Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) - a framework to increase student achievement and social and emotional competencies through prevention and intervention in general education.
NEW RESOURCE: Rhode Island MTSS District Practice Profile
Please visit our new home for MTSS in RI: BRIDGE-RI (MTSSRI.ORG)
Visit the NCII state story page for RI to see how Data-based Individualization fits into MTSS in RI.
Tier 1 Core Instruction should be fully aligned to RIDE-adopted content standards and implemented using high-quality curriculum materials:
- RI Social and Emotional Learning Standards: Competencies for School and Life Success
- RI Content Standards for ELA/Literacy, Mathematics and Social Studies
- Next Generation Science Standards
- World Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA)
MTSS, (formerly known as RTI) is a component of the Rhode Island Comprehensive Literacy Guidance which supports educators in better understanding the components of literacy and implementation of best practices in daily instruction. Included are strategies, methods, and resources for assessment, intervention, and literacy in the content-areas.
A Comprehensive Assessment System is essential to a fully functioning MTSS process.
Data-Based Problem Solving: Effective Implementation of MTSS, RTI, and PBIS - An NCLD White Paper, 2019 Engage in free online learning about core/Tier 1 in MTSS through BRIDGE-RI
RTI/MTSS & COVID-19: 3 Steps to Regain Control the RTI/MTSS Team can follow the recommendations shared here to replace COVID-19 chaos with order, assisting their schools with the continuing mission to deliver timely academic support to their most vulnerable learners.
Distance Learning MTSS Framework - Academic Engagement and Attendance Strategies from IES for all 3 tiers
Maintaining Screening and Progress Monitoring Practices in Virtual/Remote Settings This resource includes guiding questions for implementation and a video example of how to conduct an Oral Reading Fluency assessment with students virtually with screen share.
National Center on Intensive Intervention
- Sample lessons, activities, and standards relevant instruction for MTSS behavior, math, and literacy
- Data meeting tools for Intensive Intervention
- Data-Based Individualization Training Series
- Intensive Intervention: A Practitioner's Guide for Communicating with Parents and Families
MTSS for All: Including Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities This brief provides suggestions for ways in which MTSS can include students with the most significant cognitive disabilities and make MTSS fully inclusive of all students.
Mathematics Institute for Learning Disabilities and Difficulties (tools related to lessons, scaffolding, vocab, assessment, misconceptions)
NEW! Reviewing Research Studies: (
This REL guide is intended to be used as a companion to The Basics of Reviewing a Research Study to help state education agency, school district, and school staff apply and practice the concepts of how to review research studies to identify high-quality, evidence-based interventions that meet their needs.
RethinkRI: K-8 Academic Intervention Systems (AIS)
RethinkRI AIS is an initiative that will support LEAs to build a more equitable, coherent and sustainable intervention system within a MTSS Framework by expanding access to high quality technology based and teacher-led tools to support intervention and data-based decision making in grades K-8
The current pandemic conditions demonstrate the need for learning throughout the year that is flexible and allows for both synchronous and asynchronous educator interventions that are both technology-based and educator led. With funding made possible through the federal RethinkRI grant, RIDE is able to offer new tools to support your intervention efforts.
Given this, the goal is to offer a 2nd cohort to partner with LEAs and offer tier 2 and tier 3 high quality technology-based interventions for students in all elementary and middle school grades (grades K-8) for literacy and mathematics for the 2022-23 academic year.
RIDE selected Lexia Learning Systems, Inc. for a literacy intervention systems partner and Achieve 3000 Math with Fastbridge for a math partner through a request for proposals (RFP) process. This opportunity will support LEAs with additional tools and resources as part of their broader Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework. Together, students and educators will engage with a broad range of meaningful content in literacy and mathematics that is both technology-based and educator supported.
Educators will receive training and licenses to launch in time for the 2022-23 academic year. We ask LEAs to work with their school leaders to identify schools and/or grade levels to target and select either literacy or math intervention for Year 1 (by school).
RIDE is inviting LEAs to submit a cohort 2 participation application by April 8 to be considered for the 2022-23 school year. Cohort 1 participants do not need to submit another application (and we will work individually to confirm year 2 scope).
- LEAs may decide whether to apply for student licenses and educator training LEA-wide, or for individual schools within an LEA. We ask LEAs to work with their school leaders to identify grade levels to target and select either literacy or math intervention (by school). Please note: participation prerequisite for this opportunity will include choosing content and grade spans with high quality curriculum adoption in place. Please keep this in mind when submitting your form.
- You cannot save your responses and return to your application later but you can make a copy of this question template to draft your responses in advance.
- LEAs selected to participate will need to sign an MOA of their commitment to the program.
This program is in its 2nd implementation year and is made possible through the RethinkRI federal grant. Funding will include a number of AIS sites and/or student licenses. In addition, funding will cover teacher training, coaching, and professional learning sessions with the AIS vendors.
RethinkRI AIS Expectations
- Student identification for Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention by September 30, 2022.
- For those schools selected for Lexia Learning, Inc, there will be an option to also use Lexia Core5 and PowerUp as a Tier 1 supplement to the LEA’s High-Quality Curriculum.
- For those schools selected for Achieve 3000 math with Fast Bridge, the district will need to commit to rostering students in FastBridge in order to access Tier 3 teacher-led intervention supports.
- Attend all trainings, engage in support from vendors, and coordinate digital licenses for students and staff identified for this program.
- Articulate how the supplemental intervention fits in and is supportive of current High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) usage and the MTSS process.
- Examine data and commit to refining a plan to support ongoing implementation with support from our vendors.
- Annual reflection of progress to date and program survey feedback.
- Complete asynchronous Bridge-RI modules, as assigned.
Timeline - Cohort 2
- March 2022: Cohort 2 Announcement:
- Friday, April 8th: Participation Survey Deadline
- April 2022: Cohort Partners Finalized
- Summer 2022: Onboarding (licensing, initial set up with district teams, etc.)
Please contact for more information.
New! Is MTSS/RTI Really that Complicated? Let's get Back to Basics Sometimes in education a simple concept turns into an overly complex system of forms and processes. Get back to the basic processes for an effective prevention model to support all students.
- New! MTSS and Special Education - Students with different abilities benefit from school-wide implementation of a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS). See resources from the Center on Multi-Tiered System of Supports on MTSS and Special Education.
Be Informed!
Check out these resources:
- The role of RTI in the Learning Disabilities Identification process
- Rhode Island’s Basic Education Plan (BEP): RI's Basic Education Program (BEP) Regulations outline expectations for districts on the implementation of academic and social emotional interventions. Specifically, sections G-13-1.1, G-13-2, G-13-3.1, and G-14-1 speak to RTI.
- Some portion of a district's RTI framework may be funded by Early Intervening Services under IDEA, also known as CEIS.
CEIS/CCEIS Reporting Resource
Please see the new CEIS/CCEIS reporting instructions here.
For further information on Significant Disproportionality, CEIS, and CCEIS, see Special Education Regulations | RI Department of Education.