Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Department of Education ,

Assessment Manuals & Materials

Resources for Preparing Your District or School for State Testing

On this page, you can find test manuals and other test-specific information needed by test coordinators, test administrators, technology coordinators, and data managers to prepare for each statewide assessment.

Training for District Testing Coordinators

  • 2024-25 Monthly Test Coordinator Webinar Registration. These webinars are designed to help you stay on track with preparing for the state assessments, to answer all your questions, and to provide you with the most up-to-date information on state assessments. The new series of webinars begins September 18, 2024.
  • 2024-25 RISAP Training Calendar (pdf posted 11-2024): This document contains all training information, including registration links, for district and school test coordinators and any other district and school administrators and teachers involved in preparing for and administering the Rhode Island State Assessments.



Preparing Your District or School for ACCESS

Getting Your Account for the WIDA AMS

Verifying Student Enrollment and LEP Census Data

Completing Your Training

Selecting Accommodations and Test Supports for Students

Setting Up Testing Devices

Practice Tests, Released Items and Preparing Students for ACCESS:

Informing Families:

Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Alternate Assessments

This page is designed to compliment the checklists (download below). The checklists will guide you through learning about and preparing for the DLM alternate assessments. If you have questions after you review the checklists and materials below, contact your district testing coordinator or contact

  • Checklists: Depending on your role, you will need at least one of the checklists below. These checklists will help you stay organized and ensure you have a successful test administration.

Determining Eligibility for Alternate Assessments

Every student who takes the alternate assessments must meet the criteria for eligibility. Determining eligibility involves collecting data and evidence about the student's abilities and then evaluating whether or not that evidence meets the criteria for allowing the student to take the alternate assessments. 

Getting an Account in Educator Portal

  • Educator Portal User Guide (posted 8.2024)
  • Kite Educator Portal (EP): This is where all test management activities will take place: districts will create teacher accounts and student rosters and where they will run reports to monitor testing activities. Teachers will use EP to complete the First Contact Survey and Personal Needs and Preferences Profile for each student, and download testing tickets during testing, among other activities.

Completing Test Coordinator or Test Administrator Training

RI PSAT10 and SAT School Day

Use the documents and links below for information about administering the PSAT10 and SAT School Day as part of the state assessment system. This information is for the state assessment administration of the PSAT10 and SAT only. Information on College Board's other PSAT and SAT administrations, such as Saturday administrations, can be found on the College Board website.

The state testing window (April 1-25, 2025) for the 2025 administration of the PSAT 10 and SAT School Day has been lengthened considerably to provide additional time for testing. The SAT and PSAT 10 will be administered via computer unless otherwise specified in the student's IEP. This is a high-level overview of the computer-based administration information:

  • LEAs may choose to administer the SAT and the PSAT 10 over as many days during the testing window as fits the school schedule.
  • Paper-based editions of the SAT and the PSAT 10 will be available as accommodations for only for students with disabilities.
  • NOTE: Homeschooled students and students enrolled in schools outside of Rhode Island will be tested via computer.
Newsletters from College Board

General Information for PSAT10 and SAT School Day

Setting up Testing Devices

Manuals and Materials

Student Registration

The following information applies to the state administrations of PSAT 10 and SAT. It does not apply to any other administration of a College Board test.

  • RIDE will provide all student registration information to the College Board. This file will also be used to create the digital registrations for the RI SAT School Day and PSAT10. This file will also be used to create Pre-ID labels for any paper tests required by students for accommodations and RI students enrolled in out-of-state schools.
  • Please ensure that all student information in the Enrollment Census and Special Education Census are correct and accurate. Please note:
    • only grade 10 and grade 11 students will be registered.
    • students taking the alternate assessments must have alternate assessment as their Testing Code (code 3) in the Special Education Census so they are not registered by mistake.