Curriculum Frameworks
The Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) is committed to ensuring all students have access to high-quality curriculum and instruction as essential components of a rigorous education that prepares every student for success in college and/or their career.
As part of this effort, RIDE has developed curriculum frameworks for ELA/literacy, mathematics, science, and social studies drawing on the expertise of an interdisciplinary team of educators.
- Early Learning Curriculum Frameworks (April 2023)
- English Language Arts / Literacy Curriculum Frameworks (October 2021)
- Mathematics Curriculum Frameworks (October 2021)
- Science Curriculum Frameworks (October 2021)
- Social Studies Frameworks (December 2023)
- Arts Curriculum Frameworks (February, 2024)
- World Languages Curriculum Framework (February, 2024)
Review and Feedback
If you would like to provide feedback on the frameworks posted above, you are welcome to do so through this online feedback form.
During the development of the frameworks, we encouraged various stakeholders to provide feedback on these documents to ensure they are clear, comprehensive, and responsive to the needs of Rhode Island students and their families. Feedback received during that window from all stakeholders was used to fine tune each framework and/or was noted as items to consider for future revisions.
RIDE created a narrated presentation that may be viewed asynchronously to set the stage for understanding and defining the Content Frameworks in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science.