Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Department of Education ,

Data and Technology Services (DATS)

The Office of Data and Technology Services collects, processes, manages and reports data on a local, state and national level.

Data Steps

DATS Initiatives


  • Improving student success in mathematics 
  • Understanding the teacher pipeline (recruitment, movers, stayers, and leavers) 
  • Supporting multilingual learners and differently-abled students 

Summary of Key Research Questions (Click here for RIDE's detailed Research Agenda)


Identifying and Closing Gaps in Access and Outcomes 

  • Do all RI students have equal access to a broad and robust set of opportunities at the local level? In cases where access, experiences, and outcomes are inequitable, why does this occur? 

Resource Equity

  • Do all RI students have equal access to a broad and robust set of opportunities at the local level? In cases where access, experiences, and outcomes are inequitable, why does this occur? 


Educational Trajectory  

  • To what extent are RI schools and districts offering and implementing high quality educational trajectories for students K-12, and what is the outcome of those trajectories? 

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) 

  • What conditions promote the mental, physical, social, and emotional well-being of RI students?   

Curriculum and Instruction  

  • How does the nature and quality of curriculum and instruction relate to student achievement/growth in RI? 

Spending on Education and Outcomes 

  • Is there a relationship between spending on education and educational outcomes? 


Family Engagement and Supports 

  • Do RI parents’ involvement in schools lead to positive school culture and/or improved student outcomes and how? 


Teacher Pipeline 

  • What policies, programs, and practices for in-service preparation, professional development, recruitment, and retention of RI educators improve educator competence, professional satisfaction and, ultimately, student learning and achievement? 

Supporting School and District Leaders 

  • How effective are efforts to support school leaders and districts in RI? 

The Rhode Island Department of Education annually collects a wide range of information from schools and districts. The Department uses a web-based system, eRIDE. Authorized district and school staff are now able to login to eRIDE and submit state and federally mandated data and reports throughout the year.

RIDE uses eRIDE to manage the State Assigned Student IDs (SASID), the state Data Dictionary, publish School and District Report Cards, Statistical Reports, Frequently Requested Education Data (FRED) and other public education data.

RICAS Assessments

2018 was the first year of the new Rhode Island Comprehensive Assessment System (RICAS) in grade 3-8 in English Language Arts and mathematics.

The RICAS assessments are aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS); our standards have not changed. Instruction in our classrooms should continue to be aligned to these standards in English language arts and mathematics for all students. 


Discipline Data Reporting

  • Includes in-school suspensions, out-of-school-suspensions, and alternate program placements.
  • This critical data is used for determining compliance with federal special education law by identifying districts with discrepancies in the rates of short and long-term suspensions for students with disabilities, and for decisions regarding a district’s use of funds.
  • Based upon this data, districts may be required to review and revise policies, procedures, and practices, reserve 15% of IDEA funds for coordinated early intervening services, and report on the revision of policies, procedures, and practices.

Learn more about General Guidance for Reporting Discipline Data [PDF, 147KB] and how data is used.

Find out more about RIDE Discipline Data Collection Specifications [PDF, 206KB].

On August 24, 2021, RIDE held its annual Data Summit. The Data Summit was an opportunity for the educational community in RI to rally around the importance of using data to make well informed decisions.  Thanks to all who attended! Below are the presentations from the Summit.

2021 School and District Accountability

Office of College and Career Readiness: Collections

Assessment Considerations for 2021-22

RIDE Resource Center

Cybersecurity Advisor Program

Uniform Chart of Accounts (UCOA) Training

Immigrant Student Indicator

Visualizing Educational Data

ODAT Staff