Public Notification: Summer Food Service Program and Child and Adult Care Food Program Waiver Requests

Published on Friday, March 27, 2020

The Rhode Island Department of Education plans on submitting a waiver request for relief from previously waived requirements of the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) during unexpected closures due to COVID-19.

  • SFSP - Area Eligibility – This waiver would allow sites to operate without meeting current area eligibility definitions, which require documentation that 50% or more of the children in the area qualify for free or reduced price meals, rather, it would let sites operate that can document that 30% or more of the children in the area qualify for free or reduced-price meals. 
  • SFSP – Area Eligibility – This waiver would allow School Food Authorities in each district to utilize the school with the highest percentage of Free and Reduced-priced eligible students to operate as an open SFSP meal service site during COVID-19.
  • SFSP – Area Eligibility – This waiver would allow meals to be served at low income housing units not located in an eligible area.
  • CACFP – State Agency Monitoring Requirement – This waiver would allow the State Agency to defer reviews that cannot be completed as a result of COVID-19 to FY21.

The goal of these waivers is to lessen the impact that COVID-19 has on our community. If granted, these waivers will give children across the state, access the nutritious meals that they would normally receive during a school day.   

For more information on the program, call the Rhode Island Department of Education, Office of Statewide Efficiencies, Child Nutrition Programs at (401) 222-4253 or (401) 222-8936.

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