
This is the source for Child Nutrition Programs (CNP) sponsored trainings, workshops, and conferences. RIDE develops and conducts program and nutrition training designed to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to understand and comply with USDA requirements.

As training events are scheduled, they will be posted here. You can check for training programs offered in your program area and conveniently register online. If you have any questions regarding any training, please contact the RIDE contact listed.


Boosting School Budgets with Afterschool Suppers and Snacks

Date: Thursday, August 1, 2024
Time: 3pm 
Location: Virtual

Register Here

What to Expect: It pays to serve afterschool suppers and snacks! Through the Afterschool Nutrition Programs, schools can receive reimbursement for every supper and snack served at eligible sites. This funding can add up! This webinar, hosted by the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) will showcase how school districts are drawing down funding to create financially viable afterschool nutrition programs, as well as tips and tricks for covering extra staff hours, program structure, and staffing ideas.


RIDE's NSLP Annual Training -  August 5-7, 2024

Location (for all training dates):
Farm Fresh Building
East Hallway
10 Sims Ave Providence, RI

Time (for all training dates):

  • Each day’s training content will run from 9:30am to 3:00pm. Each day will be broken up into a morning session and afternoon session as detailed below. 
  • On any given day, you can choose to attend only the session(s) that is applicable to your role within the School Nutrition Programs.
  • Light refreshments will be provided.
  • There will be a 1-hour break from ~12:00 – 1:00 for lunch on your own. You can bring your own lunch or you can check out the local businesses located inside and around the Farm Fresh building (note that the options are limited and not necessarily open every day): Welcome (


August 5th, 2024

  • Eligibility Determinations: This session will include new information regarding Direct Certification-Medicaid, Community Eligibility Provision, Summer EBT, CACFP and SFSP Eligibility.


  • Meal Counting and Claiming Procedures: This session will include information on the state reduced-price subsidy, free and reduced-price policy statements, meal count rosters and best practices for breakfast in the classroom.

11:45-1:00: Lunch on your own


  • Meal Pattern Requirements: This session will include updated guidelines as per the recently passed final rule, with specifics on assessing sodium and sugar requirements. (We strongly encourage prospective vendors to attend.)
  • Nutrition Documentation Requirements: This session will include helpful information about maintaining required documentation, particularly production records. 

Register Here


August 6th, 2024

  • Procurement: This session will include updates to uniform grant guidance. 

11:30-1:00: Lunch on your own


  • Resource Management: This session will discuss Nonprogram revenue and adult meal pricing, net cash resources, and indirect costs.
  • Commodities & Commodity Reconciliation

Register Here


August 7th, 2024

  • Civil Rights: This session will include general requirements, common administrative review findings and the process for requesting meal modifications. 


  • General Program Requirements: This session will include requirements for food safety, monitoring, SBP and SFSP outreach, updates to the Buy American Provision, Professional Standards, and Wellness Policies. 

11:45-1:00: Lunch on your own


  • Farm 2 School: This session will include information on the Get The Foam Out Grant.


  • Join the FoodTrails team for a demonstration and discussion about a new web-based platform designed to help school districts track their local food procurement! Platform development is underway now, with an initial cohort of school district users from around the state of RI. Your questions and feedback in this session will help the FoodTrails team shape a platform to serve you.

3:00-3:30 Tour of Farm Fresh (optional)

Register Here