Rhode Island Department of Education Releases 2022 SAT and PSAT Results

Published on Thursday, October 27, 2022

High school student participation improves compared to 2021, performance relatively unchanged


PROVIDENCE, RI – Today the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) released the results of the 2022 SAT and PSAT assessments. The SAT is administered in English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics to all 11th-grade students, and the PSAT is administered in the same content areas to all 10th-grade students. The 2022 results show that compared to 2021, participation in both assessments and content areas increased, and performance is relatively unchanged but lower than in 2019, prior to the pandemic.    

“Rhode Island’s SAT and PSAT scores demonstrate that the impact of the pandemic is still evident, but we were able to hold the line on performance and improve participation,” said Commissioner Angélica Infante-Green. “Part of Rhode Island’s recovery is increasing access to resources and opportunities that will empower educators and help get students back on track. Through expanded high-dosage tutoring, more high-quality out-of-school learning opportunities, and additional supports for school leaders, we’re better positioning our students to make up ground and be ready for success in college or career post-pandemic.” 

Results for SAT and PSAT are reported in four categories: Exceeding Expectations, Meeting Expectations, Partially Meeting Expectations, and Not Meeting Expectations. For SAT, in 2022 compared to 2021, participation increased by approximately 6% and performance rates showed no significant change in ELA or mathematics with approximate 1% drops in proficiency in both content areas. For PSAT, compared to 2021, participation increased by approximately 8% and performance rates showed an approximate .4% decline in proficiency in ELA and 2.3% in mathematics. Overall, approximately over half of students meet expectations for high school ELA, but only just over 25% meet expectations in mathematics. 

The scores also show a performance gap persists when comparing suburban, urban, and urban ring districts in both content areas and assessments. The percentage of students who meet or exceed expectations was relatively unchanged for subgroup students including differently abled, economically disadvantaged, homeless, and multilingual learners. Also, the percentage of students who meet or exceed expectations was relatively unchanged among American Indian​, Asian​, Black or African American​, Hispanic or Latino​, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander​, and students of two or more races.  

Rhode Island isn't an outlier with these secondary education trends. While ELA scores in Rhode Island indicate no significant change in overall proficiency from 2021, performance is lower than in 2019 and is consistent with Connecticut who also uses SAT as their high school state assessment. ​ 

As detailed by a report from the National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment, recovering to pre-pandemic levels of student achievement in Rhode Island will require three to five years of accelerated learning. To help improve students’ performance and accelerate learning in line with the recommendations of the Learning, Equity & Accelerated Pathways (LEAP) Task Force, Rhode Island continues to expand access to advanced courses through AP and dual and concurrent enrollment​ opportunities such as those offered through the All Course Network (ACN) via EnrollRI.org. The agency is working with LEA leaders to review their assessment results and refocus Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plans based on areas of greatest need, as well as offering support to maximize the impact of Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds.  

Additionally, since the passage of RIGL§ 16.22.30-33 in 2019, most LEAs have adopted high-quality curriculum materials and have shifted focus to multiyear processes of supporting educators to teach materials effectively. RIDE is also actively working on revising high school regulations and reimagining the high school experience to ensure students are prepared for post-secondary opportunities​. Recently, state education leaders also announced that with a focus on accelerating students’ learning, RIDE is offering a robust menu of supports to help LEAs launch high-impact tutoring programs and enhance their impact on students. 

SAT and PSAT results can be viewed on RIDE’s Assessment Data Portal.

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