Career & Technical Education

Career and Technical Education (CTE) in Rhode Island is designed to provide students with the academic and experiential skills they need to be successful in the workforce and in further education.
Career and Technical Education is a component of PrepareRI, an initiative intended to support programs that will prepare all Rhode Island youth with the skills they need for the jobs that pay. Career and Technical Education programs consist of three or more courses which will help students earn an industry credential and prepare them to enter the workforce. Rhode Island’s CTE programs are located in all high schools, postsecondary institutions, adult skills training facilities, or CTE centers across the state and are rigorously equipped to prepare youths and adults for a range of high-wage, high-skill, and high-demand careers.
CTE Spotlights 2025
Throughout the month of February, RIDE will celebrate the achievements of CTE programs across Rhode Island visa RIDE's social media platforms and posted here:
- Bristol Warren
- Burrillville
- Central Falls
- Chariho
- Coventry
- Cranston
- Davies
- East Providence
- Exeter-West Greenwich
- Foster-Glocester
- Johnston
- Lincoln
- Middletown
- Narragansett
- Newport
- North Providence
- North Smithfield
- Pawtucket
- Portsmouth
- Scituate
- Providence
- Smithfield
- South Kingstown
- Tiverton
- Warwick
- West Warwick
- Westerly
- Woonsocket
Read the first installment of CTE for All: Expanding Access to Career and Technical Education (Summer 2024) here!
(NEW) CTE for All Grant Opportunity: RIDE is soliciting competitive proposals from Rhode Island LEAs to incentivize the creation of new CTE programs to provide workforce training for jobs which there are no active programs.
Click HERE to read all grant information and begin your applications. All completed applications are due to RIDE by February 28, 2025.
Who is CTE designed for?
Career and Technical education is designed for all students, regardless of if they choose to enter the workforce and/or a post-secondary education program after graduating from high school. With more than 10 career and technical education centers, 54 high schools, charter schools, and post-secondary institutions and adult programs in the network, Rhode Island learners have unprecedented access to a broad array of educational programs to suit all academic and career aspirations.
- Career Exploration – CTE helps learners discover the wide-range of career options available to them and assess the most effective and efficient educational pathways for optimum value and success.
- Enhanced educational experience – CTE provides students with an engaging, relevant education that reduces dropout rates and supports student achievement. For many learners, applying technical and academic skills to real-world activities in a hands-on learning experience makes CTE classes more interesting, engaging, and motivating than standard academic classes.
- Freedom to explore career possibilities – CTE enables students to have the freedom of choice in building their own CTE experience, such as through choice in: schools to attend, career paths to map, work-based learning experiences to pursue, and extracurricular activities to partake in.
- Networking through partnerships - CTE programs work directly with business and industry in partnership to ensure that the CTE programs are developing people with the skills, credentials, and technical knowledge necessary to move Rhode Island toward the leading edge of innovation and global competitiveness.
- Reduced college tuition costs – CTE programs have the potential to reduce a student’s college tuition costs, dependent on the completion of college courses for credit and/or the acquisition of an industry-approved credential which providers CTE learners with a competitive advantage for future post-secondary placement.
- Workforce development – CTE contributes to the development of a skilled, sustainable workforce that is well-prepared for the high-demand, high-skill and high-paying jobs of today and tomorrow.
CTE Program Requirements
CTE Programs are required to:
- align to a set of Industry-Specific Program Standards established by the CTE Board of Trustees and endorsed by K-12 Council
- align to RIDE CTE program standards
- include a series of at least three interrelated courses
- include at least one work-based learning experience completed by every student in the program that is aligned to the CTE Board of Trustee's WBL Guidance and criteria
- allow students to earn a pathway endorsement upon successful completion by integrating the school’s proficiency based graduation assessment with the pathway programming.
CTE Board of Trustees - Members & Meetings
The CTE Board of Trustees advises the Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Board of Education about creating a system of career and technical education that prepares students to meet the evolving needs of Rhode Island's employers. CTE Board Meetings are public.
- 2024-25 Meeting Schedule
- Agendas are also available on the Rhode Island Secretary of State website
- Materials from past CTE Board of Trustees meetings
- CTEBOT Policy Docs and Resources
- CTEBOT Bylaws
CTE Board Industry Advisories & Committees
- Industry Advisory Board and Committee member information (Updated on 3.22.24)
- CTE Industry Advisory Board meeting schedule (Updated on 3.12.25)
Rhode Island Perkins V Plan
The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) was signed into law on July 31, 2018. This bipartisan measure reauthorized the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) and continued Congress’ commitment in providing nearly $1.3 billion annually for career and technical education (CTE) programs for our nation’s youth and adults.
Perkins V represents an important opportunity to expand opportunities for every student to explore, choose, and follow career and technical education programs of study and career pathways to earn credentials of value.
In the summer of 2019, RIDE and the CTE Board hosted a series of meetings to engage educators, student advocates, industry, and community partners across the state in order to develop the Rhode Island Perkins V Plan for 2020-2025. Therefore, this State Plan, officially approved on June 26, 2020, reflects feedback from all relevant stakeholders.
Below are the amendments pertaining to the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 As Amended By the Strengthening Career and Technical Education For The 21st Century Act:
- Perkins V Amendments: These amendments take effect July 1, 2019
View the State Plan:
Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA)
One of the most significant changes introduced in Perkins V is the new Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA). All recipients must demonstrate strong local industry, student interest, and community support to be eligible for Perkins funds. The CLNA is the mechanism by which CTE programs will use to demonstrate this demand.
The purpose of the CLNA is to align planning, spending, and accountability activities under Perkins V to support high-quality CTE programs. Any gap areas identified through the development of the CLNA should directly align to the goals and action steps found within the Perkins funding application.
All Rhode Island LEAs that have approved CTE programs first completed their CLNAs during the summer of 2020 and then again in 2022. Under Perkins V regulations, LEAs are required to update and submit a CLNA “not less than once every 2 years.”
2024 CLNA Application Information
Any Rhode Island LEA wishing to access Perkins funding to support a CTE program, either RIDE-approved or a local pathway, must submit a biennial CLNA. The following materials and resources will be provided for the 2024 CLNA:
- CLNA Application for returning LEAs (those LEAs that have submitted a CLNA in 2022)
- Any LEA wishing to access Perkins funding for the first time (i.e., LEA has not submitted a CLNA previously) must email ASAP, stating their intent and RIDE will provide further guidance.
CLNA Resources
Office Hours:
Please join us on Thursday, April 25 from 2-3pm via Zoom. To maximize available time, we urge you to watch the live recording (posted below) prior to attending the office hour:
Kickoff Materials:
Please view and listen to RIDE's live recording of the CLNA Kickoff Session (approximately 20 minutes).
- Live Recording:
Alternatively, please view a static version of the same slide deck used for the live recording.
- Slide Deck:
Please note that the live recording version states an incorrect deadline. The CLNA is due on 5/15, not 5/8.
Student Performance:
For the Student Performance section of the CLNA, LEAs must evaluate their students' performance on federal accountability measures by special population groups. To facilitate this requirement, RIDE has developed a data visualization tool unique to each LEA/school. To access this tool, please do the following:
- Navigate to
- Once logged in, select "Resource Center"
- Next, click on "Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA)," the first item in the drop-down menu
- Please be advised that district data managers must assign access to LEA/school-level users.
RIDE demonstrated its use and functionality during the live recording. The static slide deck offers screenshots for the same functionality.
Labor Market Alignment:
To complete the Labor Market Needs section of the CLNA, LEAs must use the following resources to gather relevant Labor Market Information (LMI) about their programs:
- Department of Labor and Training's (DLT's) most recent LMI dataset
- U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics' State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates
- 2022 RI Occupational Cluster Analysis
- Appendix A - RI Occupational Projections 2018-2028
- Appendix B - School Transportation Regions
CTE Perkins Monitoring
Starting during the 2023-2024 School Year, RIDE will begin implementing a Perkins monitoring and review process. Perkins legislation requires RIDE to monitor local sub-recipients for compliance with fiscal and management requirements of the Perkins V, as well as any additional federal or state regulations.
This process is designed to support districts in reaching full compliance with all regulations and guidelines set forth in the Perkins V legislation. This monitoring process will provide an opportunity to assess compliance and operations while identifying challenges facing local sub-recipients.
See all the details here: Rhode Island Perkins Monitoring Guidelines
RIDE-Approved CTE Programs
Effective July 1, 2024; please note that highlighted programs are new for SY24-25
SY25-26 RIDE-Approved CTE Programs:
Click here to view RIDE-Approved CTE programs that will go into effect on July 1, 2025. Please note the programs in GREEN are fully approved and programs in ORANGE are provisionally approved. When/if provisionally approved programs achieve full approval status, they will be indicated as such in GREEN.
Substantially Similar CTE Programs:
Effective January 15, 2022, (and every year thereafter), the CTE Board of Trustees and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education shall publish a list of “substantially similar CTE programs” for the upcoming school year. See R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-45-6.1(d)(3).
(Updated 1/10/25) Please click here to view the Substantially Similar CTE program list for the 2025-26 school year, the criteria by which these programs were evaluated, and the appeals process for LEAs/schools and students/families.
**NEW--CTE Interactive Maps:
This visualization provides interactive maps of RIDE-approved CTE programs to include transportation regions, Rhode Island school offerings, career clusters, and substantially similar CTE programs.
Please click here to view the five maps.
Take note of the following tips as you navigate the maps:
- Be sure to first read the Introduction tab at the top; this will orient you to the maps' features as well as important CTE legislation from which these maps were developed.
- Hover over the transportation regions on each of the maps for further information.
- Note the Select CTE Region(s) and Select School Year dropdowns at the top of each map to drill down to more specific information.
Please reach out to with questions.
Perkins V Funding
In late May/early June, Rhode Island releases an annual application for Perkins Funding. This application will include a narrative section, required evidence, and budget. The application’s focus is how the program will use the funds to meet the CTE Industry Standards and prepare students for career success. RIDE and the CTE Board are focused on maximizing the return on investment (ROI) of Perkins dollars on student outcomes.
- NEW REQUIREMENT: FY25 Perkins Assurances with Sections 134 & 135
- Sections 134/135 are a requirement of the US DoE and each question must be answered--briefly--by all Perkins recipient districts. Please open the document (Word format) and provide, briefly, required information. Once complete, please have the district superintendent review and sign the assurances found on the last two pages of Section 134/135. Note that Section 134/135 is one document and the completed Section 134/135 (PDF format) must be submitted to RIDE in the AcceleGrants system under “RELATED DOCUMENTS.”
- FY25 CTE Funding Application Guide
- FY25 Perkins Allocations
- FY25 Perkins application kickoff webinar:
- Updated Perkins Allowable/Unallowable Costs
- Perkins Transfer Agreement Between LEAs
Grant Opportunities
The Rhode Island Perkins V Plan expanded the Perkins Reserve Fund, which RIDE will use for competitive grant programs to advance key priorities. LEAs and/or post-secondary institutions may apply for these funding opportunities when they are available and if they are eligible:
CTE Differently Abled Students Professional Learning Series (DAS-PLS)
RIDE is excited to release the Differently Abled Students Equity Grant which will provide generous stipends plus substitute coverage for CTE teachers who teach in RIDE-approved CTE programs to attend a semester-long training series in spring 2025. This cross-discipline training, offered by an external professional learning provider, will support CTE teachers in best practices to accommodate their students with IEPs/504 Plans.
- Application Guide: Provides context and instructions for submission.
- Please note: Only an LEA administrator may submit an application on behalf of their LEA.
- APPLICATION LINK: Google form to be submitted.
- Signature Sheet: To be completed by the LEA and uploaded within the application.
- FY25 Perkins Reserve Application Instructions: Please consult these ACCELEGRANTS DIRECTIONS FOR SUBMITTING FY25 RESERVE FUNDING APPLICATION which is due on 1/24/25.
CTE For All: Increasing Student Access to High-Skill High Growth Jobs of the Future
The FY2025 state budget includes a provision regarding Career and Technical Education categorical funding which stipulates “that at least $2.0 million of the allocation of career and technical funds shall be coordinated with the career and technical education board of trustees to be directed to new programs to provide workforce training for jobs which there are no active programs.”
To support this funding, RIDE is soliciting competitive proposals from Rhode Island LEAs to incentivize the creation of new CTE programs that conform to the above stipulation and other requirements as noted within the application. CTE program proposals should integrate academic excellence, relevant technical skills, and real -world experiences, all tailored to current and emerging industry and market demands.
Click HERE to read all grant information and begin your applications. RFP Open Office hours will be available to LEAs on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, and by appointment. Grant applications are due by February 28, 2025 at 4:00 p.m.
FY26 CTE Teacher Grant
Leveraging part of the secondary Perkins Reserve Funds to support the certification and the training of CTE teachers, LEAs may apply for the CTE Teacher Grant to pay for the costs associated with providing professional learning for CTE teachers and for reimbursing teachers for the cost of certification to teach in their CTE programs.
Application Information:
- CTE Teacher Grant Application Guide: Provides context and instructions for submission
- Application Link:
- Note: the application allows for up to 6 teachers and 6 professional learning activities to be submitted. If you have more than 6 for either, please email
- Signature Sheet: To be completed by the LEA and uploaded within the application
- New Hire / Vacancy CTE Teacher Grant: An alternative application process for those LEAs that may in the process of hiring or believe they will need to hire for a vacant position in one of their CTE programs.
- UCOA Manual: For reference
- CTE Teacher Certification Requirements: For reference
- RIDE encourages LEAs to email with any questions or concerns about grant submission.
Equity, Postsecondary Partnerships, and Career Exploration Grants
Eligible LEAs have been identified to submit an application for the CTE Comprehensive Equity Grant--Supporting MLLs which has combined Equity, Postsecondary Partnerships and Career Exploration grants in order to shore up an existing RIDE-approved CTE program(s) and/or to develop new pathways that expand opportunities for MLLs to explore, choose, and follow a career path to success. Please note: only those LEAs that have been identified by RIDE are eligible to apply for this combined grant funding opportunity.
- Deadline for this grant was March 31, 2023 at 5pm
- MLL + Equity Grant Guide
- MLL + Equity Grant Application: Application window currently closed
RIDE is formalizing the process of transferring annual Perkins funding between partner LEAs. If your LEA wishes to transfer your annual Perkins allocation to a partner LEA, please complete and sign the following agreement, and return to RIDE at This documentation will be uploaded in the Accelegrants application for accurate financial record-keeping.
This will be an annual process that will kick off every year when Perkins allocations are announced to LEAs. Please let us know if you have any questions, and thank you in advance for timely submission of these materials.
CTE Funding Model
In addition to federal Perkins dollars, RIDE further supports CTE programs with Rhode Island state CTE Categorical Funding. To encourage growth in Priority Sectors, starting in FY19, CTE Categorical Funds are only generated by, and used for, programs in Priority Sectors. Programs receiving CTE Categorical Funds will report on the use of their funds to RIDE and the CTE Board on a quarterly basis.
Rhode Island Career and Technical (CTE) Industry-Specific Program Standards
There are no new changes to the standards for the 2024-25 school year.
CTE Industry Program StandardsGovernor’s Workforce Board Priority Sectors
The Rhode Island Governor’s Workforce Board (GWB) is the governing body charged with the continuous improvement of the workforce system and oversight of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds and programs. GWB’s Board consists of industry leaders from across the state who are appointed by the Governor to oversee workforce development activities statewide. Local Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs) fall under the auspices of GWB, which is part of the PrepareRI umbrella. GWB also has a seat on the CTE Board to further ensure alignment between the CTE Board and the workforce investment boards.
Because CTE programs strive to prepare students for success in life and employment in Rhode Island. This means identifying career fields and skills aligned to Rhode Island's industries and economy. In approving programs, and in distributing resources such as state categorical funding, RIDE prioritizes programs that address critical industry sectors in Rhode Island, as identified by the Department of Labor and Training in conjunction with the Rhode Island Department of Commerce and adopted by the Governor's Workforce Board. Currently, the following sectors are identified as Priority Sectors:
- Environmental and Life Sciences - Bioscience
- Business Management, Administration, Finance & Management
- Architecture and Construction
- Education, Training, and Human Services
- Healthcare
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Industrial Design
- Information Technology
- Manufacturing
- Manufacturing - Defense
- Marine Trades
- Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
CTE Regulations
The Rhode Island Board of Regents for Elementary and Secondary Education approved and adopted, effective July 1, 2012, the Board of Regents Regulations Governing Career and Technical Education (CTE) in Rhode Island, which supersedes all previous rules and regulations pertaining to career and technical education and vocational education.
CTE Teacher Certification
Prospective CTE educators should visit RIDE’s Certification Website to learn more about the following:
- Career and Technical Education Certificate Requirements (Will be updated early Spring 2024)
- Preliminary CTE Certificate
- Full CTE Certificate (p.5)
- Approved CTE credentialing Program at Roger Williams University
- Rhode Island Career and Technical Education Recognized Accreditation List
Questions related to CTE certification should be directed to
PrepareRI is an initiative to prepare all Rhode Island youth with the skills they need for jobs that pay. It represents a strategic partnership between the Rhode Island government, private industry leaders, the public education system, universities, and non-profits across the state. PrepareRI launched in 2016, after Rhode Island was awarded a New Skills for Youth grant from JPMorgan Chase and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO).
Student Organizations
Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSOs) are extracurricular clubs for students in a CTE pathway to further their knowledge and skills by participating in activities, events, and competitions.
Rhode Island offers the following CTSOs:
Information & Resources
The following resources and organizations offer a national perspective on CTE, including the latest research and best practices around implementation and support.
Beginning in the 2018-19 school year, RIDE encouraged all high schools to designate a "Career Coordinator." They are a vital link to business/industry/community resources and opportunities that support and enhance classroom learning and work-based learning in their respective schools. Work-based learning is a critical component of a student’s pathway and encompasses activities that provide students with real-life or simulated work experiences.
Career Coordinators create opportunities for a school’s faculty, staff and administrators to gain knowledge about Rhode Island’s businesses, industries, community-based organizations, post-secondary institutions and the various career clusters in order to provide meaningful work-based learning experiences for all students.
They also serve as a liaison for teachers to business, industry, post-secondary institutions and the community by developing and supporting partnerships with interested groups and/or individuals. Career Coordinators are focused on ensuring students' readiness for success during their WBL experiences and on their future career pathways.
Work-based Learning
As a means to strengthen the academic performance of all students, work-based learning provides students with real-life work experiences where they can apply and develop their academic, technical, and professional skills. Career Coordinators engage school faculty, staff, administrators, parents and business in a process to understand the importance of integrating work-based learning opportunities into all classes. By accessing and providing information, materials, resources and expertise about work-based learning programs, projects, professional development, and special events Career Coordinators assist their respective school with the integration of work-based learning opportunities and career awareness activities throughout the curriculum.
Work-based projects and activities include:
- Internships: Positions for students or trainees to work in an organization, with or without pay, to gain work experience, satisfy requirements for a credential, and/or gain course credit.
- Apprenticeships: Highly formal job training experience that involves studying with a master of the trade on the job.
- Service-learning Project: A program or project which combines community service with an outside organization with a structured opportunity for reflection about the service, emphasizing the connections between service experiences and academic learning.
- School-based Enterprise: Students produce and sell goods or services in the school and learn about business skills and entrepreneurship. This ma be part of an entrepreneurship course, and a business professional may serve as a mentor and advisor for the enterprise.
- Industry Project: Individual, group, or class-wide projects in which students address a real-world, industry focused question or problem with the guidance of industry professionals.
2023-24 Meeting Information:
Quick Links to Materials and Resources:
CTE Program Approval Process
Annually, RIDE releases a CTE Program Approval process for new state-approved programs. These programs, designed to prepare students for careers after high school, may be be proposed by any public high school in the state and can be accessed by all Rhode Island students regardless of their home districts, in alignment with legislation. Program approval will be for a term of up to five years. Further, approved programs in industries defined as high-skill, high-growth are eligible for state CTE categorical funding.
SY25-26 New Program Approval Process
The most recent program approval window closed on 11/4/24. To learn more about this process, please refer to the following materials that were in effect for this past approval cycle (SY25-26):
- Mandatory LEA Self-Assessment: LEAs had to first self-evaluate their program(s) against RIDE's priorities for new program approval; those programs scoring less than 20 points would likely not receive approval.
- Program Approval Application: Application for approval.
All future new program approval cycles will be announced via the Commissioner's Weekly Field Memo.
CTE is part of PrepareRI, a statewide initiative to build career pathways for all Rhode Island youth. Learn more about PrepareRI at