Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Department of Education ,

Statewide School Construction Bond

LEAs that receive Necessity of School Construction approval are eligible to receive a portion of their state aid on a pay-as-you-go basis.

On November 6, 2018, Rhode Island voters approved the Statewide School Construction Bond. The bond activated six new temporary bonus incentives and access to $250 million in upfront funding to support the state share of foundation school housing aid. Funding for the school construction program is governed by Rhode Island General Laws 16-7, sections 35 to 47, 16-105, sections 1 to 9, and 45-38.2.

With the passage of Article 9 in the FY19 State Budget, and the increased public commitment to school facilities through passage of the statewide construction bond, the Rhode Island Department of Education/School Building Authority (RIDE/SBA) is working closely with LEAs and municipalities to ensure that every school district sees meaningful improvements to the condition of its public school buildings over the next five years. This commitment will help our state to create learning environments that support the attainment of the academic, social, emotional, career readiness, and citizenship knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary to be successful in the 21st century.

Statewide School Construction Bond Presentation

Title 45, Chapter 38, Section 2 governs the distribution of the statewide bond. 

Pay-As-You-Go Instructions and Forms

UPDATED Pay-As-You-Go Payment Request Process - Effective March 19, 2020

Question and Pay-As-You-Go Payment Requests should be be sent to