PSAT 10 and SAT School Day

Starting in the 2017-18 school year, the PSAT 10 and the SAT became the assessments administered to all 10th and 11th grade high school students in Rhode Island.

Increased participation in the PSAT 10 and the SAT  was the first step toward ensuring more students are college and career ready. These assessments maintain an appropriately high standard for Rhode Island students and are good tools to help close the gap between expected future job requirements for post-secondary education and current college enrollment and completion.

For information about the PSAT 10 and SAT, please follow the link to its corresponding page:

Participating in the SAT School Day and PSAT 10 School Day 

This is a clarification of who can participate in the Rhode Island statewide administration of the SAT and PSAT 10 tests. This information applies only to the dates published by RIDE for SAT and PSAT 10 and does not apply to any other administrations. Dates for the Rhode Island State Assessment Program administrations for all state assessments can be found on the Assessment Schedules page of this website. 

  • Public School Students: It is expected that students attending public school in Rhode Island will participate in the required tests for their current grade level. Public school students are expected to participate in the PSAT 10 administration in grade 10, and the SAT or the alternate assessments in grade 11.
  • Students Attending Outplacement Schools: It is expected that students attending an outplacement school, whose tuition is paid for by a Rhode Island LEA, will participate in the required tests for their current grade level. Students attending outplacement schools are expected to participate in the PSAT 10 administration in grade 10, and the SAT or DLM alternate assessments in grade 11.
  • Alternate Assessment Students: Students who qualify for the alternate assessments will not take the SAT or the PSAT 10. 
    • Tenth-grade students will not participate in state assessments. There are NO alternate assessments at the 10th grade.
    • Eleventh-grade students will take the Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) alternate assessments in English language arts, mathematics, and science. 
  • Homeschooled Students: Any homeschooled student living in Rhode Island can participate in the in the April 2024 PSAT 10 administration in grade 10 or the SAT in grade 11 free of charge. This does not apply to any other College Board test administrations (Saturday administrations, 8/9 PSAT, NMSQT, AP tests, or School Day administrations in any month or date other than what is published by RIDE).
    • Parents: If you are interested in having your homeschooled student participate in either of these assessments, please contact your district office and notify them that your child will participate in either the PSAT 10 or SAT at your local high school in your city or town. 
    • Districts: Enrollment information for any homeschooled student must be updated in the Enrollment Census through eRIDE. Scores of homeschooled students will not be used for accountability purposes. Use the following to ensure the students can be correctly identified:
      • Enrollment Type = H (Homeschooled)
      • Enrollment record must be active
      • Grade = either 10th or 11th grade
      • School Code In = xx190. This is the "district" school or other homeschool "school" designated by your district in the Enrollment Census.
      • School Code Out = xx900
      • SASID = Each homeschooled student should have a valid SASID.

Student Privacy Letter Information

Below is information on College Board's policies regarding the use of student personal information. While the letter will be included in the materials shipments to schools for the administration of the RI SAT School Day, districts/schools should distribute the letter to families prior to testing using the PDF version below.

Additional information on College Board policies regarding how student data will be used is below. Please direct any questions to College Board to John Fallon (

  • If a student affirmatively opts into Student Search by checking “yes” on the answer sheet, College Board may share information with institutions of higher education or scholarship providers that are seeking students who meet specific criteria, regardless of whether the institutions of higher education or scholarship providers provide payment or other consideration to College Board. Data for students who expressly consent to the program are licensed to Higher Education institutions, but do not include social security numbers (SSN), actual test scores (searchable by bands only), disability status, or phone numbers.  As part of the explanation of the collection, use and sharing of this data that is given as part of the written consent process, College Board provides information explaining how the data will be licensed.  
  • Score Reporting to Schools and Districts. The College Board will report student’s score information to the State DOE, schools and districts. Through its online reporting portal, which allows schools and districts to view aggregate and student level data for participating students, and also to see certain aggregate data.
  • Score Reporting to Students. Paper and online reports are delivered to students after each administration of the SAT.
  • SAT Question and Answer Services: Students may purchase reports that detail their individual answers and questions for disclosed forms.  For non-disclosed forms, students can receive answer summaries with question topics and difficulty levels.
  • Other Ways the College Board uses Student’s data. Providing Students Access and Opportunities to Services to Help them Achieve and Exceed Their Potential, consistent with all applicable laws.  
    • (i) Access to Opportunity (A2O): College Board implements interventions designed to help students navigate the college planning, application and financial aid processes.  A2O identifies students who are on-track or high achieving, combined with low-income tagging or fee waiver use, and provide them with resources, including college application fee waivers, designed to address barriers they may face in the path to college access.
      (ii) Realize Your College Potential: Realize Your College Potential (RYCP) is part of ongoing research that sends packets of customized college information and college application fee waivers to high achieving, low-income, high school seniors.
      (iii)  State Scholarship Feeds/Data: State Higher Education Departments that offer scholarship to instate students can receive scores files for students meeting residency criteria.
      (iv) Enhancing and Customizing Student Practice: Students may opt-in to have their scores and key metadata shared with Khan Academy, so that their free SAT Preparation course can be tailored better to meet their needs.
      (v) Research College Board may use psychometric non-identifiable data obtained from student test-takers to ensure that tests are unbiased and created for students of all races, genders, and cultures.

In preparation for administering the PSAT10 and SAT School Day, each high school must have the following (a person can fill more than one role, if necessary):

  • SAT School Day Supervisor
  • PSAT10 Supervisor
  • SSD Coordinator (Services for Students with Disabilities)
  • Back-up Supervisor(s)

Accessing College Board:

SAT and CCSS Standards Alignment (pdf). This document contains an alignment analysis of both mathematics and English language arts Common Core State Standards and the SAT assessments.

SAT Test Specifications Documents. The documents below contain test and content specifications, including distribution of items and percentages of items across content domains for reading and writing, and mathematics as well as test design features. These documents are also posted in the Score Interpretation and Content Alignment Workshop tab.

SAT Practice at Khan Academy. This site offers College Board-approved practice activities for students preparing for the SAT.

Below is the presentation and related materials from the SAT and PSAT10 Content Workshop held in May 2022. This presentation will walk you through what you need to know when looking at the SAT Suite of Assessment test results. 

  • Presentation - coming soon
  • Digital SAT Sample Questions - coming soon

SAT Test Specifications Documents. These documents are also posted in the Standards Alignment and Other Resources tab.

Achievement Level Descriptions (ALDs)

New for 2023-2024: While the transition to digital is bringing a number of changes, the SAT Suite will continue to measure the knowledge and skills that students are learning in high school and that matter most for college and career readiness. The SAT Suite will continue to be scored on a 1600 scale, and educators and students can continue to track growth across the SAT Suite of Assessments over time. 

What’s Changing:

  • The Spring 2024 SAT School Day and PSAT 10 state assessments will be given in a longer window to accommodate students and schools;
  • The digital SAT will be shorter—two hours and 14 minutes instead of over three hours for the current SAT, with more time per question;
  • The digital test will feature shorter reading passages with one question tied to each, and passages will reflect a wider range of topics that represent the works students read in college;
  • Calculators will be allowed on the entire Math section;
  • Students and educators will get scores back in days, instead of weeks.

The digital PSAT 10 and SAT are composed of two sections: reading and writing and math. Students have 64 minutes to complete the reading and writing section and 70 minutes to complete the math section for a total of 134 minutes (2 hours and 14 minutes).


Reading and Writing

64 minutes



70 minutes



134 Minutes


Each section is divided into two equal-length modules. The first module is broad mix of easy, medium, and hard questions. The second module will be either more or less difficult based on the student's performance on the first module.

While most test questions are multiple choice, some math questions will require students to enter their answer.