Race to the Top Steering Committee
The purpose of the Race to the Top Steering Committee is to provide the Board of Education, the Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Governor, and legislators with an independent perspective on the implementation of Rhode Island’s Race to the Top plan.

Primary Functions
The Race to the Top Steering Committee has three primary functions:
- Engage a variety of stakeholders in reviewing the implementation of the Race to the Top plan over the four years of the grant and make recommendations for improvement;
- Identify strategies for sustaining momentum and engagement statewide; and
- Issue a yearly progress report on the status of Race to the Top implementation in a manner that can be easily understood by all Rhode Islanders.
The work of the committee should serve to build deeper understanding of, and support for, the role of Race to the Top in preparing all Rhode Island students for success in college, careers, and life.
Committee membership consists of designated representatives from the education field, state and local leadership, the business community, student organizations, parent organizations, higher education, community and/or child advocacy organizations, and others who will extend support for the reforms described in Rhode Island’s Race to the Top plan.
- Race to the Top Steering Committee Overview [PDF, 183KB]
- Race to the Top Steering Committee Meeting Schedule 2013-14 [PDF, 306KB]
- Race to the Top Steering Committee Membership List [PDF, 665KB]
Meeting Agendas, Notes and Materials
- Agenda, 9.15.14 [PDF, 316KB]
- The Amazing Race to the Top [PDF, 3.34MB]
- Race to the Top Accomplishments, Years 1-4 [PDF, 243KB]
- Agenda, 3.25.14[PDF, 318KB]
- Meeting Notes, 3.25.14 [PDF, 324KB]
- Year Four, Quarter Two Progress Update [PDF, 378KB]
- State Report: Rhode Island's Race to the Top - Year Three Progress Report [1MB]
- Presentation: Preparing for the Parternship for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) [PDF, 966KB]
- Agenda, 11.18.13 [PDF, 318KB]
- Year Four, Quarter One: Implementation Update [PDF, 368KB]
- Meeting Notes, 11.18.13 [PDF, 351KB]
- Presentation: Turnaround in Rhode Island [PDF, 467KB]
- Agenda, 8.19.13 [PDF, 330KB]
- Year Three Progress Report: Stepping up for Success [PDF, 470KB]
- Meeting Notes, 8.19.13 [PDF, 351KB]