RIDE Strategic Plan, 2021-2027
Together Through Opportunity: Pathways to Student Success, Rhode Island's Strategic Plan for PK-12 Education, developed in collaboration with key stakeholders across the state, aims to unify students, families, and educators across the state around the priorities and commitments that will advance opportunities for all Rhode Island students.
This plan guides efforts at the state, district, and school levels around a shared definition and approach to success and improved outcomes for all students. It incorporates the foundational guidance provided by the Commissioner’s vision for education and the Rhode Island Foundation’s ‘Chart a Course, Stay the Course’ plan. This plan was developed with input from the 2020 student, family and educator SurveyWorks results, LEA leader surveys and feedback, RIDE staff surveys, interviews, and focus groups. With an emphasis on equity, excellence in learning, engaged communities, world class talent and governance structures, this plan will help improve student and school outcomes statewide and support school leaders, teachers and our families over the next four years.
The plan was unanimously approved on December 8th, 2020 by the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education. It was updated and approved on February 22nd, 2022 by the Board of Education to extend the plan from 2025 to 2027.
RIDE creates conditions for every Rhode Island student to think critically and collaboratively, and act as a creative, self-motivated, culturally and globally competent learner. Rhode Island students are prepared to lead fulfilling and productive lives, succeed in academic and employment settings, and contribute meaningfully to society.
This strategic plan is driven at its very core by our mission, our vision and our values. Developed with input from educators, RIDE staff, partners and surveys from the education field, the plan provides a clear framework and outcomes that fosters partnership, values diversity, increases transparency, is results driven and above all puts kids first.
This plan is flexible and is built to be responsive to changes or challenges that may present themselves during this time period. With short-term and long-term goals, this plan sets up our state and RIDE for success, while shifting to a culture of support to the districts we serve. This model enables and encourages leaders and teams at the state and community level to have the agility and support they need to improve outcomes statewide. This approach empowers those closest to the work to map the best path to success for students by aligning districts and stakeholders towards our common goals.

A strong strategic plan is critical but insufficient; the plan will only be as impactful as the fidelity with which it is implemented across the state. That is why RIDE is collaborating with district and school leaders to provide them the support they need to execute and systemize change in our classrooms that our students and families deserve. RIDE is committed to putting into practice the frameworks and resources necessary to support our school communities by building plans that bring our shared vision to a reality.
We are grateful to the thousands of Rhode Islanders who have been our partners in transforming Rhode Island schools throughout the years:
- Strategic Plan 2015-2020 / Plan estratégico 2015-2020
- Strategic Plan 2010-2015
- Accomplishments 2010-2015