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State of Rhode Island, Department of Education ,

Financial Literacy

In June 2021, Rhode Island Governor McKee signed a law (RIGL 16-22-13) requiring the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education, in consultation with the RI Department of Education (RIDE), to develop and approve statewide academic standards for the instruction of consumer education in public high schools. The K-12 Council approved Rhode Island's updated Financial Literacy standards in December, 2021. Beginning with the graduating class of 2024, all students must demonstrate proficiency in consumer education prior to graduating high school. 

This legislation helps ensure that every Rhode Islander graduates high school with an understanding of how to manage their personal finances. This can break cycles of poverty, and make sure that all families can benefit from our economy. RIDE has prepared a series of resources to support students, families, schools, and LEAs meet the requirements of this legislation. 

Please reach out to with any questions. 

PAID Professional Development for Middle & High School Teachers through Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF)

RIDE is partnering with Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) to ensure access to high-quality financial literacy professional development for middle and high school teachers. This opportunity includes on-demand sessions that are self-paced and flexible as well as multiple curricula supports for unit-based, semester, and full year instruction. Funding is limited and will be dispersed on a first-come, first-served basis. Please review the requirements before applying. 

The goals of this professional development endeavor:

  • Support teachers in implementing financial literacy curricula
  • Equip schools and LEAs with access to high quality materials to successfully support students in graduating high school with an understanding of how to manage their personal finances



  • Complete this 2024 Financial Literacy Professional Development Google Form Application with the appropriate documentation to confirm participation and issue payment upon completion and verification of hours.
  • You must receive approval from RIDE via e-mail confirmation before beginning your hours. Once you receive e-mail confirmation to participate, you will be given the next steps to register with NGPF.

Once your application is reviewed and approved:

  • Complete 10 hours of self-selected professional development offerings by May 1, 2024.
  • Teachers can choose from various options of virtual professional development offerings.
  • NGPF will verify participation that will appear on your account dashboard. Course hours are typically accompanied by assignments that are graded and given credit to reflect completed hours.
  • The $350 stipend will be disbursed via check following the completion deadline on May 1, 2024.

*Please note: If you have already received a stipend for completing hours through NGPF, you are not eligible for this payment. Do not fill out this application if you have already received payment from a previous grant cycle.

Please email Brittany Brown, with any questions.