Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Department of Education ,

SurveyWorks Resource Center

View 2024 Survey Response Rates the State, District, and school levels. 

Helpful Resources

Below are helpful resources for anyone interested in learning more about the survey and for communicating to the entire school community.

Welcome SurveyWorks Site Coordinators and thank you for helping your school participate in the SurveyWorks program! Below are materials to help you manage the survey process.

Click on the buttons below to view slides or hear the webinar recording. 


New material will be added throughout the Survey process!

Questions? Contact Peg Votta or

Check out these helpful tools to ensure survey success!


Family Survey Communications Toolkit

Press Materials

Below are copies of each survey. Please keep in mind that these are copies ONLY. You will not be able to complete the surveys using these links.