The Rhode Island Diploma System & Graduation Requirements
Preparing all students for success in college, careers, and life
Reimagining the High School Experience! Readiness-Based Graduation Requirements
On November 15, 2022, the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education approved updated Secondary Regulations that aim to reimagine high school and the statewide graduation requirements. Governor Dan McKee, Commissioner Angélica Infante-Green and the Rhode Island Department of Education created a process that intentionally collaborated with stakeholders throughout K-12 education over the past 18 months to develop and adopt updated secondary regulations which establish statewide graduate requirements. The secondary regulations establish college and career-ready coursework as the default expectation for every child in Rhode Island regardless of where they live, their parent’s income, the language they speak at home, or their disability status.
- View the Rhode Island Readiness-Based Secondary Regulations
- Review a summary of the regulations here,
- Review the latest slideshow here,
- Review the draft 5-Year Action Plan.
- Read Commissioner Infante-Green's Column in the 74: Ensuring All High-Schoolers Have a Chance at College: How Rhode Island Enacted Historic New Equity-Based Graduation Standards
Guidance to Support LEA's Implementation of Readiness-Based Graduation Requirements:
RIDE is developing guidance and sharing resources for schools and districts to support the implementation of Readiness-Based Graduation Requirements which take effect beginning with the graduating Class of 2028. As additional guidance is published, it will be added to the list below. All guidance is intended to be iterated upon so that as we receive additional questions or requests for clarification from the field, each guidance document will be updated to reflect that new information. Please see the links to the Readiness-Based Graduation Requirements guidance documents below:
- General Frequently Asked Questions (Revised July 2024)
- Math Graduation Requirement Guidance (Revised November 2024)
- World Language Graduation Requirement Guidance (Revised March 2025)
- Financial Literacy Proficiency Graduation Requirement Guidance (Revised September 2023)
- RIDE-Approved Readiness Pathway Guidance (Revised July 2024)
- Computer Science Proficiency Graduation Requirement Guidance (Revised January 2025)
- Science Graduation Requirement Guidance (Published January 2024)
- Annual Parent/Guardian Update Guidance (Published January 2024)
- Resume Graduation Requirement Guidance (Publihed January 2024)
- Middle School FAQ (Revised July 2024)
- NEW: Arts Graduation Requirement Guidance (Published November 2024)
- NEW: Work-Based Learning Policy Guidance (Published November 2024)
"Let's Get Ready" Community of Practice (2023-2024)
The “Let’s Get Ready” Community of Practice (2023-2024) is designed to support schools and districts as they develop and implement innovative and effective strategies to redesign their students’ high school experience in alignment with the state’s adoption of Readiness-Based Graduation Requirements beginning with the graduating Class of 2028.
The goals throughout the year-long offerings are to ensure that:
- Every high school and district team in Rhode Island understands the secondary regulations;
- Every high school and district team is supported in their planning for the changes to the secondary regulations;
- Space is created for sharing best practices in meeting the new requirements, for school teams to engage in collective problem-solving; and
- Every high school and district team is supported with developing school-specific action steps that support their transition to Readiness-Based Graduation Requirements and ensure all students are graduating with optimal post-secondary options.
Through this Community of Practice, RIDE is offering optional coaching to any LEA that has questions or needs support related to the implementation of Readiness-Based Graduation Requirements.
- Coaching sessions are 1-hour long, virtual or in-person, based on the needs your school team identifies when you sign up.
- Linked here is a one-pager with additional information about the available coaching sessions. This one-pager includes instructions for submitting a coaching session request.
Also through this Community of Practice, RIDE is hosting several theme-based virtual sessions focused on the aspects of Readiness-Based Graduation Requirements that LEAs have requested support with. Below are the previous session recordings, as well as information on upcoming sessions:
- March 13, 2024, Virtual Session
- Topics: Computer Science, Supporting Caregiving Youth
- January 31, 2024, Virtual Session
- Topics: Math, Computer Science
- Click here for the session recording.
- December 6, 2023, Virtual Session
- Topics: High School Scheduling Support Available to LEAs, Middle School Strategies
- Click here for the session recording.
- October 25, 2023, Virtual Session
- Topics: Financial Literacy, Math, World Language, Middle School Strategies
- Click here for the session recording.
Secondary Regulations Revision: Where It Began
In June 2020, XQ Institute, a nonprofit dedicated to rethinking high school so that every student graduates ready to succeed in life, and RIDE presented an analysis of the R.I. high school student experience, and the K-12 Council challenged RIDE to identify solutions and create a plan to address barriers students face during their high school experience. Motivated by the findings of the Education Opportunity Audit Report and encouraged by the participation of Rhode Island’s high schools in the XQ+RI challenge, Rhode Island doubled down on its commitment to making high school the entry point for systemwide transformation.
2021 Reimagining High School Working Group
RIDE hosted a series of Reimagining High School working group meetings from June-November 2021 to help RIDE learn how to reimagine the high school experience and graduation requirements to better meet the needs of all of our students. These meetings were hosted through Zoom and are open to all members of the public. During these meetings, students, families, and educators from across the state shared and engaged with relevant data and experiences from our schools on how to improve the high school experience. Meeting attendees shared feedback, participated in breakout groups, and generated ideas that shaped RIDE’s recommendations to the K-12 Council.
In December 2021, we presented proposed recommendations to the K-12 Council on Education. Specifically, the proposal included three key priorities that are aligned to concrete, actionable steps to realize all that we want for our young people.
Record Number of Public Comments Received for RIDE's Readiness-Based Graduation Requirements
After making revisions to the proposal based on the feedback from the K-12 Council, RIDE was required to hold a 30-day public comment period with a minimum of two public hearings. RIDE instead held a nine-week public comment period, (March 7-May 10), and held a total of seven public hearings, with at least one hearing in each county, as well as four town halls to create space for additional dialogue about the proposed revisions. RIDE also accepted comments in writing via email.
RIDE is proud to announce that, with over 400 unique comments, we surpassed our ambitious goal of seeing the Reimagining High School Initiative become the most-commented upon set of education regulations in the history of the state.
Where We Are Now: Winter 2024
To ensure successful implementation, RIDE is developing a 5-Year Action Plan with six areas of focus. These areas were identified by K-12 stakeholders in the field and include the following:
- Expanding partnership and collaboration,
- Reimagining learning,
- Developing a statewide approach to comprehensive school counseling,
- Preparing our kids to create their futures,
- Increasing engagement in our schools by increasing real-world relevant learning experiences, and
- Changing how we support our students and families.
Each priority features a robust list of action items to benchmark and hold RIDE accountable for the progress of all deliverables outlined in the Action Plan.
To learn more about RIDE’s Readiness-Based Graduation Requirements and 5-Year Action Plan to support implementation, please reach out to ReimaginingHS@RIDE.RI.GOV.
Archive of Past Actions
Date of Public Notice: March 7, 2022
- Hearing Dates and Locations:
- March 22, 2022, from 4:00 – 6:00 PM | Hybrid Meeting
- In-Person at CCRI Knight Campus, 400 East Ave, Warwick, RI 02886
- Register for virtual (Zoom) access to the meeting.
- March 31, 2022, from 4:00 – 6:00 PM at Kingston Free Library
- 2605 Kingstown Rd, Kingston, RI 02881 - (Potter Hall)
- April 4, 2022, from 4:00 – 6:00 PM at Woonsocket Public Library
- April 6, 2022, from 4:00-6:00 PM at Rogers Public Library in Bristol
- April 12, 2022, from 4:00 – 6:00 PM at Providence Public Library
- April 14, 2022, from 4:00 – 6:00 PM at Adams Public Library
- April 26, 2022, from 4:00 – 6:00 PM at Newport Public Library
- 300 Spring St, Newport, RI 02840 - (Program Room)
- March 22, 2022, from 4:00 – 6:00 PM | Hybrid Meeting
- End of Public Comment: May 10, 2022
- Meeting #1: Wednesday, June 23 from 9 - 11 a.m. EST
- Meeting #2: Wednesday, June 30 from 9 - 11 a.m. EST
- Meeting #3: Tuesday, July 13 from 9 - 11 a.m. EST
- Meeting #4: Thursday, July 22 from 9 - 11 a.m. EST
- Meeting #5: Wednesday, August 4 from 9 - 11 a.m. EST
- Meeting #6: Tuesday, August 17 from 9 - 11 a.m. EST
- Meeting #7: Thursday, August 26 from 9 - 11 a.m. EST
- Meeting #8: Tuesday, November 30 from 3 - 5 p.m. EST
- Working Group Session - June 23, 2021
PowerPoint and Video Recording
- Working Group Session - June 30, 2021
PowerPoint Slides and Recording -
Working Group Session - July 13, 2021
PowerPoint Slides and Recording -
Working Group Session - July 22, 2021
PowerPoint Slides and Recording -
Working Group Session - August 4, 2021
PowerPoint Slides and Recording -
Working Group Session - August 17, 2021
PowerPoint Slides and Recording -
Working Group Session - August 26, 2021
PowerPoint Slides and Recording -
Working Group Session - November 30, 2021
PowerPoint Slides and Recording -
K-12 Council Meeting - December 7, 2021
K-12 Council Meeting Recording -
K-12 Council Meeting - February 8, 2022
K-12 Council Meeting Recording
All diploma seals have been distributed for SY24. If you need assistance, please contact
The Secondary School Regulations strive to increase and improve equitable learning opportunities for every student through personalization, graduation by proficiency, and multiple pathways. All learning experiences should be facilitated in a way that allows students to find relevance and applicability to their own life, interests, and / or previous knowledge. Students should have opportunities for choice in how, when, and in what ways they learn and demonstrate their learning. Learning opportunities should be diverse, rigorous, and connected to the world outside the school. By ensuring that learning is relevant, students are more likely to find joy in the learning process and want to continue to learn throughout their lives. Further, by learning how to make well-informed decisions in the secondary grades, students will be more adept at advocating for themselves as adult learners and citizens.
As part of the revised diploma system outlined in the Secondary School Regulations, the Council Designations serve as a means to personalize the diploma. Each Council Designation externally validates achievements of high school students, through flexible and personalized high school learning experiences, to allow public recognition of specific skills and to incentivize students to meet additional high standards beyond those needed to earn a high school diploma.
The following three Council Designations have been adopted by the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education and will be made available to students who meet the defined criteria for each, beginning with the graduating class of 2021:
- The Commissioner’s Seal Council Designation certifies that a student is proficient in standards aligned to high school expectations in English Language Arts and Mathematics, as confirmed by external evidence.
- The Seal of Biliteracy Council Designation certifies that a student has demonstrated skill in the use of the English language and one or more other world languages.
- The Pathway Endorsement Council Designation certifies that a student has accomplished deep learning in a chosen area of interest and is prepared for employment or further education in a career path.
Rhode Island High School Graduation Requirements
RIDE has adopted Readiness-Based Secondary Regulations which take effect beginning with the graduating class of 2028. Below is information on the current graduation requirements that were in place previous to RIDE's adoption of Readiness-Based Graduation Requirements. The below requirements are in effect for graduating classes until the class of 2028.
The Secondary School Regulations strive to increase and improve equitable learning opportunities for every student through personalization, graduation by proficiency, and multiple pathways.
Graduation requirements are set at a level to provide students the skills and knowledge to successfully enter and complete rigorous post-secondary academic or technical program, join the military, and/or obtain a job that leads to a rewarding and viable career. The minimum state graduation requirements, as set by the The Rhode Island Council on Elementary and Secondary Education through the Secondary School Regulations, for earning a RI high school diploma, are:
- Successful completion of 20 courses
- 4 English Language Arts courses
- 4 Mathematics courses
- 3 Science courses
- 3 Social Studies courses
- 6 additional courses, which may include Physical Education and Health, the Arts, Technology, and Foreign Language
- Demonstrated proficiency in 6 core areas (English Language Arts, math, science, social studies, the Arts and technology)
- Completion of one performance-based diploma assessment (Graduation Portfolio, Student Exhibitions, Senior Project and/or a Capstone Product)
Local Graduation Requirements and Notification
Districts may include additional expectations or requirements such as additional coursework requirements or community service learning.
Districts are required to communicate specific graduation expectations to families and students by October 1 of the ninth grade, or upon entrance or transfer to the school district.
Council Designations
For information on the Commissioner's Seal, Seal of Biliteracy and Pathway Endorsements, see below.
Secondary School Regulations Regulations and Guidance
The Council on Elementary and Secondary Education adopted Readiness-Based Graduation Requirements that set the framework for implementing the RI Diploma System. These regulations establish college and career-ready coursework as the default expectation for every child in Rhode Island regardless of where they live, their parent’s income, the language they speak at home, or their disability status.
The Secondary Regulations (Readiness-Based Graduation Requirements) passed in 2022 go into effect for the graduating class of 2028:
The Secondary School Regulations passed in 2016 go into effect for the graduating class of 2021:
The previous iteration of the Secondary School regulations are in effect through the graduating class of 2020:
The primary purpose of guidance resources below is to provide clarification to educators, students, and families regarding the regulatory changes adopted in the 2022 Secondary School Regulations:
- General Frequently Asked Questions
- Math Graduation Requirement Guidance
- World Language Graduation Requirement Guidance
- Financial Literacy Proficiency Graduation Requirement Guidance
- RIDE-Approved Readiness Pathway Guidance
The primary purpose of guidance resources below is to provide clarification to educators, students, and families regarding the regulatory changes adopted in the 2016 Secondary School Regulations:
- Secondary School Regulations Reference Guide - updated as of June 2018
This guidance is one piece of a larger, ongoing effort by RIDE to provide schools and LEAs with support and technical assistance toward meeting the goals of the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education-adopted Regulations. It is intended to be used as a reference guide on particular topics addressed in the Secondary School Regulations and will be updated as more information is requested or becomes available.
Commissioner's Seal
The Commissioner’s Seal Council Designation certifies that a student is proficient in standards aligned to high school expectations in English Language Arts and Mathematics, as confirmed by external evidence. Commissioner's Seals will be awarded beginning with the graduating Class of 2021.
Earning Commissioner’s Seal Council Designation: Student Requirements
The Commissioner’s Seal Council Designation certifies that a student is proficient in standards aligned to high school expectations in English Language Arts and Mathematics, as confirmed by external evidence. To earn a Commissioner’s Seal, students must successfully meet the established benchmark on both an approved ELA assessment and an approved mathematics assessment in order to earn the one Commissioner’s Seal.
Commissioner's Seal Assessment List and Performance Standards
ACT English | English Language Arts | 18 |
PSAT/NMSQT Reading and Writing: Grade 10 | English Language Arts | 430 |
PSAT/NMSQT Reading and Writing: Grade 11 | English Language Arts | 460 |
SAT Reading and Writing | English Language Arts | 480 |
Advanced Placement: English Language and Composition | English Language Arts | Level 3 and above |
Advanced Placement: English Literature and Composition | English Language Arts | Level 3 and above |
ACT Mathematics | Mathematics | 22 |
PSAT Mathematics | Mathematics | 480 |
PSAT/NMSQT Mathematics: Grade 10 | Mathematics | 480 |
PSAT/NMSQT Mathematics: Grade 11 | Mathematics | 510 |
SAT Mathematics | Mathematics | 530 |
Advanced Placement: Calculus AB | Mathematics | Level 3 and above |
Advanced Placement: Statistics | Mathematics | Level 3 and above |
Advanced Placement: Precalculus | Mathematics | Level 3 and above |
More information on the Commissioner's Seal can be found in the Commissioner's Seal Frequently Asked Questions.
For information on how to nominate assessments to add to the Commissioner's Seal list, see the Commissioner's Seal Assessment Nomination criteria.
Check out the other Council Designation options: Seal of Biliteracy and Pathway Endorsements.
Guided Pathway Endorsements
The Pathway Endorsement Council Designation certifies that a student has accomplished deep learning in a chosen area of interest and is prepared for employment or further education in a career path. Guided Pathway Endorsement Council Designations were awarded for the first time beginning with the graduating class of 2021.
Guided Pathway Endorsements may be earned in one of seven discipline areas:
- Arts and Humanities
- Business, Economics, and Data Analytics
- Education, Government, and Human Services
- Communications, Media, and Film
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
- Environment and Sustainability
- Health and Health Administration
Earning a Guided Pathway Endorsement Council Designation: Student Requirements

To earn a Pathway Endorsement, students must successfully complete three components: (1) academic study; (2) work-based learning; and (3) application of skills demonstrated through the performance-based diploma assessment.
Students must successfully complete three (3) independent, connected courses, characterized by:
- Increased complexity, and complementary or cumulative content
- Deep learning with increased level of specialization that builds coherence of the topic through coursework
- One or more courses must be advanced or experiential
- Two of three courses should be outside of the typical courses for a particular content area or area of study suggested for all students.
Students must successfully complete a work-based learning experience, characterized by:
- Acquisition of knowledge and skills related to the pathway;
- Meaningful contact with and opportunities to work alongside professional practitioners in the field; and
- Responsibilities, impact, and/ or opportunities to practice in the area of interest or career field that deepens learning of the content area.
This work-based learning experience should provide students with real-world experiences where they can apply and develop their academic, technical, and professional skills. Work-based learning can occur through a variety of different experiences, including internships, apprenticeships, service learning projects, school-based enterprises, and industry projects. See the Governor’s Workforce Board Work-Based Learning Guidance for more information on work-based learning activities, standards and guidance:
Students must successfully complete a performance-based diploma assessment by aligning their demonstration of knowledge to the topic that they studied. Students must apply and demonstrate the knowledge and skills gained through their pathway coursework and chosen work-based learning experience and reflect on the pathway experience. Students are already expected to complete a performance-based diploma assessment (portfolio senior project/ exhibition, capstone product, etc.) as part of their high school graduation requirements. Tying the performance-based graduation assessment to the Pathway Endorsement area of study links already existing graduation requirements to an evaluation of deep learning and validates personalization. In most cases, it is expected that this pathway-aligned diploma assessment will fulfill the state minimum graduation requirement of one performance-based diploma assessment (starting with the class of 2021).
Additional Resources;
- Work-Based Learning Guidance Information and Guidance
The Seal of Biliteracy celebrates students who have multilingual competence – a critical skill in today’s global society and an asset that will prepare RI graduates for success in the local and global economy. The Seal of Biliteracy certifies that a student has demonstrated skills in the English language and one or more other world languages. Students earn a Seal of Biliteracy by demonstrating competence in English Language Arts standards as defined by the Commissioner Seal or English Proficiency standards, and nationally recognized world language standards Seal of Biliteracy Council Designations will be awarded beginning with the graduating class of 2021.
Earning a Seal of Biliteracy Council Designation: Student Requirements
To earn a Seal of Biliteracy, students must successfully meet the established benchmark on RIDE-approved assessments in English and another world language. Students may earn either a Silver Seal or a Gold Seal depending on the skill level demonstrated on the assessments. Students must meet the benchmark on both an approved English language assessment and an approved world language assessment in order to earn the Silver Seal of Biliteracy or the Gold Seal of Biliteracy.
Updated Seal of Biliteracy Guidance can be found here - Council Designations: Seal of Biliteracy Revised December 2024
Seal of Biliteracy information pages for districts, schools, students, and families can be found here:
- General Seal of Biliteracy Information
- District Seal of Biliteracy Overview Information
- Student & Family Seal of Biliteracy Information
- Student & Family Seal of Biliteracy Information (Spanish)
- Am I Ready? Seal of Biliteracy Information
- Practice Resources Seal of Biliteracy Information
For information on how to nominate assessments to add to the Seal of Biliteracy list, see the Seal of Biliteracy Assessment Nomination criteria.
Check out the other Council Designation options: Commissioner's Seal and Pathway Endorsements.
Additional Information and Resources
Performance Assessments
A performance based diploma assessment is a multifaceted assignment that serves as a culminating demonstration of a student's applied learning skills and knowledge of one or more content areas.
Successful completion of performance-based diploma assessments shall include demonstrations of both applied learning skills and proficiency in one or more content areas. The specific content area(s) is a local decision made by the student and directed by student interest.
State-recognized performance-based diploma assessment options include the following:
- Graduation Portfolio - a collection of work that documents a student's academic performance over time and demonstrates deep content knowledge in one or more subject areas and applied learning skills. A portfolio typically includes a range of performance-based entries, some required by the LEA and some selected by the student. It also includes student reflections, summary statements, and a final student presentation.
- Student Exhibition - Demonstration of learning that includes both academic products and oral presentations. A student exhibition is an independent, in-depth, extended project whose topic is derived from student choice and requires the simultaneous demonstration of deep content knowledge across multiple content areas and applied learning skills.
- Senior Project - See description for Student Exhibition.
- Capstone Product - A multifaceted assessment task, product, or culminating demonstration of learning of content area knowledge in one or more content areas and applied learning skills. A capstone product is typically an independent, in-depth, extended project derived from student choice and guided by faculty and/or community mentors.
While one particular type of performance assessment is required for graduation purposes, performance assessments more broadly include common tasks, comprehensive end of course tasks, diploma assessments, and other authentic assessments. Performance assessments allow students to demonstrate the application of content learned through coursework that is both comprehensive and integrated. Performance assessments are a regular part of curriculum, instruction and assessment practices.
The Individual Learning Plan (ILP)
has been a requirement for all Rhode Island students in grades 6-12 since 2005 when it was incorporated into the state’s Secondary School and Graduation Requirement Regulations. ILPs are a student-directed planning and monitoring tool that customizes learning opportunities throughout students' secondary school experience, broadens their perspectives, and supports attainment of goals. The ILP documents students’ interests, needs, supports, course selections (including access to college level programming), transition placements and other learning experiences both in and out of school. This information produces a thoughtful program of study leading to proficiency for graduation and postsecondary experiences. A meaningful ILP for all Rhode Island students:
- Begins no later than entry into sixth grade and is maintained through 12th grade.
- Is revisited at least twice each school year, and at key transition periods for students.
- Helps students identify and meet their goals in three domains: academic, career and personal/ social.
- Coordinates with other support plans as appropriate. For example, individualized education programs (IEPs), Section 504 plans, Personal Literacy Plans, etc.
To date, schools largely have not been able to implement this tool in a meaningful way, mostly because the ILP has not been prioritized for resource allocation and the state has not supported the implementation with professional development or training since its introduction. The PrepareRI state action plan for career readiness identified the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) as a central tenant of personalization and a tool that has the potential to be a meaningful and intentional facilitator and connector of career exploration and academic study throughout a student’s middle and high school experience. To make this a reality, RIDE has worked with stakeholders to develop new resources and tools, including a forthcoming menu of vendor that will help with implementation of revised ILP systems.
As a result of the Spring 2017 workgroup's recommendations, RIDE issued a request for proposals for vendors that could provide comprehensive ILP system and curriculum. A review team, supported by a number of school and district staff serving as technical advisors, reviewed vendor proposals. This culminated in a menu of vendors that schools and/or districts can choose from as they implement or revise the ILP programs for their students. The vendor menu and ILP Adoption Toolkit can be accessed on the School Counseling page.
In Spring 2017, the Rhode Island Framework for Individual Learning Plans was updated to include additional information and supports for developing and implementing an ILP program at a school or district, including the primary components, stakeholder roles and additional information required for a successful program. The revised framework can be reviewed here.
Students must be provided with appropriate supports necessary for him or her to successfully meet the graduation requirements. Supports may be district or school-wide, such as Response to Intervention (RtI), or individualized, such as the Individual Learning Plan or Progress Plan.
Students are supported by educators including advisers and school counselors to ensure access to a variety of learning opportunities and supports that help students meet their academic and career goals.
School counselors play a key role in supporting students in accessing pathways and learning opportunities that help students to meet their personal, social, academic and career goals. As a component of the Rhode Island Basic Education Program, "each LEA shall establish and maintain Comprehensive School Counseling Guidance (CSC) Program, including guidance and counseling services, available to all students in grades K-12. More information and resources can be found on the School Counseling and Guidance page.
A Personal Literacy Plan (PLP) is a plan of action used to accelerate a student’s learning in order to move toward grade level reading proficiency. Students who have substantial reading difficulties (reading more than two years below grade level) should receive intensive literacy instruction from a reading specialist or other qualified educator. Students’ targeted interventions or intensive literacy instruction must be documented and include the development, implementation, and progress monitoring of a PLP, which can be within the ILP.
In July of 2011, the Rhode Island General Assembly passed revised compulsory attendance legislation, which requires youth to attend school until they are 18 years old. The RI Compulsory Attendance Statute (RIGL §16-19-1) and the adoption of the Alternative Learning Plan is an effort to prevent students from dropping out of school and, subsequently, being placed in truancy court. The statute encourages schools and families to work together so that students remain enrolled in school, via an Alternative Learning Plan, so that the student may continue to work toward earning a high school diploma or its equivalent.
The Compulsory Attendance statute mandates that students be in continuous enrollment until the age of 18. The RI Compulsory Attendance law allows for a superintendent or head of school to waive the attendance requirement for those students over age 16 who have an approved Alternative Learning Plan that supports their continued progress toward obtaining a RI diploma or its equivalent.
Certificate Options for Students
In partnership with other adult service agencies, RIDE developed stackable, portable and recognized certificates that all students may earn. The certificate options below were initially developed for students who qualify for the alternate assessment. The Alternate Assessment is the state assessment for a small number of students who cannot participate in large-scale assessments even with accommodations. However, many Rhode Island high schools are using the developed credentials to supplement high school diplomas.
- Work Readiness Standards [DOC, 47.5KB]
- Work Readiness Transcript [DOC, 171.5KB]
- Self Determination Standards [DOC, 27KB]
- Self Determination Transcript [DOC, 221KB]
- Citizenship and Community Standards [DOC, 56.5KB]
- Citizenship and Community Transcript [DOC, 331KB]
- Certificate Pilot Debrief - June 2013 [PPT, 1.4MB]
In July of 2011, the Rhode Island General Assembly passed revised compulsory attendance legislation, which requires students to attend school until they are 18 years old. The RI Compulsory Attendance Statute (RIGL 16-19-1) and the adoption of the Alternative Learning Plan (ALP) is an effort to prevent students from dropping out of school and, subsequently, being placed into truancy court. The statute encourages schools and families to work together so that students remain enrolled in school, via an ALP, so that students may continue to work toward earning a high school diploma or its equivalent.
The Compulsory Attendance Statute mandates that students be in continuous school enrollment until the age of 18. The statute allows for a superintendent or head of school to waive the attendance requirements for those students 16 years of age or older who have an approved ALP that supports their continued progress toward obtaining a RI Diploma or its equivalent. All districts are required to implement this legislation as necessary and, in the process, ensure that students continue to have opportunities to further their education and career readiness skills. The guidance documents below provide technical assistance regarding the ALP process for students seeking a high school equivalency as an alternative to a traditional high school diploma.
- ALP Invoicing and Reimbursement Guidance -updated June 2023 (PDF)
- Invoicing Frequently Asked Questions - Updated June 2023 (PDF)
- Alternative Learning Plan (ALP) Frequently Asked Questions Updated June 2023 (PDF)
- Resources
- Decision and Order 17-013 (2017) - Outlining financial responsibility of LEAs
- Decision and Order 006-16 (2016) - Outlining RIDE's authority to determine reimbursement process and amount
- RIGL 16-39-2 - Outlining RIDE's authority to conduct a hearing upon dispute
Please contact Kim Chouinard for additional information.