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State of Rhode Island, Department of Education ,

Assessment Irregularities & Test Security

Implementing thoughtful and thorough test security protocols is critical to a smooth test administration and to ensuring test irregularities don’t occur. In addition to test coordinators and teachers, paraprofessionals, custodial staff, and others in the school who may be in classrooms during testing or may be in the area where tests are stored, even though they do not have direct access to tests, should be aware of security rules. 

Any time a policy or procedure for a state assessment is not followed or not implemented correctly, that is considered a test irregularity. Examples of test irregularities are below. In addition to the examples below, each state assessment has its own test coordinator and test administrator manuals that outline specific protocols that preserve the integrity of the test and what constitutes a test irregularity for that test. Follow the instructions below to report an irregularity.

Implementing thoughtful and thorough test security protocols is critical to a smooth test administration and to ensuring test irregularities don’t occur. In addition to test coordinators and teachers, paraprofessionals, custodial staff, and others in the school who may be in classrooms during testing or may be in the area where tests are stored, even though they do not have direct access to tests, should be aware of security rules.

Keep Test Materials and Student Information Secure:

  • Keep any test materials such as student rosters and testing tickets stored in a secure place accessible only by the school’s test coordinator.

  • Distribute testing materials as close to the actual testing time as possible.

  • Use a sign-out and sign-in sheet for any staff receiving and returning test materials.

  • Make certain that all materials are returned immediately after each testing session.

  • Follow instructions in the test administration manuals exactly.

Ensure Everyone is Trained:

  • Each state assessment has a Test Administrator Manual that must be read and understood by test administrators prior to testing. Test Coordinators are responsible for ensuring that all test administrators receive a copy of the test administrator manual(s) they will need for the assessment(s) they will administer.

  • Be certain that everyone involved in the testing process has been properly trained and informed of their role in maintaining test security.

  • Make certain that everyone, including students, understands what is and is not allowed during testing (e.g., cell phones are not allowed during testing).

Ensure That Cell Phone Policies are Followed:

  • All districts and schools must have a plan in place so that electronic devices such as cell phones, PDAs, cameras, or any device that permits recording and playback, are not accessible during testing. Unless a student requires a cell phone as part of their accommodation, students may not access their cell phones or any other electronic devices, during testing.

  • Make announcements about your cell phone policy early to ensure that students and families understand that students may not have access to their cell phones until testing is complete.

Follow these steps to report a test irregularity for any state assessment.

  1. Report all test irregularities immediately to the school test coordinator.

  2. The school test coordinator must collect any information and/or documentation and promptly inform the LEA or district test coordinator.

  3. Unless the incident requires immediate response from RIDE, the LEA/District Test Coordinator must complete the online report. Instructions for completing the online report can be found in the RISAP Test Irregularity User Guide at the bottom of this web page. Only district and school test coordinators may complete the irregularity form.

  4. If the incident requires immediate assistance, please contact the assessment specialist handling that assessment or contact Phyllis Lynch, Director, Office of Instruction, Assessment, and Curriculum, at 401-222-4693.

  5. For PSAT 10 and SAT, the procedures in the Test Coordinator Manuals for reporting irregularities must also be followed.

If a student or family wishes to discuss or report a potential test security incident, please follow these instructions:

  1. The student or family member should discuss the incident with the school test coordinator to ensure that they have an accurate understanding of test administration policies and procedures for that specific state assessment. If the situation or incident is a security or test violation, the school test coordinator must notify their district test coordinator and submit it as test irregularity using the process outlined above.

  2. If the student or family member wishes to discuss the incident further, they should contact their district's district testing coordinator about the incident or situation.
  3. If the student or family member still has questions or concerns after discussing the incident with their school and district testing coordinator, they may contact the Assessment Office at

Access the Test Irregularity application through the RIDE Portal