K-12 School Counseling
As a component of the Rhode Island Basic Education Program, "each LEA shall establish and maintain a Comprehensive School Counseling Guidance (CSC) Program, including guidance and counseling services, available to all students in grades K-12. Each LEA shall ensure that the CSC Guidance program shall:
- Be developed and delivered in accordance with the Rhode Island Framework for Comprehensive K-12 School Counseling Programs;
- Support each student in meeting the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) standards in the academic, career, and personal and social domains;
- Be a coordinated effort among the professional counseling staff and the rest of the educational community; and
- Include services to be provided to students at each developmental stage and specify how the services will be provided to all students.
of High School students think they will graduate
of RI teachers expect their students to go to college
School Counseling Program Vision Statement:
The vision of School Counseling at RIDE is that every school implements a comprehensive school counseling program. Each program follows the ASCA National Model, including the implementation of a robust Individual Learning Plan (ILP). All students have access to a school counseling program that provides academic, career, and social/emotional support through direct and indirect student services including but not limited to a multitiered system of support. All LEAs define, manage, and assess their school counseling programs as outlined by the ASCA National Model.
School Counseling Program Mission Statement:
The mission of School Counseling at RIDE is to collaborate with school counselors and LEAs to support their implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program that ensures equity, access and success for all students. Through leadership and professional development for school counselors and school administrators, school counseling programs that prepare all students to be college and career ready are delivered in all LEA’s.
Counseling Supports
The counseling team at RIDE works to support district's School Counseling Programs through monthly newsletter communication as well as monthly professional development. New counselors may sign up here to receive the newsletter.
The team can also provide technical assistance with individual learning plan implementation and collates resources through the school counseling resource hub linked below. Please reach out to Onna Holland, Education Specialist (Counseling) at Onna.Holland@ride.ri.gov for support.
School Counseling Resource Hub
The School Counselor Resource Hub has a variety of resources available in the three domains (Academic, Career, and Social-Emotional). The database can be searched by grade, domain, lessons, and keyword.
If you would like to share a resource, website, or lesson that you have found helpful, please fill out this form. Please share your feedback on this tool here.
RI’s college and career chatbot texting tool RhodyReady wants to support your high school juniors and seniors!

The Office of College & Career Readiness requests your help to notify your rising juniors and seniors (Class of 2023 & 2024) to text “Hi RhodyReady” to 401-567-2822 to receive important reminders and information to support them through the college and career planning process.
A web-based version of the bot as well as more information about RhodyReady can be found at WWW.RIDE.RI.GOV/RHODY-READY.
The team will be adding content throughout the summer so RhodyReady can answer all your college and career questions and engage with students throughout the 2022-23 academic year.
If you have any questions please contact Onna Holland.
Session Descriptions
ILP Professional Learning group: These sessions will focus on how to deliver engaging lessons for ILP, share best practices for ILP, and discuss with other schools using the same ILP platform how best to utilize it.
Level Sharing: In these sessions, focused on all aspects of school counseling, resources will be shared, best practices discussed, and problems of practice discussed. Time will be dedicated to counselors sharing out and requests for topics to be covered by participants.
Directors Meetings: Opportunity for school counseling leads (directors, content leaders, chairs) to discuss questions and share with each other how they are supporting their departments. Resources will be shared about various initiatives and time given to discuss problems of practice.
Session Dates & Times:
- 10/10 ILP PLG in Person 12:30-2:30
- 11/14 Elem/Middle Level Sharing 8-12
- 12/12 HS Level Sharing 8-12
- 12/17 Directors Meeting 1-3
- 1/9 ILP PLG Virtual 1-2:30 Register Here
- 3/6 Directors Meeting 8:30-10:30am /ILP PLG 12-2pm in person
- 6/4 HS Level Sharing 8:30-11:30am/Elementary & Middle Level Sharing 11:30-2:30pm
REGISTER HERE for all in-person sessions
For any questions, please contact onna.holland@ride.ri.gov
Rhode Island FAFSA Initiative
The cost of college and career training can be a barrier for many students, so completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is essential for students to qualify for federal, state, and institutional funds.
Students can receive up to $7,395 per year in Federal Pell grants during the 2023/2024 cycle.
For more information and application resources, please visit: https://www.prepare-ri.org/fafsa
The Individual Learning Plan (ILP) has been a requirement for all Rhode Island students in grades 6-12 since 2005 when it was incorporated into the state’s Secondary School and Graduation Requirement Regulations. ILPs are a student-directed planning and monitoring tool that customizes learning opportunities throughout students' secondary school experience, broadens their perspectives, and supports attainment of goals. The ILP documents students’ interests, needs, supports, course selections (including access to college level programming), transition placements and other learning experiences both in and out of school. This information produces a thoughtful program of study leading to proficiency for graduation and postsecondary experiences. A meaningful ILP for all Rhode Island students:
- Begins no later than entry into sixth grade and is maintained through 12th grade.
- Is revisited at least twice each school year, and at key transition periods for students.
- Helps students identify and meet their goals in three domains: academic, career and personal/ social.
- Coordinates with other support plans as appropriate. For example, individualized education programs (IEPs), Section 504 plans, Personal Literacy Plans, etc.
Both the Secondary School Regulations and the state's PrepareRI state action plan for career readiness identifies the ILP as the backbone of personalization and relevance of a student's education. In school year 2023-2024 data will be pulled quarterly for the ILP.
The ILP Collection form details the data that is required.
ILP data should be pulled from ILP web platforms and submitted to RIDE on the following dates for the 2024-25 school year:
- Q1: November 15, 2024, submit to RIDE by December 4, 2024
- Q2: February 14, 2025, submit to RIDE by March 7, 2025
- Q3: April 25, 2025, submit to RIDE by May 9, 2025
- Q4: June 23, 2025, submit to RIDE by June 30, 2025
NOTE: Academic Year 24-25 Narrative Report 24-25 due June 3, 2025.
In addition, a narrative report will need to be submitted by each district by June 3, 2025. This will be submitted through the RIDE ILP District Annual Report. The narrative report asks for evidence of alignment with the RI ILP Scope and Sequence via a list of lessons or timeline that include the lessons. A Note Taking Doc is available to assist with the completion of the end of year Narrative report. Here is a sample timeline.
If you need support with your ILP Program, implementation or data reporting, please complete this ILP technical assistance request form.
ILP System and Curriculum: Vendor Menu of Options
To help guide the renewed focus on ILPs, the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) convened a diverse working group of education, postsecondary, community, and industry stakeholders. This working group provided a key series of recommendations to help guide the revitalization of the ILP as a meaningful way to connect a student’s academic, career, and social/emotional goals and passions with their secondary school experiences.
These recommendations have led to the release of the Individual Learning Plan Adoption Toolkit, as well as the release of a menu of turn-key ILP system and curriculum solutions that is now available. In fall 2017, RIDE issued a request for proposals for vendors that could provide a comprehensive ILP system and curriculum. A review team, supported by a number of school and district staff serving as technical advisors, considered vendor proposals. The final menu of vendor options that schools and/or districts can choose from as they implement or revise the ILP programs for their students includes four different vendor options.
ILP Adoption Toolkit
To help guide the renewed focus on individual learning plans (ILPs), the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) convened a diverse working group of education, postsecondary, community, and industry stakeholders. This working group provided a key set of recommendations to help guide the revitalization of the ILP as a meaningful way to connect a student’s academic, career, and social-emotional goals and passions with their secondary school experiences.
These recommendations led to the release of this toolkit, as well as the release of a menu of turnkey ILP system and curriculum solutions. In fall 2017, RIDE issued a request for proposals for vendors that could provide a comprehensive electronic ILP system and curriculum. A review team, supported by a number of school and district staff serving as technical advisors, considered vendor proposals. The final menu of vendor options that schools and/or districts can choose from as they implement or revise the ILP programs for their students includes four different vendor options. In December 2019, districts submitted an ILP Adoption Success Plan to indicate their chosen vendor option. The original toolkit was revised in 2020, in collaboration with the Regional Educational Laboratory-Northeast, with additional implementation recommendations and supports.
As districts begin to implement a new or revised ILP program, RIDE will help support implementation by continuing to develop toolkit resources, working directly with schools interested in state technical support, and reporting on statewide common and best practices. For more information about these resources and opportunities, visit ride.ri.gov/schoolcounseling.
Section | ILP Toolkit Item | Use Type | Intent of Section |
ALL | Complete Toolkit [PDF] | Systems-level decisions | Complete ILP Adoption Toolkit to support decision-making and adoption of the ILP menu options. |
A | ILP Framework [PDF] | Systems-level decisions | This section explains the RI regulations requirements of an ILP. It identifies roles required for implementation and alignment to ASCA domains. This framework was revised in summer 2017 as a result of the ILP working group. |
B | ILP Scope & Sequence and Curriculum Model[PDF] | Program Integration and Implementation | This section provides a RI ILP model scope and sequence, as well as a turnkey curriculum model with lesson plans aligned to vendors and vendor-specific features from the state-vetted menu. |
C | ILP Vendor Overview [PDF] |
Systems-level decisions | This section identifies the ILP System & Curriculum vendor menu, frequently asked information about each vendor, Master Price Agreement costs and implementation considerations. |
D | ILP School/ District Adoption Success Plan [DOCX] | Systems-level decisions | This section provides a template for schools and districts to document the current status of their ILP system & curriculum implementation and includes a brief section to indicate which vendor from the menu has been adopted or propose a model that is not on the menu. |
E | ILP District Decision Rubric Tool [XLSX] | Systems-level decisions | This section provides a rubric tool to help guide conversations about the ILP solutions that best meets local needs. Use the rubric as an adaptable template to evaluate ILP vendor options. |

The updated ILP system is part of PrepareRI, a statewide initiative to build career pathways for all Rhode Island youth. Learn more about PrepareRI at www.prepare-ri.org.
LEAs began submitting ILP data to RIDE in school year 2020-2021. The following dashboard was created to make this data transparent, accessible, and easier to understand.
Please note, LEAs are still working with ILP platform vendors to streamline data verification and transfer to RIDE. LEAs submit ILP data quarterly to RIDE, but the end of year data is most accurate for all milestone completion. If you have questions, please click here for a guide and frequently asked questions about this dashboard, and if you have further questions, please reach out to Onna.Holland@ride.ri.gov.
ILP data should be pulled from ILP web platforms and submitted to RIDE on the following dates for the 2024-25 school year:
- Q1: November 15, 2024, submit to RIDE by December 4, 2024
- Q2: February 14, 2025, submit to RIDE by March 7, 2025
- Q3: April 25, 2025, submit to RIDE by May 9, 2025
- Q4: June 23, 2025 (or last day), submit to RIDE by June 30, 2025
If you would like to sign up for the ILP PLG email list, please sign up here.
PrepareRI School Counseling Corps
Reimagining School Counseling
- Increase equitable access for students to effective comprehensive counseling programs
- Increase the percentage of students accessing the Diploma Plus credential and courses
Ten (10) School Counselors will be funded as part of a three-year initiative to expand supports to students across Rhode Island. Counselors hired will be fully embedded in the participating high schools and serve as the main point of contact for the project outcomes while serving as a full-time member of the counseling department. Together, the counseling team will create a comprehensive program offering proactive supports to all students with a focus on equity and expanding access. A two-year ASCA training will be provided for the primary high school counseling department as well as the feeder schools’ counseling departments to support the program goals.
A comprehensive counseling program enables schools to proactively ensure that they are reaching all students and addressing their needs. Studies have shown that implementation of the ASCA national model (which includes a comprehensive counseling program) and a lower student to school counselor ration can result in more first-generation students attending college, increasing attendance and increasing SAT scores.
Priority Areas:
LEA’s are eligible to submit for this opportunity to increase the number of school counselors for high school students and the level of school counseling services provided. The funding for this program is limited. Priority will be given to schools that are high priority according to the data and ready to engage in implementation of the PrepareRI School Counseling Corp. All RI high schools who meet two or more priority area are eligible to participate in the program.
- Schools at which the graduation rate is lower than the state average (2019 4-year rate – 83.9%);
- Schools with a FAFSA Completion rate lower than the average for the state (66% completion);
- Schools with a rate of 54% or more of students who are eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch exceeding the statewide rate;
- Schools with a Post-Secondary Success Score below the average of 49. (The Post-Secondary Success Score is part of Diploma Plus. The index is created from the proportion of H.S. graduates who earn a credential beyond a H.S. diploma, for ex. AP course, Dual and/or Concurrent Enrollment, Approved CTE Credentials.)
- “Significant” Achievement gaps for subpopulations as defined by having more than one low performing subgroups
This program requires a 3-year commitment.
Available Funds:
The first year of the three-year program includes a fully funded counselor (up to $75,000 base salary) for your school.
Year |
District |
1 |
100% |
0% |
2 |
50% |
50% |
3 |
30% |
70% |
Hiring the PrepareRI Counselors:
The hiring process for this program will be a joint endeavor with districts and RIDE. Essential duties and responsibilities for the position will include elements required to meet project deliverables. Districts will post the position on job sites and be responsible for the screening and interview processes. The PrepareRI School Counseling RIDE team will interview and approve finalist candidates in collaboration with the district.
Program Timeline:
Date | Activity |
10/23/20 | Interest Survey Launch |
11/2/20 - 1:00PM | PrepareRI School Counseling Corps Informational Webinar |
11/6/20 | Interest Survey Deadline |
11/20/20 | Signed Assurance of Commitment |
2/22/21 | Counselors Start Date |
Resources & Additional Information:
- PrepareRI School Counseling Corps one page description here.
- For questions please contact onna.holland@ride.ri.gov.
The Rhode Island Framework for Comprehensive K-12 School Counseling Programs is the product of a broad collaborative effort by Providence College, the Rhode Island School Counselor Association, Rhode Island School-to-Career and the Rhode Island Department of Education. School counselors are critical players in systemic change. Their role as leaders, advocates, and collaborators allows them to be important contributors to positive educational change and to the success of students in three developmental domains: academic, personal/social and career. While continuing to serve as the primary conduit whereby the needs of students are addressed, counselors now develop and implement a program that is comprehensive in scope, preventative in design, developmental in nature, and data driven. Twenty-first century school counseling in Rhode Island ensures equitable access to educational and career exploration opportunities for all kids, promotes a rigorous academic curriculum for every student, provides strategies for closing the equity gaps, supports the development of skills to increase student success, and fosters advocacy for all students. The model encourages administrators and counselors to align school improvement strategies with school counseling by redefining and re-positioning the role of school counselor.
RI School Counseling Framework 2.0: An update to the original framework that includes the most current ASCA Standards:
If you would like to provide feedback on this Framework, please click HERE.
RIDE invites schools to join the 2023 professional learning group (PLG) in an effort to continue to support districts in implementation of revised ILP programs, as spurred last by the updated Secondary School Regulations and PrepareRI Action Plan. The PLG is currently comprised of over 30 districts. We invite new districts to join this great group of educators. The PLG offers the forum for school teams to come together to customize, design implement and evaluate their ILP process.
Opportunity: As part of the PLG, schools can expect to discuss and learn from each other’s successes and get feedback on how to address the obstacles they face, including: sharing of best practices; identifying and beginning implementation of a platform; identifying classes or logistics for working with students to create and update their ILP; and/or, identifying and planning related curriculum.
Commitment: The PLG will meet quarterly and there will be at least one on-site visit to the school/district by PLG coordinators. PLG Teams should consist of district and school leadership along with school counselors (or other appropriate staff responsible for ILPs) who will be responsible for the implementation of the ILP program. Districts are encouraged to select team members from both the middle and high school levels.
If you have any questions about the ILP PLG please contact onna.holland@ride.ri.gov.
Comprehensive School Counseling address a broad array of learning for students. Rhode Island has adopted both national and state-specific standards that support schools and counselors in developing robust programs.
- American School Counselor Association Mindsets and Behaviors. The RI Framework includes the ASCA National Standards and Competencies for School Counseling Programs. These standards address the mindsets and behaviors that students should acquire across the three following domains: academic, career, and personal/social.
- Rhode Island Social Emotional Learning Standards. Practitioners across the state have worked to develop Rhode Island specific standards for Social Emotional Education. You can learn more about these here.
- RI Standards and Skills Crosswalk - This document is to assist in croswalking the ASCA standards with other commonly used standards.
Further, a group of approximately 100 practitioners known as the Rhode Island Learning Champions have met over the past year to develop rubrics for assessing student competencies with applied learning skills: communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, research, reflection and evaluation, and collaboration, among other content areas. Visit RIDE's Proficiency Based Learning page for more information.
The Rhode Island School Counseling Competencies for Students were developed in May 2020 as a supplement to the Individual Learning Plan guidance. The competencies should serve as the foundation for building a K-12 comprehensive school counseling program of which the Individual Learning Plan should be a component. The information in this document is designed as the framework for each district’s written curriculum and is not necessarily all-inclusive.
The competencies cover three domains: academic, career, and social/emotional development, align with the ASCA Mindsets and Standards, and are broken into grade-span expectations based on what a student should be developmentally able to demonstrate at the end of each span. All members of the school community should be engaged in exposing students to the information and encouraging growth in all three of these areas.
The goal in writing this document was to answer the question: “What do all students in Rhode Island need to know in order to be lifelong learners and productive citizens in an ever-changing global society?”
School Counselor Credential Requirements
Educator Quality is essential to improving student achievement. Educator Quality begins with clear standards for educator practice. Improvement of achievement requires implementing strong practices in recruiting, developing, recognizing, and retaining talented and demonstrably successful staff in LEAs.
Individuals seeking to become a school counselor in Rhode Island should work with RIDE's Office of Educator Excellence and Certification Services: email (EQAC@ride.ri.gov) or phone (401-222-8893).
- Tuesday 9/11 Elementary Level PD Register Here
- 9/12 Data-Informed School Counseling, Register Here
- Wednesday 9/13 High School Level 10 AM Register Here
- Wednesday 9/13 Middle School Level 1 PM Register Here
- 9/15 SCC ASCA Coaching 9-12 - Warwick Library (Sandy Lane)- Small Room
- Thursday 10/12 ILP PLG 1-2:30 Register Here
- 9/21 Positive School Culture and Climate, Register Here
- Monday 9/25 RAMP All Day Warwick Library Idea room
- Tuesday 9/26 ASCA Cohort 2 All Day NEIT
- Wednesday 9/27 ASCA Cohort 3 NEIT
- Wednesday 9/27 ASCA Cohort 3 NEIT
- Monday 10/9 Coffee with Counselors - Simple Merchant Coffee, 513 Broadway, Newport 9-10:30 Register Here
- Thursday 10/12 ILP PLG 1-2:30 Register Here
- Monday 10/16 Work Session - ASCA
- Wednesday 10/25 Elementary Level PD 1-2 Register Here
- Thursday, October 26, 2023 Coaching Session 9-12, Warwick Library, Idea Room
- Monday, 10/30 RISCA Conference Register Here
- Monday, November 6 ILP Support Session at the Warwick Public Library, Large meeting room, 9-12:30 Register here
- This session is to offer technical support and best practices for schools as they implement their ILP Scope and Sequence
- Monday, 11/14 HS Level PD: FAFSA Updates Overview, presented by studentaid.gov 10:00-11:00, Register Here,
- Monday, 11/20 Middle School Level 1:30-2:30 Register Here
- Tuesday 11/21 ASCA Work Session - Warwick Library - Large Meeting Room
- Friday, December 8, Coffee With Counselors, Panera, East Greenwich 9-10:30. Register Here
- Monday 12/4 Elementary Level PD 10:30-11:00, Register Here
- Tuesday 12/12 ILP PLG, NEIT 12-2:30, Register Here
- Monday, December 18, 2023, Coaching Session 9-12, TBD
- Tuesday 1/9/24, 1-2 Survey Works and Other Helpful Data Tools. ALL Level PD, Register Here
- 1/17 ASCA Work Session, 9-2:30, TBD
- 1/22 Monday ASCA Cohort 2 - NEIT
- 1/23 Tuesday ASCA Cohort 3 - NEIT
- 1/24 Wednesday ASCA Ramp - NEIT
- Monday, February 5, 2024, Coaching Session 9-12, TBD
- Thursday, March 7. 2024 ILP PLG 1-2:30, Register Here
- Tuesday, April 9, 2024, Coaching Session 9-12, TBD
- Wednesday, April 24, 2023, ILP PLG 1-2:30, Register Here
- Monday, 5/20 ASCA Cohort 2 Training NEIT, East Greenwich
- Tuesday, 5/21 ASCA Cohort 3 Training NEIT, East Greenwich
- Wednesday, 5/22 ASCA RAMP Sessions, TBD
- Friday, May 24, 2024, Coaching 9-12, TBD - Outcome presentations
- Coffee with Counselors Coffee Depot Warren 9-10:30, Register Here
- Monday, June 3, 2024, Elementary Level PD 10-11, Register Here
- Wednesday, June 5, 2024, ILP PLG 1-2:30, Register Here
School Counseling Summer 2023 Professional Development Series
This series is being presented by ASCA Certified Trainers! Learn from national leaders and earn PLUs in the process!
- Get started with the ASCA National Model 7/25 - NEIT 8-2:30
- School Counseling Assessment How-To’s 8/1- NEIT S330
- Resiliency Building 8/9 - NEIT S330
- School Counseling Classroom & Group Lesson Development 8/15- NEIT S330
- Trauma and Crisis Workshop 8/23 (Warwick Library-large room) 9-3:30
- Data-Informed School Counseling 9/12 (Warwick Library-Large room) 9-3:30
- Positive School Culture and Climate 9/21 TBD
- 8/10/22: Summer School Counselor Office Hour (10-11 AM) Join Here
- 9/22/22: High School Level PD (10-11 AM) Register Here
- 9/23/22: Middle Level PD (1-2 PM) Register Here
- 9/23/22: Elementary Level PD (10-11 AM) Register Here
- 10/20/22: Elementary Level PD (10 AM) Register Here
- 10/20/22: ILP PLG (1-2:30 PM) Register Here
- 11/17/22: High School Level (10-11 AM) Register Here
- 11/17/22: Middle Level (1-2 PM) Register Here
- 12/20/22: Elementary Level (10-11 AM) Register Here
- 1/19/23: ILP PLG (1-2:30) Register Here
- 1/31/23: All Counselors - Data Workshop with the REL (9-11 AM) Register Here
- 2/16/23: Elementary Level (10-11 AM) Register Here
- 3/13/23: High School Level PD (10 – 11 AM) Register Here
- 3/13/23: Middle Level PD (1-2 PM) Register Here
- 3/22/23: ILP PLG (10-11:30 AM) Register Here
- 4/20/23: Elementary Level (10-11 AM) Register Here
- 5/10/23: Middle/High School Level PD (10-11 AM) Register Here
- 5/12/23: Pure Edge School Counselor Training (9-10AM) Register Here
- 6/2/23: ILP PLG IN PERSON (12:30-2:30) Register Here
- 9/20/21: High School Level (10AM); Elementary/ Middle Level (1PM)
- 10/18/21: High/Middle Level (1PM)
- 11/15/21: High School / Middle Level (1PM)
- 12/13/21: ALL COUNSELORS: Youth Mental Health Depression & Anxiety Overview with Bradley Learning Exchange (11AM--12:30PM)
- 1/10/22: ALL COUNSELORS: Suicide Screening, Prevention, and Response with Bradley Exchange (11AM-- 1PM)
- 2/7/22: Elementary (11AM ); High School / Middle Level (1PM)
- 3/14/22: High School Level (10AM); Middle Level (1PM)
- 3/31/22: Naviance Technical Assistance webinar (10AM)
- 4/11/22: Elementary (11AM); High School / Middle Level (1PM)
- 4/25/22: ILP Professional Learning Group (1PM)
- 5/16/22: High School / Middle Level (1PM)
- 5/24/22: ILP Professional Learning Group (10AM)
- 6/3 AT 10 AM: Learn how to create custom surveys and goals – counselors, directors of counseling – best for staff creating the activities in Naviance for students
- 6/7 at 9 AM: Learn how to create custom tasks and build programs – counselors, directors of counseling – best for staff creating the activities in Naviance for students
- 6/8 at 10 AM: Learn how to build custom reports for ILP Data Pull – Best for -data managers, or any staff member that pulls reports from Naviance
- 6/9 at 10 AM: Learn how to pull reports for daily easy tracking through Reports Beta - counselors, directors of counseling – best for facilitating the activities in Naviance for students, and data managers.
- Friday, September 15, 2023 Coaching Session 9-12, TBD
- Thursday, October 26, 2023 Coaching Session 9-12, TBD
- Monday, December 18, 2023, Coaching Session 9-12, TBD
- Monday, February 5, 2024, Coaching Session 9-12, TBD
- Tuesday, April 9, 2024, Coaching Session 9-12, TBD
- Friday, May 24, 2024, Coaching 9-12, TBD - Outcome presentations
- Tuesday, September 26, 2023, NEIT
- Monday, October 16, 2023 - 9-2 Work Session -TBD
- Tuesday, Nov 21, 2023 - 9-2 Work Session - TBD
- January 22, 2023, 8-3, NEIT
- Wednesday, January 17, 2024, 9-2 Work Session - TBD
- Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 9-2, Work Session TBD