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State of Rhode Island, Department of Education ,


Rhode Island's Tutoring Strategy 

To understand the impact of COVID on student learning, RIDE convened a task force of educational experts, practitioners, families, students, and community members across the state in February 2021. This task force identified high-impact tutoring as a prioritized strategy for accelerating student learning. RIDE encourages LEAs to plan and locally budget to expand high-quality tutoring opportunities for students.  

RIDE prioritizes tutoring in mathematics in all grades and early literacy. However, tutoring in all grade levels and subject areas is encouraged. 

What is high-impact tutoring?

High-impact tutoring (also called “high-dosage tutoring”) leads to substantial learning gains for students, provided that the program is implemented with fidelity, according to research-based best practices. The Annenberg Institute at Brown University outlined the key features for high-impact tutoring in a EdResearch for Recovery brief:

  • Well-trained, consistent tutor (can be a current or retired teacher, paraprofessional, teacher candidate, college student, or community volunteer) who builds a strong relationship with students
  • High-quality instructional materials, aligned to standards and core classwork
  • One-to-one or small group for individualized support (between one and three students per tutor is recommended)
  • Embedded in the school day, or immediately before or after, to maximize student access
  • Data-driven, utilizing aligned formative assessments, with tutors building sessions around student strengths and needs, and adjusting the approach based on data over time

When tutoring programs do not have these features, they may lead to negligible improvements in student learning. Therefore, RIDE is prioritizing tutoring programs that meet research-based best practices, such as the ones outlined above. 

Case Study: Pilot Program

During the 23-24 school year, RIDE partnered with Throughline Learning to implement a high-impact math tutoring program at three schools in the state. The pilot program incorporated the aspects of tutoring models proven to be impactful on student learning. Throughline trained community educators at each school to tutor small groups using pedagogical best practices. Tutors meet with students multiple times a week during an intervention block, use the ASSISTments platform aligned to core standards, and adapt their instruction based on student-data. Due to the satisfaction of school leaders, students and tutors, the program will expand for the 24-25 school year. 

If interested in this model and how it can be replicated at other schools, please email


Supports for Tutoring

RIDE-Approved Tutoring Providers for Districts

The Rhode Island Department of Education has established a list of vetted tutor providers for use by school districts. These vendors have been vetted by RIDE and have a statewide contract (called a "master price agreement" or MPA) that LEAs may choose to join to expedite the purchasing process. Tutoring vendors were vetted for three services: recruitment of tutors, training of tutors, and instructional materials and platforms for tutoring.

Guide to RIDE - Approved tutoring vendors [PDF, updated June 2024] 

LEAs will manage their own tutoring programs, make their own decisions about which providers to use for which services, and will fund their own tutoring programs. While LEAs run their own tutoring programs, this menu may help LEAs select vendors and streamline the procurement process. Districts and vendors can work directly with each other. Districts are not required to use a vendor from this list.

For questions about a particular vendor, contact the vendor contact in the guide above. For questions about RIDE’s vetting process, email


Vendors interested in applying for the RFP can apply on the RI Division of Purchasing website. See solicitation # OET23001756 on the RI Bid Board. The RFP will reopen and accept new proposals on a revolving basis

Questions related to procurement processes, or the RFP should be directed to Cheryl McGurn, Division of Purchasing:

Tutoring Toolkit

The National Student Support Accelerator, out of Stanford University, takes the most promising research on high-impact tutoring and creates informed tools for practitioners building or improving tutoring programs. The resources are relevant for a variety of tutoring models and support many aspects of program design and implementation. For LEA leaders interested in implementing high-impact tutoring, the District Playbook is recommended. 

Tutor Training Resources

The Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University has developed free high-impact tutor training courses to prepare new tutors to effectively support students. It offers courses on the fundamentals of high-impact tutoring and evidence-based practice for elementary math tutoring. 

The National Student Support Accelerator also offers a Tutor Training Toolkit


Free Tutoring is a platform for free virtual tutoring for students. Founded by Sal Khan, the founder of Khan Academy, allows students to receive live help, build their skills, and pay it forward by becoming a tutor themselves. Tutoring focuses on math, science, and SAT prep.


UPchieve offers free online tutoring and college counseling to eligible middle and high school students. Students can request support in a variety of subjects and get paired with a live volunteer tutor. Eligible students must attend a Title I school or live in a low-income zip code. Students can check their eligibility on their website