With Focus on Accelerated Learning, RIDE Announces Supports for High-Impact Tutoring Programs Statewide

Published on Monday, October 24, 2022

RIDE has created a resource guide of vetted tutoring providers for districts & offers workshops, communities of practice, and coaching to help LEA leaders


PROVIDENCE, RI – Governor Dan McKee, Commissioner Angélica Infante-Green and the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) today announced that a robust menu of supports is now available to help local education agencies (LEAs) launch high-impact tutoring programs. With a focus on accelerating students’ learning in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, RIDE has created a resource guide of vetted tutoring providers for districts, and has partnered with Amplify Education to offer workshops, communities of practice, and coaching to help LEA leaders meet the needs of students.

“Learning does not stop when the last school bell rings,” said Governor Dan McKee. “It is imperative we meet students where they are and provide high-quality resources, including high-impact tutoring, as we continue accelerating their learning. This investment in our students and staff is an investment in the future of Rhode Island.”

“I have seen the direct impact tutoring can have on our students. Not only does tutoring help students grasp new concepts, but it also helps build their confidence in learning and boosts classroom engagement,” said Chair of the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education Patti DiCenso. “I am proud to see Rhode Island invest in these necessary supports and encourage all LEAs to take advantage of this one-stop-shop resource guide.”

Tutoring is one of various extended learning opportunities identified by RIDE’s Learning, Equity, and Accelerated Pathways (LEAP) Task Force in their recommendations to help guide accelerated learning opportunities to rebuild Rhode Island’s educational system post-pandemic. High-impact tutoring also known as ‘high-dosage tutoring’ involves tutoring a consistent group of students multiple times a week and has been shown to have a dramatic impact on accelerating student learning. RIDE has invested Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds (ESSER), specifically ESSER II funds, to support high dosage tutoring efforts statewide. The targeted investment of this federal funding is one of the ways that LEAs can leverage state-level initiatives to complement their own planned ESSER investments. While Rhode Island’s LEAs manage their own tutoring programs, RIDE is offering supports to make it as easy as possible to build or expand tutoring programs.

“The LEAP Task Force report made it clear: to meet the needs of our most vulnerable students and help them get ahead academically, we need to leverage tutoring and various kinds of small group supports,” said Commissioner Infante-Green. “I am so grateful to our educators who are dedicating their time to ensuring no student falls through the cracks. I also extend my deep appreciation to our partners, who have committed themselves to improving educational outcomes for the students of Rhode Island.”

Through the State’s support, several districts have bolstered their-high impact tutoring offerings. Providence Public School District (PPSD) for example, expanded its high-impact tutoring program this school year to five days per week. Through a partnership with Saga Education, a leading national tutoring organization, PPSD is offering tutoring in math to over 430 students at four high schools: Central High School, Hope High School, Juanita Sanchez Educational Complex, and Mount Pleasant High School.

“Closing the achievement gap for our students is critical,” said Providence Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Javier Montañez. “And high impact tutoring programs like Saga are an important and effective way for us to accelerate learning for hundreds of our high school students. We will continue collaborating with RIDE and partners like Saga to develop and improve more ways to help our students thrive.”

Further, as part of its supports, RIDE has published a guide to approved tutoring vendors that offer tutor recruitment, training, and/or high-quality instructional materials for tutoring. RIDE created statewide contracts with these vendors, so that districts can easily purchase tutoring services from the vendors. There are currently 13 approved vendors, and RIDE is accepting applications on a rolling basis.

Additionally, RIDE has partnered with Amplify Education to offer technical assistance to LEAs providing advice and resources for building effective programs. This technical assistance includes a workshop series, communities of practice, and individual coaching supports. All services are offered to LEAs for free. Workshop series will be offered throughout the school year. The first workshop cohort, which launched in the spring of 2022, included Warwick, Westerly, and Woonsocket Public Schools.

"RIDE and Amplify will increase the availability of effective tutoring interventions by coaching LEAs and community-based organizations to design and implement their own high-impact tutoring programs based on research-backed design principles,” said Alanna Phelan, Vice President of Amplify Tutoring. “Amplify has supported over 85 LEA teams in developing and scaling their own tutoring programs, and we look forward to building on this work with LEA teams across Rhode Island to ensure that all students who need additional instructional support have access to high-quality tutoring."

The Annenberg Institute at Brown University has also partnered with RIDE to provide additional technical assistance to LEAs, place tutors, and advise RIDE on research-backed best practices for high-quality tutoring programs.

Another key RIDE tutoring partnership is Schoolhouse.world, a platform for free virtual tutoring for students. Founded by Sal Khan, the founder of Khan Academy, Schoolhouse.world allows students to receive live tutoring help in math, SAT prep, and Advanced Placement. The partnership between RIDE and Schoolhouse.world allows students to pre-register for Schoolhouse.world through the All-Course Network (CAN) on EnrollRI.org. Enrollment for these tutoring offerings is ongoing.

Additional information can be found at enrollri.org/acn and questions or comments from LEAs may be sent to tutoring@ride.ri.gov.

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