our final plan, which we resubmitted and was approved on March 29, 2018 by the USED.


Since 1965, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) reauthorized as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires local educational agencies (LEAs) and other eligible entities to provide for the equitable participation of private school students, staff and families of students enrolled in nonprofit private schools.    

  • Consultation must be timely ​and meaningful.​
  • Funds generated for equitable services must be equal on a per-pupil basis.​
  • A public agency must control funds. Private schools do not receive funds. ​
  • Services must be secular, neutral, and non-ideological; supplemental; and costs must be allowable, necessary, and reasonable.​
  • Private school officials have the ​right to file a formal complaint.​


USED Webinar Recording: Equitable Services under Title I and Title VIII of the ESEA

NEW! FY25 CRP Application Resources (SY2024-2025)

Federal Programs CRP Resources

FY25 CRP Kick Off Presentation Slide Deck April 23, 2024

RIDE CRP Reviewers Contact List April 2024