Education Jobs in RI

Rhode Island is a "local control" state, meaning that all hiring of teachers and other personnel is done on the local level by one of our 36 school districts. Because of this, the Rhode Island Department of Education has no comprehensive list of job openings for educational positions in Rhode Island.
However, as part of Race to the Top, Rhode Island has developed a statewide educator recruitment platform, hosted by SchoolSpring.
You can also use the School Directory section of this website to gather contact information on the districts within Rhode Island.
The Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council has released "How Rhode Island School Finances Compare," which shows how Rhode Island compares in areas of teacher salaries, expenditures per student, as well as funding received from state and federal sources. SurveyWorks is an excellent resource for data regarding school improvement in Rhode Island.
To find out about certification in Rhode Island, please visit the Teacher Certification section of our website or call (401) 222-4600.