McKee, Reed, RIDE, and Serve RI Announce $2.6 Million in AmeriCorps Funding

Published on Thursday, July 22, 2021

Funding will support student success, housing services, and other COVID recovery projects

PROVIDENCE, RI – Governor Dan McKee, U.S. Senator Jack Reed, Commissioner Angélica Infante-Green in partnership with ServeRI, the governor-appointed commission for national and community service, today announced the awarding of $2.6 million in AmeriCorps funding. The funding will support 178 AmeriCorps members to develop as civic leaders while working with nine organizations to help Rhode Island students and families with tutoring, extended learning opportunities, access to healthy housing, nutrition and food security, and veteran services.

“When Rhode Island communities are in need, AmeriCorps members rise to the challenge and answer their calls,” said Governor Dan McKee. “We’re thrilled to announce this federal funding in support of incredible volunteers who are helping our state recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Working side by side with our community partners, we will continue to meet the needs of Rhode Islanders and move forward as a state.”

“Through their dedication and sacrifice, AmeriCorps members help us build stronger communities. From education to conservation, this federal funding will help AmeriCorps members in Rhode Island tackle important challenges and make a positive difference,” said Senator Reed, a senior member of the Appropriations Committee and a champion of AmeriCorps funding.

“The AmeriCorps funding will give adults of all ages the opportunity to help Rhode Island students and families recovering from the pandemic,” said Commissioner Infante-Green. “I am grateful for the organizations and AmeriCorps members stepping forward to make our state and their local communities better for all of us. The last year and a half was challenging for all Rhode Islanders but we will continue to make progress on our recovery with the help of our community partners.”

For the past year, thousands of AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps Seniors members across all 50 states and U.S. territories have continued their service, quickly adapting to meet the changing needs caused by the pandemic. In Rhode Island, AmeriCorps members have assisted families with distance learning, supported COVID vaccination sites, and delivered food and emergency items to families in quarantine. Now AmeriCorps is ready to help Rhode Island families recover and support the Learning, Equity & Accelerated Pathways (LEAP) Task Force recommendations to ensure all students have access to high-quality learning experiences and personalized support from adults through extended learning, before/after school partnerships, and summer learning opportunities.

Grants were awarded to the following organizations:

  • Accessing Home - NeighborWorks Blackstone River Valley: Fifteen AmeriCorps members will work with housing agencies across the state to prevent evictions and ensure Rhode Islanders remain in or transition into safe, healthy, and affordable rental units.
  • Attendance Improvement Matters - Family Service of Rhode Island: Twelve AmeriCorps members will support school attendance and family needs by implementing the Walking School Bus, Check and Connect mentoring program, and family services in three Providence schools.
  • FabNewport: Eleven AmeriCorps members will support school attendance by implementing the Check and Connect mentoring program and lead extended learning opportunities in the Newport community.
  • Farm Fresh Rhode Island: Four AmeriCorps members will pilot a new effort to provide nutrition education and increase local vegetables available to food pantries.
  • Providence After School Alliance (PASA): Twenty AmeriCorps members will support five after-school sites by providing hands-on learning, homework help and general enrichment so that students more deeply engage with their school and ensure academic success.
  • SAGA Innovations: Thirty AmeriCorps members will provide small group, high-dosage, in-school Algebra tutoring in Providence, Rhode Island.
  • Teach For America-Rhode Island: Seventy AmeriCorps members will commit to teaching in Providence County to increase the education workforce pipeline in science, math, multi-lingual learners, and other education specialties.
  • TerraCorps: Thirteen AmeriCorps will build the capacity of land and water conservation and community agriculture organizations by developing new programs, delivering training and education, and managing volunteers throughout Rhode Island.
  • VetCorps RI - The Rhode Island Office of Veterans Affairs: Three AmeriCorps member will support veterans and military families persist in higher education at the Community College of Rhode Island (CCRI), Rhode Island College (RIC), and the University of Rhode Island (URI).

The AmeriCorps funding includes $1 million in Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards for the AmeriCorps members. After completing a term of service, AmeriCorps members receive a scholarship for the number of hours in service, between $1,300 and $6,400, that they can use to pay for college or to pay off student loans.

To learn more or serve with one of the Rhode Island organizations listed, visit today.

About ServeRI

ServeRI’s mission is to catalyze inclusive, equitable service opportunities to strengthen Rhode Island by directing AmeriCorps resources and volunteers to evidence-based programs that make a measurable impact in education, environment, health, housing, and other social services. AmeriCorps and volunteer programs do more than move communities forward; they serve the participants by providing pathways to education and careers. Housed at the Rhode Island Department of Education, ServeRI is the public facing name for the governor-appointed Rhode Island Commission for National and Community Service, which is responsible for the administration of the AmeriCorps federal program

About AmeriCorps

Every year, 75,000 AmeriCorps members serve through thousands of nonprofit, community and faith-based organizations across the country. These citizens have played a critical role in the recovery of communities affected by disasters and helped thousands of first-generation college students access higher education. They also tutor and mentor young people, connect veterans to jobs, care for seniors, reduce crime and revive cities, fight the opioid epidemic, and meet other critical needs.

As the federal agency for volunteering and service, AmeriCorps brings people together to tackle the county’s most pressing challenges. Since the agency’s inception in 1994, nearly 1.2 million AmeriCorps members have served the nation. The recently passed American Rescue Plan includes an additional $1 billion for AmeriCorps. The agency will use this investment to expand national service programs into new communities and increase the opportunity for all Americans to serve their country.

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