NAEP Results Show the Impact of the Pandemic was More Pronounced in Other Northeast States Than in Rhode Island

Published on Monday, October 24, 2022

Nation’s Report Card Details Drops in Nearly Every State with Largest Declines in Math

PROVIDENCE, RI – Today the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) released the 2022 results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in fourth and eighth grade mathematics and reading. NAEP, also known as the Nation’s Report Card, provides state and national data on student achievement and was administered in January through March. Comparisons of NAEP 2022 results to 2019 show nationally the average mathematics score for fourth graders fell five points since 2019, from 240 to 235; while the scores for eighth graders dropped eight points, from 281 to 273. In reading, average scores for both grades fell three points, from 219 to 216 in fourth grade, and from 262 to 259 in eighth grade.

Commissioner Angélica Infante-Green issued the following statement regarding the scores:

“As expected, the NAEP results show that like countless communities across the country, the pandemic took a toll on Rhode Island’s education system,” said Commissioner Infante-Green. “The scores give us a glimmer of hope because they show that the impact of the disruption of COVID-19 was more pronounced in other Northeast states than in Rhode Island where we kept schools open. We remain steadfast in our commitment to accelerate learning statewide and will continue to collaborate closely with our partners to get our students back up to speed. With our LEAP Task Force’s report and recommendations, we have a solid strategy to continue to move our state forward and meet the academic needs of our students.”

Fourth Grade Mathematics:

  • Rhode Island’s fourth grade mathematics scale score of 234 was lower than in 2019 by 5 points, however, it was not significantly different from the nation's average of 235.
  • The Northeast region decreased an average of 8 points in scale scores accounting for the largest drop among the four regions​ (Rhode Island decreased by 5).
  • ​​The percent of Rhode Island students scoring "below basic" increased by 7% while the percent of students scoring "at proficient" decreased by 6%.
  • There were no significant changes in the percent of students scoring at “at basic” or “at advanced” levels from 2019 to 2022.
  • While Rhode Island students scored lower than those in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, Rhode Island 2022 scores compared to 2019 decreased less than Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Maine.
  • No states had a score increase from 2019 to 2022​. 

Eighth Grade Mathematics

  • Rhode Island’s eighth grade mathematics average scale score of 270 was lower than in 2019 by 5 points, and it was lower than the nation’s average of 273.
  • No states had a score increase from 2019 to 2022​ and while Rhode Island saw a decrease of 5 points, the northeast region, which saw the largest decline, saw a decrease of 9 points​.
  • The percent of Rhode Island students scoring "below basic" increased by 6% while the percent of students scoring "at proficient" decreased by 4% and “at advanced” by 1%.
  • There was no significant change in the percent of students scoring "at basic."
  • On a bright note, English Learners’ average scale scores increased in Rhode Island from 2019. 

Fourth Grade Reading

  • Rhode Island’s fourth grade reading average scale score of 217 was not significantly different than in 2019 when it was 220, and it is similar to the national public average of 216 for 2022.
  • Rhode Island’s fourth grade reading average scale score of 217 was higher than Maine in 2022 and not significantly different than Connecticut and Vermont, however they were lower than New Hampshire and Massachusetts in the New England states.
  • There were no significant differences between 2022 and 2019 in the percent of Rhode Island students “at basic,” “at proficient,” and “at advanced,” however, the percent of students scoring “at below basic” increased by 4%. 
  • No states had a score increase from 2019 to 2022​.

Eighth Grade Reading:

  • Rhode Island’s eighth grade reading average scale score of 259 was 3 points lower than 2019, but it was not significantly different from the national average scale score of 259.
  • While Rhode Island decreased by 3 points similar to the national public average​, the Northeast region decreased an average of 7 points.
  • The percent of Rhode Island students scoring "below basic" increased by 3% while the percent of students scoring "at proficient" decreased by 4%.
  • There was no significant difference between 2022 and 2019 in the percent of students “at advanced” and “at basic.”
  • On a bright note, Rhode Island’s English learners’ scores increased from 2019.
  • No states had a score increase from 2019 to 2022.​
  • Slight differences in figures are likely due to rounding.

About the Assessment

Since 1969, the National Assessment of Educational Progress, also known as The Nation’s Report Card, has been the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what students in public and private schools in the United States know and are able to do in various subjects. In 2022, NCES administered the NAEP mathematics and reading assessments to fourth- and eighth graders in public and private schools in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity schools, Puerto Rico (mathematics only), and in 26 urban districts. The assessments were administered between January and March of 2022. Results for states and districts are for public schools only. Approximately 224,400 fourth graders from approximately 5,780 schools and 222,200 eighth graders from approximately 5,190 schools participated in the 2022 mathematics and reading assessments. Representative samples of schools and students are drawn from each state, district, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity schools.

Visit to view the report.

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