Request for Public Comment

Published on Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Waiver to extend period of availability for FFY 2017 school improvement grant funds (1003) submitted to the U.S. Department of Education on 24 September 2019.

The reasons for this request are several and interrelated. First, RIDE believes that this will allow the strategic deployment of 1003 dollars to LEAs by allowing the combination of funds across several years to maximize impact on bold, transformative initiatives. Second, RIDE has issued an order to request the power and authority to pursue additional state determined action on a chronically underperforming LEA within the state; that LEA has the largest number of CSI, TSI, and ATSI schools in the state, and impacts the largest concentration of students, as well.

To that end, the agency believes that these dollars would help to support deep and substantial reform efforts for the approximately 25,000 students served by this LEA. Additionally, the extension of these funds could also support more strategic investment for school communities identified with TSI or ATSI needs. In short, RIDE believes the extra time allowed by this request will permit more thoughtful planning, strategic resource deployment, quality execution, and sustained implementation to this new chapter Rhode Island is entering into under year two of ESSA implementation. Finally and most importantly, RIDE requests this extension on behalf of the many LEAs we serve—rather than lose these funds, the state seeks to honor the voices of our LEAs by ensuring that these dollars are allocated in a way that impacts students directly.

If granted, this waiver will allow RIDE to issue additional support and strategic investment to LEAs with CSI, TSI, or ATSI identified schools over the duration of the proposed extension.

In requesting this waiver, RIDE must provide all LEAs and the public with notice and opportunity to comment on the request. RIDE will submit all comments to USED for consideration when determining whether to grant the waiver request. Please submit all comments via email to by October 24, 2019.

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