STEM Education
Information on the importance of STEM Education for ALL students in Rhode Island, including methods of STEM integration and details on STEM initiatives in Rhode Island Pre-K through 12 schools.
RIDE is committed to increasing access to high quality STEM educational opportunities for all students. An understanding of STEM concepts and development of STEM-related skills is needed to prepare future generations to make informed choices and increase the number of qualified candidates for careers in Rhode Island’s growing STEM industries.

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**NEW** PK-5 Integrated STEM Endorsement for Educators!
PK-5 Integrated STEM Endorsement InformationWhat is Integrated STEM?
- STEM education integrates knowledge and skills from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics to engage students in collaborative, problem-based learning experiences that are relevant to their lives.
- Content-specific knowledge and skills acquired in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics courses are the foundation of STEM education. Conceptual understanding in these areas is deepened by applying the knowledge and skills to think critically and solve problems through integrated STEM activities.
- STEM education can be supported by the principles of art and design, becoming STEAM education to leverage creative thinking. STEAM education bridges the arts with technical subjects, engaging more students.
Why is STEM Education Needed?
- STEM education integrates knowledge and skills from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics to engage students in collaborative, problem-based learning experiences that are relevant to their lives.
- Content-specific knowledge and skills acquired in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics courses are the foundation of STEM education. Conceptual understanding in these areas is deepened by applying the knowledge and skills to think critically and solve problems through integrated STEM activities.
- STEM education can be supported by the principles of art and design, becoming STEAM education to leverage creative thinking. STEAM education bridges the arts with technical subjects, engaging more students.
STEM & STEAM in RI Schools
Interactive Map of STEM & STEAM Programs- A STEM Pathway Endorsement Council Designation certifies that a student has accomplished deep learning in a chosen area of interest and is prepared for employment or further education in a career path. To earn a Pathway Endorsement, students must successfully complete coursework, work-based learning, and application of skills demonstrated through the performance-based diploma system (i.e. senior exhibition, capstone project, etc.). More information on pathway endorsements is posted on RIDE's Diploma System page.
- Career and Technical Education (CTE) is designed for individuals who are interested in entering the workforce and/or preparing for careers and who want to take advantage of post-secondary education and/or training opportunities. Options include a choice of schools, career paths, work-based learning experiences and extracurricular activities, all leading to opportunities for individual advancement and acceleration. There are a wide variety of STEM-related CTE programs offered in Rhode Island, such as Engineering, Biomedical Science, Green Technology, Computer IT, Forensic Science, among others. For more information, check out RIDE's CTE page.
- Computer Science for Rhode Island (CS4RI) is a comprehensive statewide computer science initiative. CS4RI combines national initiatives with local expertise to increase and broaden participation in quality computer science education and professional development to ensure that CS learning opportunities and access are available to all students. In 2020, RIDE awarded Computer Science for Rhode Island (CS4RI) High School grants to expand computer science pathways in Rhode Island. The CS4RI grants, supported through a $2.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education, will provide $20,000 each to 20 high schools, as well as professional development for teachers and opportunities for additional computer science coursework for students.
- The PrepareRI Internship Program is a “work-based learning experience” for public high school students who have completed their junior year in high school and are planning for college or a career upon graduation from high school. Work-based learning helps student link learning with classroom instruction, leads to high graduation rates, gives students ownership of their learning and career exploration and helps students develop critical soft skills. The PrepareRI Internship Program provides students opportunities to explore a number of STEM careers via workplace learning experiences through paid summer internships. Past interns have been placed in STEM-related companies such as FM Global, Amgen, AstroNova, and others.
- Middle School Career Exploration is offered through JA Inspire. JA Inspire is a coalition of educators and industry leaders, led by Junior Achievement of Rhode Island. All students participate in classroom curriculum before and after the event, a Career Exploration Fair, which features careers and education programs that are available, many in STEM fields. The program provides extra resources to help create a pathway to high school, college, or career.
- 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLCs) are federally funded, high quality after-school and summer programs that provide children and teens with safe places to try new activities, develop new skills, have fun, and learn. They provide students with academic support, enrichment and school engagement. They complement students' regular academic program by providing enrichment activities in areas that grow students’ STEM potential. Enrichment includes hands-on science activities, math clubs, internships, job shadowing, and leadership development.
- The Presidential Award for Excellence in Science & Mathematics Teaching (PAEMST) is awarded annually to mathematics and science teachers. Rhode Island Mathematics and Science educator applicants are selected to be finalists based on classroom performance, their effect on students, and their personal and professional goals. These finalists are screened at the national level to determine one awardee in each discipline for each state. This prestigious national awards program is intended to increase status and rewards for demonstrated professionalism, including leadership, in the areas of mathematics and science teaching so that individuals of high quality will be encouraged to enter and remain in the field of teaching. The program is organized and funded by the Executive Office of the President of the United States, nomination and application details can be found on the PAEMST website.
- The Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship (AEF) Program provides a unique opportunity for accomplished K-12 educators in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to serve in the national education arena. Fellows spend eleven months working in Federal agencies or in U.S. Congressional offices, applying their extensive knowledge and classroom experiences to national education program and/or education policy efforts. At the end of the Fellowship, educators are prepared to return home, equipped with access to a national network of education leaders and programs, a better understanding of the challenges and possibilities in STEM education, and a renewed passion for teaching, ready to make significant contributions to their schools and school districts. More information and application can be found on the Fellowship website.