RIDE Data Warehouse
RIDE has built its Data Warehouse, also known as the "Enterprise Data System," to bring together data from a variety of different sources for various end-users.
The new warehouse provides clear, timely, accurate data via different platforms to specific end-users. Parents, teachers, administrators, policymakers and researchers will be able to make informed decisions about instruction, educational programs, and policies.

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Almost everyone who uses the Data Warehouse will actually access data from one of various data platforms. These include:
- Instructional Support System (ISS) - This platform is for teachers. The ISS provides access to curricular, instructional, professional development and student support materials. The ISS is accessed through the RIDEmap portal.
- The Educator Performance and Support System (EPSS) is an online tool to support high quality evaluation implementation, maximize educators' time and resources, and provide a single data system for educator evaluation. The EPSS is accessed through the RIDEmap portal.
- The RI DataHub brings together data sets from multiple federal, state and local sources.