COVID-19 Updates and Resources
Updates and resources for Rhode Island school communities regarding COVID-19
- The Back To School RI website ( has the most up-to-date information for school communities.
- Here is information for COVID-19 Testing for Students and Staff in PreK-12 Schools
Check out the unified 2021-22 School Calendar (PDF). Families and staff should check with their local LEAs and schools for specific schedules.
- Internet access options for districts and families
- The RIDE team has compiled a list of free professional learning opportunities for educators
- Sign up for a free substitute teacher training program
Wednesday, October 13, 2021 Updates
- PreK-12 Health and Safety Guidance for the 2021-22 School Year (Updated August 13, 2021)
- Back to School guidance for the 2021-22 school year:
- Health guidance:
- Guidance Updates on Responding to Symptoms Memo (September 28, 2021)
- Outbreak Response Protocols: PreK-12 ("Playbook"): English / Português / Español
- COVID-19 PreK-12 Symptoms Provider Handbook
- School-Based Testing & Case Investigation Preparation Guidance
- K-12 Asymptomatic Testing Playbook
- School Positive Case Template Letter: English / Português / Español
- School Past Quarantine Template Letter: English / Português / Español
- School Direct Contact Template
Rhode Island Department of Education Operations
As we strive to keep our students and community healthy and safe, RIDE's reception area and in-person certification office are closed to the public. Our RIDE team will continue to be available to you by email or phone:
- For general issues or questions, please email or call 401-222-4600
- For educator certification issues or questions, please email
- For state assessment issues or questions, please email
- For legal issues or questions, please email
- For issues or questions relating to special education matters, please call 401-222-8999 or email
Resources and Information
We want to ensure you have access to the latest information about COVID-19.
- The Rhode Island Department of Health COVID-19 Website has the latest news and resources for Rhode Islanders.
- The Rhode Island Department of Health has a 24-hour hotline for anyone with questions about the Coronavirus (401-222-8022). Rhode Islanders can also call 211 for assistance.
- CDC Guidance for Schools
- CDC Guidance for Cleaning School Facilities
- FAQ Document regarding LEA contractual obligations
- Governor's Office memo to LEAs regarding contracts
- CDC's Frequently Asked Questions
In this unprecedented time, we recognize the need for safe and sensible reopening guidance of school buildings. RIDE continues to work in partnership with the Governor’s Office, the RI Department of Health (RIDOH), and other national partners to deeply engage in understanding how to safely and purposefully plan for the restart and recovery of our schools. We are committed to providing you with latest the information:
- Back to School RI: A Framework for Planning the Safe, Efficient, and Equitable Return to School
- Back to School RI Guidance Document
- Instructional Priorities for Expanded Learning Opportunities for Summer and After-School Learning: To support organizations who are providing expanded learning opportunities, RIDE has identified instructional priorities in early learning, English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies to guide program design of extended learning, before/after school partnerships, and summer learning opportunities.
- LEA Reopening Planning Template
- Bus Guidance Calculation Tool (Excel)
- ESSER Fund LEA Subgrant Application
- CARES Act Summary and FAQs
- Role of EPP Candidates in LEA Reopening
- School-Based Testing & Case Investigation Preparation Guidance
- COVID-19 Facilities and Physical Plant Guidance to Reopen RI's Schools
- COVID-19 Facilities and Physical Plant School Checklist
These documents are intended to support LEAs in planning and instruction for the 2020-21 school year. All are PDF unless otherwise noted.
- Back to School RI: Guidance for Supporting Differently-Abled Students, SY20-21
- Back to School RI: Multilingual Learner/English Learner Guidance, SY 20-21
- Back to School RI: Social Emotional Learning and Mental Health Guidance, SY20-21
- Back to School RI: Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment Reopening Guidance, SY 20-21
Download the full document as linked above, or individual sections of this document:- Distance Learning Best Practices
- Developing Norms for Distance Learning
- ELA Re-Entry Guidance
- ELA Webinar Recording [MP4]
- ELA Webinar Presentation [PDF]
- Mathematics Re-Entry Guidance
- Science Re-Entry Guidance
- Social Studies Re-Entry Guidance
- Early Childhood Re-Entry Guidance
- Assessment Re-Entry Guidance
- Science Safety Guidance
- Career and Technical Education Reopening Guidance (updated December 15, 2020)
- Health Education, Physical Education, and Physical Activity SY20-21
- Distance Learning 2020 Guidance
- Digital Tools for Supporting Students
- App Finder Tool for Teaching Science Remotely
- The RIDE Team has created:
- A Distance Learning Resource Guide by topic, subject and grade that will be updated regularly.
- A Virtual Field Trips around RI guide to highlight opportunities to supplement the curriculum with place-based learning.
- A COVID-19 Special Education Resources web page for educators, families and providers.
- A COVID-19 Multilingual Learner Resources web page for educators and families.
- Resources on Student Privacy:
- A FERPA Summary and Best Practices document
- FERPA & Virtual Learning During COVID-19 from the U.S. Department of Education
- Understanding the importance of taking care of ourselves during this stressful time, please check out the following video wellness sessions from Pure Edge:
- Amazing Educational Resources is a website with a list of education companies offering free subscriptions due to school closings
- The Rhode Island School Support Hotline is a statewide, free helpline for educators to schedule one-to-one coaching sessions with the Highlander Institute's RI Fuse Fellows
- Rhode Island PBS LearningMedia provides thousands of free PBS-based PreK-12 media resources for educators, students, and families
- Access a full list of free food sites for children in Rhode Island
- Visit for the latest school information and resources
- View updates on AP testing for students
- Families can call Kids Link, a hotline that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-855-543-5465 when their child is feeling excessive anger or sadness; lashing out at siblings, friends and adults; having severe worries; or hurting him or herself or others.
- View our list of resources for distance learning and working with your child at home
- Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) COVID-19 Plans: RIDE has reviewed all RI EPP COVID-19 plans and provided feedback. Based on these reviews, we recognize that all EPP plans have met the expectations that each program established as a Rhode Island approved provider. Thus, candidates put forward as program completers during the COVID-19 pandemic will be recognized as such by RIDE.
- EPP COVID-19 Plan Update: RIDE has requested that EPPs complete and submit this plan update if unique elements of summer and fall instruction or clinical experience were not explicitly addressed in the initial plan.
- Testing and Licensure Guidance: Updated COVID-19 guidance on testing--specifically requirements need for certification, program completion, and admission into educator preparation programs.
- COVID-19 Temporary Initial Certification Guidance Memo: Additional guidance to EPPs and candidates explaining how those candidates who have not yet taken nor passed required tests for certification will be issued a Temporary Initial certificate instead of a full initial certificate.
- SY2020-21 LEA Evaluation Options for Teachers & Support Professionals