Rhode Island Department of Education Launches EnrollRI Summer Learning Options for Students

Published on Thursday, May 20, 2021

Over 350 new courses are now available for viewing and registration on EnrollRI.org

PROVIDENCE, RI—Governor Dan McKee and Education Commissioner of Education Angélica Infante-Green announced today the launch of hundreds of free classes, work-based learning programs, college credit courses, and other learning opportunities available to all Rhode Island students this summer. Over 350 new courses are now available for viewing and registration on EnrollRI.org.

“Expanding families’ access to high-quality learning programs being offered throughout Rhode Island will help close the learning gap created by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Governor McKee. “Our goal is not just to get students up to speed after the challenging year, but to help them leap ahead in academic achievement. I invite Rhode Islanders to explore the offerings on EnrollRI.org and register so that students can continue learning and growing.”

“Our students deserve a high-quality education every month of the year, and this summer learning expansion brings us closer to offering that to them,” said Commissioner Infante-Green. “Students across the state will be able to select courses that fit their needs and interests and enroll for free, enhancing their education and preparing them for success. We are grateful to our local education agencies and community partners for their hard work in designing these courses, and we look forward to continuing to offer opportunities like this to our students throughout the year.”

Today’s launch includes over 6,250 available seats across more than 350 courses added to Rhode Island’s All Course Network (ACN), the state’s free course catalog for supplemental learning opportunities. The new courses available include summer enrichment, work-based learning, career credential, dual enrollment, and Advanced Placement courses, and financial literacy opportunities for students of all ages. Students and families can browse the offerings, check their eligibility for each course, and register through EnrollRI.org, Rhode Island’s centralized hub for education-based applications.

“Summer learning opportunities are vital to academic achievement—especially work-based learning and college credit programs like those offered through EnrollRI,” said Barbara Cottam, Chair of the Rhode Island Board of Education. “This program will help prepare students across the state for success through their academic career and beyond graduation. I am thrilled to see so many school districts, institutions of higher education, and community groups partner to support year-round learning for our students.”

Increased access to summer enrichment opportunities was an absolute priority identified by RIDE’s Learning, Equity, & Accelerated Pathways (LEAP) Task Force. In its report on accelerating learning in Rhode Island issued last month, the diverse, interdisciplinary LEAP Task Force recommended that RIDE build on the success of last year’s Summer Academy for Interactive Learning (SAIL), an expansion of the ACN that drastically increased the state’s summer opportunities for students. By engaging students throughout the summer, Rhode Island can both close the academic achievement gap that exists for vulnerable or disadvantaged students and help all students accelerate their learning after the pandemic.

This $3.5 million investment is funded through the federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund. A state Request for Proposal was issued in April to solicit course options from local education agencies, community-based organizations, colleges and universities, municipalities, and more. Over 60 providers were selected to offer courses, in addition to courses offered by local education agencies. Students are able to register for opportunities across the state, regardless of where they live or are enrolled in school.

RIDE will be extending student registration for courses on EnrollRI until Friday, June 11 at 5:00 p.m. Students, families, and schools are invited to attend upcoming engagement sessions where students can learn how to pre-register. Additional details are available on RIDE’s website.

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