Resources for Families
Families have an important role in ensuring student success in education.
RIDE has compiled resources for families about content standards, our statewide assessments, learning strategies, and programs that our state supports.
Content Standards
School districts align their curriculum and instruction to content standards to ensure that their students are prepared with the knowledge and skills they need for each grade level and beyond high school. Below are several questions about content standards, what they are, and how they are used.
Content standards establish clear, consistent guidelines and learning goals in a particular content area for what your child should know and be able to do from kindergarten through twelfth grade. Rhode Island has content standards for mathematics, English language arts/literacy, science, social studies, fine arts, and world languages. Rhode Island’s statewide assessments for mathematics, English language arts, and science assess students’ proficiency in those standards.
The following table lists the standards endorsed by Rhode Island for each content area:
English Language Arts / Literacy | Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts / Literacy | |
Mathematics | Common Core State Standards for Mathematics | |
Science | Next Generation Science Standards | |
Social Studies | Rhode Island Social Studies Grade Span Expectations |
Standards are the goals for student learning. Curriculum is a plan for how students will achieve those learning goals. Curriculum includes the learning goals for that content area, organizes content into units of study, provides the lesson plans (such as activities and teaching methods) that teachers use in the classroom, sets tests and quizzes to check students’ progress, and lists the materials needed (such as books, technology, educational tools, and other resources).
Schools and districts choose their local curriculum based on the state’s content standards, students’ learning needs, cultural responsiveness, and other considerations such as technology. Teachers instruct students using the curriculum, and test students on the content to see whether students are meeting the learning goals as set by the standards. Even though curriculum may be different from district to district, the expectations for what students should be able to do in each grade is the same statewide.
Rhode Island's Statewide Assessment Program
Why do we have statewide standardized assessments?
Rhode Island has statewide standardized assessments in mathematics, English language arts, and science in order to meet a federal requirement and provide valuable information about how well our students, schools, districts, and state are doing. Results measure the knowledge and skills addressed in the Rhode Island Core Standards (RICS) for English Language Arts/Literacy and for Mathematics, and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and are used in the following ways:
- The results can help you track your child’s progress over time.
- Results give you the ability to compare your child’s school to schools across the state.
- Districts and schools analyze their results to inform decisions they make to support teaching and learning.
Learn more about our statewide assessments by clicking on one of the following questions.
The following table provides general information about the statewide standardized assessments given in Rhode Island's public schools by assessment, grade levels, and the content (and standards) assessed.
RI Comprehensive Assessment System ( |
3-8 | English Language Arts (CCSS), Mathematics (CCSS) |
PSAT 10 ( |
10 | |
SAT School Day ( |
11 | |
Next Generation Science Assessment ( |
5, 8, 11 | Science (NGSS) |
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Alternate Assessments for differently-abled students who meet the eligibility criteria ( |
3-8, 11 | English Language Arts (CCSS), Mathematics (CCSS), Science (NGSS) |
ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs for students identified as English language learners ( |
1-12 | English Language Proficiency |
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) for some schools across the state; not administered every year ( |
4, 8 | Mathematics, Reading, Science |
Students will answer different types of questions to measure understanding and show their skills in the content area being tested. Item types include multiple choice (or selected response), fill-in-the-blank, “technology enhanced” questions like drag-and-drop, and written responses. RIDE has posted examples of these types of questions, and other materials you and your child can use to familiarize yourself with each assessment, at
Total testing time varies by content area and assessment, and districts schedule test sessions for specific days during each assessment’s testing window. For some assessments, RIDE sets a multi-week window and then districts select the days that the assessment will be administered in their schools.
The testing windows for each assessment are posted at
Information on the length of each content area’s test (such as RICAS mathematics) can be found on each assessment’s web page.
There isn’t particular material for students to “study” before taking each of these assessments. The statewide assessments are a measure of the standards that students should be learning through their daily schooling if their school’s curriculum is aligned to the state’s content standards.
You can support your child’s educational success by doing a number of things throughout the school year:
- Ensure your child attends school. School attendance matters, every single day. Missing just two days of school a month is chronically absent, so make it a priority to get your child to school on time daily.
- Establish daily reading routines, let your child see you read, and encourage your child to read for fun all year long.
- Highlight the use of math in everyday life through daily activities: games, household tasks, number puzzles, and even books.
- Monitor your child’s grades through your school’s parent portal, your child’s report cards, and reaching out to your child’s teachers when you have questions.
- Get involved and stay connected to your child’s school, however and whenever you can.
- Share your voice! Help improve your child’s school by participating in SurveyWorks every year.
- Start a conversation. Ask questions. Talk to your child about what they’re learning, and show an interest in the subjects that excite them. Children whose families stress the value of education are more likely to also find it important.
Assessment results, information on student score reports (including translated student report shells), can be found at
Student Score Reports
Families should receive score reports for each test their child took. Typically, student score reports are distributed as either a paper and/or PDF report(s) by the district office. Each district office is responsible for distributing the student score reports in a timely manner, including for any students attending outplacement schools.
For families of students attending outplacement schools. All score reports for students attending outplacement schools are shipped to the sending district. Please contact your district office for copies of your child's score report.
Other formats. If a family requires the student score report in braille, translated into a language that is not available, or other format, please contact RIDE at
Your child's school should communicate regularly with families about all aspects of state assessments, including:
dates, times, and location of your child's test;
which tests your child will be taking;
what accommodations and test supports, if any, your child will be using during testing;
test security policies and procedures that affect your child, such as collecting cell phones and other electronic devices for the duration of the testing sessions;
test results, including ensuring that families receive their child's score reports for each test taken.
If you have questions or concerns about your child's testing experience, accommodations, or the school's test administration or security policies, please contact the principal to discuss your concerns or questions.
If you still have questions or concerns after your conversation with the principal, contact your district office to discuss the situation with the district testing coordinator. If the district is unable to address the concern, please contact