Virtual Learning
Several virtual and digital learning initiatives are taking place to help us support student-centered learning in Rhode Island.

Computer Science for Rhode Island (CS4RI) is among the most comprehensive statewide computer science (CS) initiatives in the country. CS4RI takes a coalition approach by combining national leadership with homegrown talent to reduce barriers to providing quality computer science education and professional development, and will bring CS learning opportunities to all Rhode Island schools in the years ahead.
Our goal is to have CS taught in every public school by December 2017.
Quick Links
Visit to learn more about the opportunities at all levels - LEADERS:
Complete the Expanding CS Opportunities Survey to begin connecting with CS Providers - ELEMENTARY EDUCATORS:
Attend one of the many Professional Learning Opportunities - ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOLS:
Watch the webinar on CS options - HIGH SCHOOLS:
Attend one of the many Professional Learning Opportunities
Why CS4RI?
- AP Computer Science is only offered in only 9 public high schools, and no Title I schools (i.e., schools where at least 40% of a school's students are from low-income families).
- Only 1% of RI high school students are currently enrolled in CS courses.
- In 2014, fewer than 350 students graduated from a Rhode Island college/university with a bachelor’s degree in CS, but there are more than 1,000 open CS jobs available in the state.
- Only 42 Rhode Island public school students took the Computer Science AP test in 2015, less than 1% of the total AP exams taken across the state. Only 26 passed with a score of 3 or higher. Of those students who earned a passing grade, 73.1% were white, and 76.9% were male. This compares with 68.1% white and 41.6%% male for all public school AP test takers.
The Challenge
Creating a talented and diverse pipeline of students with computer science (CS) expertise is critical to our economic future. Rhode Island’s IT industry is a leading force in our economy, and STEAM and IT jobs are among our fastest growing positions. We need to develop a workforce with the skills necessary to fill these high – wage, high – growth jobs.
All Rhode Island students should have the opportunity to take CS-related classes as early as kindergarten, and we should make sure Rhode Island public high school student have access to AP computer science courses. We must focus particularly on attracting students who have traditionally not participated in computer science. To increase our computer science options across all grades, we must engage community partners and resources and support schools and teachers in expanding their offerings.
CS4RI will:
- Give kids the skills that matter, starting as early as kindergarten
- Stop the brain drain by creating partnerships between our schools and businesses to raise awareness about the opportunities open right now in Rhode Island
- Help kids get jobs that pay by giving them the 21st century skills they need to be successful
- Attract 21st century businesses to invest in Rhode Island by demonstrating a commitment to building a pipeline of trained and talented workers
- Address disparities, so we create opportunities to ensure that everyone can make it in Rhode Island
Digital Learning in Rhode Island
To prepare our students for success in the 21st century, we must change the way we support our teachers and students. To transform education for the 21st century, we need to rethink learning, rethink schools, and take advantage of all of the resources available to us.
Rhode Islanders value individualized approaches to learning that provide every student with the opportunities for success. Rhode Island aspires to provide an educational system in which every student is enrolled in rigorous learning environments that meet their individual needs and through which students progress based upon their demonstrated mastery of essential, aligned, and agreed-upon rigorous academic and 21st century skills.
Our vision is that starting in early childhood, all students have access to personalized learning experiences that are experiential, blended, flexible, and differentiated; as a result of these experiences, students will be able to control the pace, place, and content of their learning experience. Rhode Island middle and high school students will have access to a wide range of high quality early college and early career training programs that enable them to earn high-value, portable credits and credentials. Rhode Island schools and districts will have systems and opportunities that expand students’ access to personalized learning, and teachers will have the skills needed to enhance personalization in and outside the classroom.

Learn from Each Other * Create the Conditions for Success * Plan * Implement * Assess and Improve * Repeat

Getting Started with Virtual Learning
Visit Discovery Education's dedicated Virtual Learning page to find ready-to-use strategies and engaging resources for educators and parents, and browse sessions from VirtCon, Discovery Education's recent 2-day professional learning event. Discover practical, creative, and effective ways to maximize digital resources in a virtual setting and design differentiated virtual learning experiences for students.
Access for Students
- Leverage your students’ accounts for 24/7 access to Discovery Education resources from any internet-enabled device using their district credentials.
- Please note: each district utilizes different methods for student access. Some districts utilize Google, Clever, or other methods of Single Sign-On. Please check with your teacher or school regarding your child’s information to login to Discovery Education.
- Want a quick overview of the Student Experience? Check out this overview video for families and students.
- Explore ideas for Student Exploration: How Do You DE?, Virtual Field Trips, Learning Adventures, and more directly from the student landing page for self-directed learning experiences.
- Check out the Daily DE activities available now for families and students.
Support for Educators
- Check out the Getting Started Guide to Virtual Learning – concrete ideas and strategies for supporting digital teaching and learning.
- Find grab-and-go lessons to customize and assign to students in the Student Learning Activities and Instructional Inspiration Channels.
- Join an upcoming live event:
- Check the Events Calendar regularly for updated offerings, as well as archives of recent events.
- Day of Discovery – April 21 from 2:00-6:00 PM CT
- Explore on-demand learning opportunities within Discovery Education’s helpful resources
- Need More Help? Check out Discovery Education’s Knowledgebase.