Instructional Initiatives & Resources
Instructional initiatives and resources are available for educators to aid in the delivery of a sound, high-quality education to every student to improve achievement for all students.
Investments are being made in building the capacity of individuals, institutions, and education communities to develop the knowledge, skills, and resources for effecting sustainable improvement.
Initiatives & Resources
- Professional development opportunities that build educator effectiveness (e.g., Data Use Professional Development, Formative Assessment Online PD Modules);
- Support for all LEAs and adult education programs through the development of a system of academic, social, and emotional supports for student health and well-being (e.g., WIDA ELD Standards, Response to Intervention (RTI), Title I Personalization);
- A virtual learning network that includes coursework, training, and college e-learning, including a statewide virtual high school (Technology Literacy);
- Aid to families in determining the textbooks available to their students (Textbook Search); and
- Reference tools for determining placement for students newly enrolling from other countries (Foreign Transcript Review Guide).
Back to School Resources
- Early Learning Curriculum and Best Practice Considerations
- ELA Content-Specific Considerations for Accelerating Learning & Best Practices
- Mathematics Content-Specific Considerations for Unfinished Learning & Best Practices
- Science Accelerating Learning and Best Practices Guidance
- Accelerating Learning & Best Practices Guidance for Social Studies
- Assessment Considerations and Best Practices for School Year 2021-22
- Developing Norms for Distance Learning
- Best Practices for Distance Learning K-12
- Virtual Field Trips around RI Guide: highlights opportunities to supplement the curriculum with place-based learning.