Assessment Accommodations
Learn more and find resources about the accommodations specific to each of Rhode Island's statewide assessments.
RISAP Accommodations Webinar Registration Links, Presentations, and Recordings
RIDE offers this series of webinars on the accommodations available for students participating in our statewide assessments. Registration links, topics, and materials (including recordings and presentations) will be posted in the following table.
01/29/2025 & 01/30/2025 |
Accommodations and Accessibility Features in-person presentation. |
(3.11.2025) |
2/13/2025 | Accommodations and accessibility features webinar | recording |
RISAP Accommodations and Accessibility Features Manual and Other Resources:
- 2024-25 Accommodations and Accessibility Features Manual Posted12.13.2024. This document contains accommodations and accessibility features for all state assessments, state accommodations policies, guidance, and forms you may need as you prepare for the state assessments.
Guidance: These documents are included in the Accommodations and Accessibility Features Manual. Download this guidance for test administrators, as needed:
- Appendix A: State Assessment by Grade Level
- Appendix G: Providing the Sign Language Accommodation (all state assessments)
- Appendix E: Emergency Accommodation Form
- Appendix H: RICAS Calculator Policy
- Appendix I: PSAT 10 and SAT Calculator Policy
- Appendix J: Scribe Guidelines (RICAS and NGSA)
- Appendix K: Read Aloud Guidelines (RICAS and NGSA)
- Appendix L: Simplified Test Directions Guidelines (NGSA)
ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs: Additional Resources for Accommodations and Accessibility Features
NOTE: The Accommodations and Accessibility Features Manual for all state assessments is posted under the first tab. The checklists below are also included in the WIDA Accessibility and Accommodations Manual.
- WIDA Accessibility and Accommodations Manual (2024-25) [PDF] Posted 08.2024
- ACCESS for ELLs Accommodations Selections Checklist - Online [PDF] Posted 08.2024
- ACCESS for ELLs Accommodations Selections Checklist - Paper [PDF] Posted 08.2024
- Alt-ACCESS for ELLs Accommodations Selections Checklist [PDF] Posted 08.2024
- Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs Accommodations Selections Checklist [PDF] Posted 08.2024
- Domain Exemption Guidance [PDF] (Posted 1.2022). This guidance document provides information on the criteria a student must meet in order to be exempt from a language domain test.
DLM: Additional Resources for Accommodations and Accessibility Features
NOTE: The RISAP Accommodations and Accessibility Features Manual is posted under the first tab.
NGSA: Additional Resources for Accommodations and Accessibility Features
NOTE: The RISAP Accommodations and Accessibility Features Manual is posted under the first tab. Below are important additional materials and resources on accommodations needed for the NGSA assessments.
- 2023-24 NGSA Assistive Technology Manual [PDF] Coming soon! This Assistive Technology Manual provides technical specification information and additional configuration instructions for assistive technology tools that can be used by students with special accessibility needs for online testing. It includes information for testing with Predictive Text tools, Alternative Computer Input tools, Assistive Keyboard tools, Screen Magnifier tools, Voice Packs, and Braille technology.
- Sample PRN file: This link will take you to a sample PRN file to help configure settings for Braille software.
- Sample BRF file: This link will take you to a sample BRF file to help configure settings for Braille software.
- NGSA TIDE User Guide - This guide provides step by step directions for updating students' test settings for accommodations and accessibility features.
- Technology Coordinators Page - This page provides information about secure browsers and configurations for various operating systems, as well as related technology guides.
- Periodic Table (English) and Periodic Table (Spanish) - The Periodic Table is available online for the 8th and 11th grade NGSA and appears on the global menu. If desired, students have the option of using a printed paper copy of the Periodic Table.
RICAS: Additional Resources for Accommodations and Accessibility Features
NOTE: The RISAP Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual is posted under the first tab. Below are additional materials and resources on accommodations needed for RICAS.
- RICAS Student Registration and Student Accommodation Profile Guide contains all of the directions for working in the RICAS Portal to update accommodations for RICAS testing.
- RICAS Testing with Third Party Assistive Technology Guide contains a list of all assistive technology programs and devices that are and are not supported by the RICAS Student Kiosk.
- Bilingual Dictionaries & Glossaries Authorized for Use by Multilingual learners on the RICAS & NGSA contains a list of bilingual dictionaries and glossaries that current and former Multilingual learners may use on RICAS assessments.
NOTE: Please ensure that students use the bilingual dictionaries/glossaries regularly during instruction throughout the school year. Bilingual dictionaries should not be given to a student on the day of testing. For approved bilingual dictionaries/glossaries for other state assessments, such as the PSAT10 or SAT School Day, please visit that test's accommodation tab. As a rule, bilingual dictionaries and glossaries may not contain any pictures, or definitions, or handwritten notes; only word-to-word dictionaries and glossaries are permitted.
Standard Reference Sheets for the Spanish Edition of the Mathematics Test
Below are Spanish versions of the standard reference sheet for EL students. NOTE: grades 3 and 4 do not have a standard mathematics reference sheet so a Spanish reference sheet is not provided.
- Grade 5 Spanish Mathematics Standard Reference Sheet (PDF)
- Grade 6 Spanish Mathematics Standard Reference Sheet (PDF)
- Grade 7 Spanish Mathematics Standard Reference Sheet (PDF)
- Grade 8 Spanish Mathematics Standard Reference Sheet (PDF)
Graphic Organizers, Checklists, and Supplemental Reference Sheets
The approved graphic organizers, checklists, and supplemental reference sheets listed below are for use by students with disabilities in grades 3-8 who have the Pre-approved Graphic Organizer or Supplemental Reference Sheet accommodation listed in their IEP or 504 Plan. RIDE encourages educators to use these tools during instruction throughout the school year so students will be comfortable using them during RICAS testing.
NOTE about using approved graphic organizers and reference sheets during testing and instruction: These graphic organizers and reference sheets may be helpful to students without disabilities. Educators may use these graphic organizers and reference sheets during instruction for all students, not just students with disabilities. However, students without the appropriate accommodation(s) in their IEP or 504 Plan may not use the graphic organizers or reference sheets during RICAS testing. Educators should not feel the need to incorporate these graphic organizers or reference sheets into their instruction if they have others they use or feel these are not appropriate for their students.
The following list includes all graphic organizers allowable on the RICAS ELA tests.
- Grades 3-4 Essay (docx)
- Grades 3-4 Short Response (docx)
- Grades 3-4 Story (docx)
- Grades 3-4 Story (docx)
- Grade 5 Essay (docx)
- Grade 5 Narrative (docx)
- Grades 6-8 Narrative (docx)
- Grades 6-8 Essay (docx)
The following list contains the Supplemental Reference Sheets allowed for use on the RICAS Math tests. These Supplemental Reference Sheets can be used alone or with the Standard Reference Sheet for that grade level. Information may be removed from the Supplemental Reference Sheet but not added. Multiplication Tables must remain blank and the student must fill them in by themselves during testing.
- Grade 3 Supplemental Reference Sheet (pdf)
- Grade 3 Supplemental Reference Sheet (MS Word) - Spanish
- Grade 4 Supplemental Reference Sheet (pdf)
- Grade 4 Supplemental Reference Sheet (MS Word) - Spanish
- Grade 5 Supplemental Reference Sheet (pdf)
- Grade 5 Supplemental Reference Sheet (MS Word) - Spanish
- Grade 6 Supplemental Reference Sheet
- Grade 6 Supplemental Reference Sheet (MS Word) - Spanish
- Grade 7 Supplemental Reference Sheet (pdf)
- Grade 7 Supplemental Reference Sheet (MS Word) - Spanish
- Grade 8 Supplemental Reference Sheet (pdf)
- Grade 8 Supplemental Reference Sheet (MS Word) - Spanish
PSAT10 and SAT: Additional Resources for Accommodations and Accessibility Features
NOTE: The Accommodations and Accessibility Manual is posted under the first tab. Below are important additional materials and resources on accommodations needed for the PSAT 10 and SAT.
- SSD Online and Accommodations Overview [PDF] - slide deck (posted 12/17/2024)
- SSD Online and Accommodations Overview - recorded presentation
- SAT Accommodations Guide (posted 2.20.2024)
- SAT Paper Testing Guide (posted 2.20.2024)
- Glossary List for EL Students [PDF]: (Posted 10/24/2024) This is a list of glossaries for students who are English Learners. Students are also welcome to use their own word-to-word glossaries instead of, or in addition to, those listed in this document. Students should be using these glossaries during classroom instruction so they are familiar with them well before the test day. (Also posted on the Preparing for State Assessments web page in the Test Coordinator tab).
- Accommodations Questionnaire (PDF): Schools should use this form when entering new accommodations for students with disabilities (not EL students unless they have an IEP/504) for either the SAT or the PSAT10. This questionnaire applies to the following accommodations only: extended time for students with disabilities, reader, scribe, and breaks.
- Accommodations and Assistive Technology Manual
Accommodations for EL Students*
- 50% Extended Time (Do not use the questionnaire form for requesting extended time for EL students. No documentation or additional information is necessary when requesting extended time for EL students):
- Students will receive 50% extended time on each section of the SAT. Students must sit for the entire time allotted and cannot go ahead in the test, or stop testing, even if they are the only one testing.
- EL students requiring 50% extended time will need to be identified in SSD Online.
- EL students using 50% extended time can be tested with other students with accommodations testing with the same timing and test materials.
- EL Students who receive this accommodation will receive college-reportable scores.
- Translated Test Directions are available only for the standard test script (for test sessions not using 50% Extended Time). If the student is using 50% Extended time, the directions will indicate that the student should refer to the time the proctor writes on the board for stop times. There are notes in each set of translated directions that explain this.
- Translated Test Directions for Digital Tests
- Translated Test Directions for Paper Tests