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State of Rhode Island, Department of Education ,

COVID-19 Updates and Resources

Updates and resources for Rhode Island school communities regarding COVID-19

Wednesday, October 13, 2021 Updates

Rhode Island Department of Education Operations

As we strive to keep our students and community healthy and safe, RIDE's reception area and in-person certification office are closed to the public. Our RIDE team will continue to be available to you by email or phone:

Resources and Information

We want to ensure you have access to the latest information about COVID-19.

In this unprecedented time, we recognize the need for safe and sensible reopening guidance of school buildings. RIDE continues to work in partnership with the Governor’s Office, the RI Department of Health (RIDOH), and other national partners to deeply engage in understanding how to safely and purposefully plan for the restart and recovery of our schools. We are committed to providing you with latest the information:

These documents are intended to support LEAs in planning and instruction for the 2020-21 school year. All are PDF unless otherwise noted.

  • Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) COVID-19 Plans: RIDE has reviewed all RI EPP COVID-19 plans and provided feedback. Based on these reviews, we recognize that all EPP plans have met the expectations that each program established as a Rhode Island approved provider. Thus, candidates put forward as program completers during the COVID-19 pandemic will be recognized as such by RIDE.
  • EPP COVID-19 Plan Update: RIDE has requested that EPPs complete and submit this plan update if unique elements of summer and fall instruction or clinical experience were not explicitly addressed in the initial plan.
  • Testing and Licensure Guidance: Updated COVID-19 guidance on testing--specifically requirements need for certification, program completion, and admission into educator preparation programs.
  • COVID-19 Temporary Initial Certification Guidance Memo: Additional guidance to EPPs and candidates explaining how those candidates who have not yet taken nor passed required tests for certification will be issued a Temporary Initial certificate instead of a full initial certificate. 
  • SY2020-21 LEA Evaluation Options for Teachers & Support Professionals