Child Nutrition Programs
Through our nutrition standards and our support for food services in our schools, child and adult day care settings, and the afterschool and summer programs, we ensure that Rhode Island children and adults have access to healthy meals that support their well-being and their readiness for learning.
The RIDE Child Nutrition Program administers the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program to students in schools and those living in residential child care institutions. Schools that do not participate in other meal program may provide a daily serving of milk to students through the Special Milk Program.
Schools may also offer snacks or meals through the Afterschool Snack /Meal Programs, This Program benefits students participating in education and/or enrichment activities after the end of the school day.
The Child and Adult Care Food Program enables child and adult care institutions and family or group day care homes to provide nutritious meals and snacks as a regular part of their day care and that contribute to the wellness, healthy growth, and development of infants, young children, and the health and wellness of older adults and chronically impaired disabled persons.
The Summer Food Service Program makes it easier for schools, local government agencies and private non-profit organizations to feed children during the the summer when school is out.