Transition Services
Transition services means a coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability that —
(1) Is designed to be within a results oriented process that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child‘s movement from school to post-school activities, including:
postsecondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation;
(2) Is based on the individual child‘s needs, taking into account the child‘s strengths, preferences and interests; and
(3) Includes —
(i) Instruction;
(ii) Related services;
(iii) Community experiences;
(iv) The development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives; and
(v) If appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and provision of functional vocational evaluation.
Transition services for children with disabilities may be special education, if provided as specially designed instruction, or related services, if required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education. (RI Regulations 300.43)
RIDE Employment First Policy: It is the policy of the RI Department of Education to support and promote practices in local education agencies and with partner agencies that support students with intellectual/developmental disabilities in exiting the public education system to post-secondary education, training and /or work in integrated settings.
The members of this Committee meet monthly to plan transition-related activities and share information through their Regional Transition Center. The Transition Advisory Committee provides a forum for districts to be made aware of current information regarding agencies, legal issues, best practices, and statewide activities. In addition, networking with other professionals and parent representatives allows districts to collaborate to express concerns, solve problems and share resources.
The Teachers of Life Skills Network (TLS) is a collaboration of over 175 educators of students who have ID/D to share valuable resources and experiences in the following transition areas:
- Providing effective life skills instruction
- Designing & managing transition programs for students needing ongoing supports
- Facilitating community & work based instruction
- Coordinating services with adult agencies
- Aligning life skills instruction curriculum
- Identifying best practices & overcoming barriers
TLS Sessions were aligned to Key Elements, Knowledge and Skills Standards of The CEC Advanced Special Educator Transition Specialist Competencies (2013).
Students who complete high school have several post-secondary options. Many high school graduates, including students with disabilities, are not adequately prepared to succeed in post-secondary education. The following Resources provide information on identifying, evaluating, and preparing students for post-secondary option.
Post Secondary Planning
College Panel
Hear about the experiences of young adults with disabilities currently attending college. Download the 2020 panel flyer to learn more
Below are links to download blank versions of the 3 current career development plans:
Rhode Island Statewide Transition Capacity Building Institute
RIDE, in collaboration with the Regional Transition Centers, has hosted a Statewide Transition Capacity Building Institute for the last five years. Our National partners assist our state and districts in improving secondary education and transition services. Participating district teams are comprised of a Special Education Administrator, a Special Education Teacher and/or Transition Advisory Council Member, a District Parent representative, ORS Counselor, and others. Teams are limited to four to five members. Districts receive intensive professional development from state, regional and national transition professionals, district planning, and interagency collaboration.
- For more information on the 2020-21 State Transition Institute, contact your Regional Transition Coordinator.
Rhode Island Regional Transition Centers (RTC)
The Rhode Island Regional Transition Centers provide direct technical support, training and information on transition services to school personnel in each region and assist in the development of statewide training and information activities.
View the 2024-25 RTC Brochure for contact information.