Structured Literacy
Below, you will find resources and tools that support Structured Literacy implementation in classrooms.
Structured Literacy instruction is explicit, systematic, diagnostic, cumulative instruction in phonological and phonemic awareness, phonics, syllable types, morphology, semantics, and syntax. Providing a strong foundation in each of these skills develops the neural routes necessary to become a proficient reader. In early grades, an emphasis should be placed on phonological awareness, phonics, encoding and practice in decodable texts until students are able to read real and nonsense words of all syllable types. As students progress beyond these skills, the emphasis should shift to developing vocabulary, morpheme awareness, and syntax instruction.
- Use RIDE’s Curriculum Materials Review: Foundational Reading Skills Tool to ensure your High-Quality Curriculum includes explicit instruction in all components of Structured Literacy
- Watch this pre-recorded presentation to understand the importance of teaching Foundational Reading Skills using a Structured Literacy approach
- Contact the Literacy Team for technical assistance with the review of your curriculum materials for foundational reading skills using this tool. Email for more information.
- Colorado’s Approved List of Structured Literacy-aligned Tier I Curriculum and Interventions
- Complete this module to create a sound understanding of Ed Reports, Tier I instruction, and the connection to Structured Literacy. Please click on the embedded voice over on each slide to be guided through the presentation.
- EdReports as it Relates to Tier 1 Curriculum Materials and Supporting Students with Dyslexia Presentation [PPTX] - Note: if clicking this link does not download the file, right click and 'copy link address' then open a new browser window and paste the link and go to download.
- Activity Note Sheet [DOCX]
- Scavenger Hunt Activity [DOCX]
- Scavenger Hunt Activity Answer Key [PDF]
- Complete this module to further understanding of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in a Comprehensive Reading Program. Please click on the embedded voice over on each slide to be guided through the presentation.
- Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in a Comprehensive Reading Program Presentation [PPTX] - Note: if clicking this link does not download the file, right click and 'copy link address' then open a new browser window and paste the link and go to download.
- Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in a Comprehensive Reading Program Whitepaper [PDF]
- Decision-Making Flow Chart [PDF]
AIM Tool:
- Use this tool from AIM Institute (coming soon) for a quick guide to assessments and a decision-making flowchart that will assist in using assessment data to accelerate learning and inform instruction.
- Watch this recording of RIDE's Webinar explaining the above tool and featuring AIM Institute for Learning and Research. The webinar also helps participants take a systematic look at interpreting both formal and informal assessment data to improve students' reading outcomes by understanding common reading profiles, grouping students based on areas of instructional need, and differentiating instructional practices to ensure that students continuously improve their reading skills.
Checklist: Use this checklist to track student mastery of Foundational Literacy Skills.
Below, you will find resources that explain each of the Structured Literacy subskills as well as instructional examples and tools that be used to support classroom implementation.
Phonological Awareness
- What are Phonological and Phonemic Awareness?
- Examples of Phonological and Phonemic Awareness activities
- Phonological awareness activities for Kindergarten and First Grade
- Excerpts from David Kilpatrick’s Equipped for Reading Success
- Phonological Awareness activities in Spanish
- Phonics instruction supports how the brain learns to read
- Phonics and Decoding
- Using a Heart Word approach for High-Frequency Words
- Phonics Instruction Videos
- The importance of developing an understanding of phonics
- Syllable types in phonics instruction
- How Spelling Supports Reading
- Dr. Louisa Moats - Close Encounters with Students' Spelling: What They Tell Us About Language Learning
- List of Spelling Rules and Generalizations
- Using a Sound Wall approach
- RIDE Sound Wall Implementation Presentation featuring Dawn Durham (PaTTAN)
- Spelling is an Integral Part of Learning the Language, Not a Matter of Memorization by Drs. Malatesha Joshi, Rebecca Treiman, Suzanne Carreker, and Louisa C. Moats
Decodable Text
- Decodable text resources
- Teaching with Decodable Texts
- Decodable Text Webinar Series
- Deciphering Decodable Texts
Vocabulary / Morphology
- Vocabulary matters – A brief explanation of The Matthew Effect
- What should morphology instruction in early grades look like?
- How Morphology Informs Spelling
- Teaching morphology to improve literacy instruction
- Creating word matrices to teach morphology
- Teaching grammar and syntax can improve reading comprehension
- Word/Sentence Level Resource
- Anatomy of a Sentence
- Syntax Matters by William Van Cleave
- Complete this module on “The Writing-Reading Connection” to understand the importance of explicit instruction of syntax. Participants will also engage in activities from The Writing Revolution that can be implemented across all grade levels and content areas. Please begin by reading the facilitator notes to understand more about this self-facilitated module.
- Resources for teaching Syntax:
Background Knowledge
- Why build knowledge and vocabulary? Achieve the Core explains the implications of The Baseball Study
- Watch this recording of RIDE's Virtual Honors Colloquium featuring Natalie Wexler presented by Amplify Education. Natalie discusses the importance of using a High-Quality Curriculum that builds background knowledge and aligns with the Science of Reading. She discusses the characteristics and strategies of effective instruction to improve academic achievement to narrow the knowledge gap.
Digital Literacy
Digital Literacy Instruction and Supports for Middle and High School Students
- Overview Video [MP4]
- Digital Literacy Instruction Webinar Recording [MP4]
- Digital Literacy Instruction Webinar Presentation [PDF]
- Digital Instruction and Literacy Supports Overview Document [PDF]
- Integrated Digital Technology [PDF]
- Increase Interest and Motivation [PDF]
- Develop Literacy Skills [PDF]
- Transform Understanding [PDF]
- Embed Supports [PDF]
- Facilitating a Jigsaw Review [PDF]
Instructional Supports
- Visit UFLI’s Online Literacy Hub for free downloadable resources to assist in teaching Structured Literacy online.
- Watch this webinar in which Dr. Holly Lane and Valentina Contesse describe the University of Florida Literacy Institute's free tools and resources to assist teachers in teaching foundational reading skills including phonemic awareness, phonics, decoding, encoding, and morphology using technology.
- Resources for digital literacy instructional supports:
Assistive Technology
Rhode Island Science of Reading and Structured Literacy Awareness Courses Resources
This page contains resources provided throughout the Rhode Island Science of Reading and Structured Literacy Courses hosted on BRIDGE-RI. These resources are provided for easy access to reference documents and videos after course completion.
For information on how to access the full courses, please refer to this information sheet.
Course 1:
Building an Awareness of The Science of Reading and Structured Literacy
- Course 1 Note-Taking Guide
- Course 1 Hexagon Outline
- The Power of Literacy Video
- Dr. Louisa Moats - Building a Statewide Awareness
- The Simple View of Reading Infographic
- The Reading Rope
- Nava’s Story Part I and Part II
- Myths About Dyslexia
- Grant’s Story
- RIDE’s Strategic Plan for Multilingual Learners
- Explicit Instruction Video - Anita Archer
- RIDE’s Blueprint for Multilingual Learner Success
- Introduction to Structured Literacy
- Systematic Instruction Infographic
- The Ladder of Reading from
- Course 1 Summary
Course 2:
Decoding and Encoding: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, and Morphology
- Course 2 Note-Taking Guide
- Course 2 Hexagon Outline
- A Child Segments Phonemes
- Phoneme Pronunciation Tutorial
- ASHA: Phonemic Inventories and Cultural and Linguistic Information Across Languages
- Connecting the Science of Reading to Special Area Instruction
- Phonemic Awareness Development Infographic
- Phonemic Awareness Tasks
- RIDE Phonogram Cards
- Checklist of Foundational Literacy Skills
- Strategies for Reading Big Words
- Heart Word Magic by Really Great Reading
- Heart Words by University of Florida Literacy Institute
- Decodable Text Sources
- Really Great Reading Survey
- How Morphology Informs Spelling
- RIDE’s Morphology Flash Cards
- How Spelling Supports Reading Ability
- Spelling Rules and Generalizations Video
- Course 2 Summary
Course 3:
Supporting Language Comprehension: Vocabulary, Morphology, and Background Knowledge
- Course 3 Note-Taking Guide
- Course 3 Hexagon Outline
- Cognitive Processes
- Systematic Instruction
- The Reading Rope
- Teaching Content is Teaching Reading
- How to Build Background Knowledge for All Learners
- Prior Knowledge and Background Knowledge Venn Diagram
- The ABCs of Background Knowledge
- Click here to add Background Knowledge-building tools to your Google Drive:
- Improving Adolescent Literacy: IES Practice Guide
- Teacher Talk - Nonie Lesaux
- Vocabulary Infographic
- Four-Part Framework for Vocabulary Instruction
- Instructional Tools to Support Vocabulary Development
- RIDE’s Morphology Flash Cards
- MIni Morpheme Matrix Maker
- University of Florida Literacy Institute Morphology Resources
- Course 3 Summary
Course 4:
The Reading-Writing Connection - Syntax and Text Structures
- Course 4 Welcome
- Course 4 Note-Taking Guide
- Course 4 Hexagon Outline
- The Reading Rope
- WIDA Website
- How We Build Meaning
- Parts of Speech Guide
- Connecting the Science of Reading to Special Area Instruction
- What are Cohesive Devices and How Do they Affect Comprehension?
- Sentence Structures Video
- The Anatomy of a Sentence Infographic
- Using Sentence Frames Video
- Printable Sentence Frames
- Simple Sentence Organizer
- Detailed Sentence Organizer
- William Van Cleave explains how to use a utilize a structured sentence organizer
- How to Complete Anagrams Step-by-Step PDF and Presentation
- Because, But, So Video
- Writing to Read: Evidence for How Writing Can Improve Reading
- The Writing Revolution templates
- Syntax Matters! Full presentation
- Additional Resources:
- Text Structures and Signal Words Templates
- Teaching Text Structures for Non-Fiction Reading Video
- Keys to Literacy Top-Down Webs Video
- Keys to Literacy Template Number 1 and Number 2
- Keys to Literacy Top-Down Webs Explanation
- CORE Information Text and Signal Words
- What Works Clearinghouse: Teaching Secondary Students to Write Effectively
- Keys to Literacy - How to Write a Summary
- Keys to Literacy - Summary Template
- Keys to Literacy - Two Column Notes Presentation
- Keys to Literacy - Two Column Notes Overview
- Fisher and Frey Annotation Video
- Single Paragraph Outline Video
- Self-Regulated Strategy Development BRIDGE-RI Course
- NSTA Venn Diagram
- Course 4 Summary
Course 5:
Putting it All Together - Fluent and Strategic Readers in a Multi-Tiered System of Supports
- Course 5 Introduction
- Course 5 Note-Taking Guide
- Course 5 Hexagon Outline
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports in Rhode Island
- Link to BRIDGE-RI MTSS Course
- RIDE Student Checklist
- RIDE Phonogram Cards
- Etymonline
- Heart Word Cards for Printing
- Blog post on decodables
- RIDE Foundational Skills Review Tool for Curriculum
- AIM Decision-Making Flowchart
- DLD and me
- Get Ready, Do, Done Strategy to Support Executing Functioning
- Cognitive Processes resource
- NSTA Venn Diagram
- Anatomy of a Sentence Infographic
- How We Build Meaning
- RIDE Parts of Speech Guide
- Accuracy and Automaticity Venn Diagram
- Systematic Instruction
- Achieve the Core Weekly Reading Practice Routine
- Achieve the Core Fluency Protocols for Middle School and High School Readers
- Achieve the Core Website
- RIDE MLL Toolkit
- RIDE Information on Individual Educational Programs (IEPs)
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Guidelines from CAST
- BRIDGE-RI Course: Introduction to Universal Design for Learning
- Assistive Technology: Leveling the Playing Field for Students with Dyslexia
- The SETT Framework - High-Leverage Practice #19
- Nava and Audio Books: Avoiding the Matthew Effect
- Accessibility Tools for Students
- Hear from Rhode Island Educators - What Strand of the Rope Can You Support?
- Teaching Reading Is Rocket Science
- A Thank You from Commissioner Infante-Green
Professional Learning
To learn more about Structured Literacy and the Science of Reading, consider doing a book study of one of the following books:
- Speech to Print 3rd Edition by Dr. Louisa Moats
- Reader, Come Home and Proust and the Squid by Dr. Maryanne Wolf
- The Reading Comprehension Blueprint by Nancy E. Hennessey
- Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties by Dr. David Kilpatrick
- The Knowledge Gap by Natalie Wexler
- Explicit Instruction by Dr. Anita Archer
- Language at the Speed of Sight by Dr. Mark Seidenberg
- The Reading League – Knowledge Base